Free Essay about Tourism and Advertisement in the Caribbean

Published: 2022-02-24
Free Essay about Tourism and Advertisement in the Caribbean
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Advertising Tourism Caribbean
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1531 words
13 min read

Over the last four decades, the Bahamas has been privileged to be the center of mass tourism attraction in the Caribbean. The Caribbean has been receiving large numbers of tourists annually with over twenty-five million visors rendering an over $50billion of the gross domestic product (MacKey, 2009). The Bahamas has taken the most significant proportion of tourist attraction in the Carribean; therefore, tourism is a vital sector in the Carribean, contributing to almost maximum reliance. Foer instance united states a country that is known to have a different population of people provides the highest number of visitors in the Bahamas by 29.3% (Strachan, 2002). The second country that contributes to a higher proportion of visitors is European, making the financial industry in the Bahamas a Eurodollar area. Bahamas Ministry of tourism strives to sell its tourism industry to the outside world through tourism advertisements. However, the feeling has never been uniform as perceived by various people regarding the concept of authenticity in the Bahamas tourism advertisement. Therefore, there are different feeling about the ideologies on Bahamas and Bahamians towards advertisement which need to be weighed at length.

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Historical Viewpoint: Modernization Path to Bahamas Tourism

Back in 1492 after Christopher Columbus discovery, the African captives were taken to the Caribbean island as their new institution. Later after many European had heir ways into Bahamas people of Bahamas were depopulated due to European diseases and other sorts of oppressions. However, the British government settled in the Bahamas, making the rise to Bahamas p[opulation once again alongside free blacks and slaves. Soon after the United States started their civil war, their president ordered blockades in all ports that surrounded united started. Surprisingly, European also saw the idea as useful and also vowed to punish brits who violated that shown discrimination to the blacks (Strachan, 2002). However, the states in the southern side needed to sell their cotton, which they knew it could only be done in a strategic area, and Nassau was chosen as the most appropriate area in the Bahamas. Among the people who benefited from the trade were the elite, white treaders in Nassau, land proprietors, and European residents.

By early 1900, many British colonies started becoming independent, many politicians began portraying the place as the center of business amd tourism paradise (Strachan, 2002). Climates changes such as winter in Canada, Europeans, and the United States made their places unfavorable, and therefore people visited the Bahamas because of warm, favorable climate and unique features. The president of Bahamas propagated a promotion strategy calling the Bahamas a paradise. Many European viewed the Bahamas from home as a real paradise; some of them started thinking of the circle of movement paradise-Europe-them back again. Modernity has fostered the movement of people from the United States and Europen to the Bahamas as people satisfied their needs for health and enjoyments.

However, there has been some other depression among the blacks on gender-based matters. Black women in Bahamian are used by white women from united states amd European some who are married and still tour with their wives in the Bahamas beaches. It is perceived the same as who the white man came and used black people land for wealth and pleasure, and they leave. The government of Bahamas has been dedicated to evaluating the cultural, social, and economic aspects in the Bahamas. The country has received over 3 million visitors on average annually since the years 187. Many of Caribbean visitors come from different places of the world, distinguished, races, cultures, and other diversities.

Continued Slavery

Continued slavery in the Bahamas can be described in numerous ways; first, there is wage slavery which is caused by the paradise nature of Bahamas (Johnson, 1986). The main visitors in the regions are people from the United States, Canada, and Europeans who have made the Bahamas full of large luxurious hotels which strive to minimize the out of production to maximized output. Many of the workers in the region are the blacks who are subjected to indirectly servitude. Further, in wage slavery, quasi-government have contributed to the nature of the financial institutions in the tourism sector. Bahamas Ministry of Tourism has also used many funds in advertisements for tourism in the region, enslaving the lives of the taxpayers. The government seems to embark on the least-cost tourism services which deprive the lives of black workers in the areas who should be benefiting from the tourism attractions. The government used $1.31 billion in 1995 to make 30 stopovers to the Bahamas; the move increased enclavism, which helps the tourists but discourages beneficial services and wages to the locals (Strachan, 2002).

Bahamas Ministry of tourism has been taking initiatives to increase colleges and training education in tourism. In the year1980, Bahamas exhibited bad reputation in inhospitality in the tourism sector; therefore, the government was concerned about the services rendered to the tourists. The biggest problem in the tourism sector is that many of the workers in all-hues regions is that blacks are used to serve the wealthy white clientele. In the year 1984, when Clement T. Maynard become the minister in the sector, he took the initiative to bring in the campaign for the positive reputation to the industry. For instance, phrases like, "The Bahamas our pride our joy" and "My Bahama pride never fades" were used to show hos[itality and right conditions of the hotels, see fig.1. White foreign took the managerial and other high-headed jobs leaving others to black.

Fig.1: Wage Slavery in Bahamas luxurious hotels

Close View of Paradise Advertisements

The campaigns that were made during the era of Clement T. Maynard are targeted to improvise the hotels rather than as what was perceived by a distinguished group. The minister can be credited for setting many learning institutions and make changes in the future for the blacks. Wage slavery, as viewed by Strachan and other scholars, is a critical magnification of the issues as happened in the Bahamas. However, it should not be compared with plantation slavery. The main reason not to compare the two scenarios is that it can spark conflict among the Europeans, the United States, Canada, Bahamas, and other African countries (Olsen, 2002).

Women are also affected very much when it comes to advertisement and continued slavery relation. Many black women are seen in Bahamas beaches waiting for wealthy whites' money in return of sexual activities. On the other side, many of the whites' women are seen on Nahamans beaches and other luxuries hotels in the Bahamas (Higgs, 2008). Further, they are seen in most of the Bahamas advertisement ads; this is also seen as a form of race targeting and segregation by Bahamas people. Many of Bahamas people today have been carried away by the western culture which has undermined several tourism activities. This has heightened the level of competition in the Caribbean islands. Tourists would prefer a preserved culture rather than pseudo cultures that do not exhibit originality.


Conclusively, the concept of authenticity is misunderstood by several players in the tourism sectors and other related areas (Olsen, 2002). The main idea in the modernity moral aspect is essential self; this propagates ideas of identity, social placement, and roles, and needs. Initially, the whites to control the areas as described in the historical view section and sparked conflict which was based on racial status. After that, the black started showing their pride after the civil war and the area favored them due to climate changes and its historical background. The whole tourism advertisement is again being based on slavery and racism concepts. It is wrong for blacks to think that they are still under slavery in wages terms as well as bein others servitude. The most appropriate thing to do in the tourism sector by the Bahamas government is to embraces all cultures and hues in all types of jobs. The notion of authenticity propagates for real self-portrayal; every human being can perform any position they want if they are professional to it. People who feel that using white women in the ads as issues reviving advertisement problems then they are probably trading competitors. The strategy of tourism advertisement is a good strategy, but maybe they should involve all populations to represents unity and diversity for a free trade area. Otherwise, other Carribean countries like Jamaica and Dominican Republic would take advantage.


Higgs, D. M. (2008). Behind the Smile: Negotiating and Transforming the Tourism-Imposed Identity of Bahamian Women (Doctoral dissertation, Bowling Green State University).

Johnson, H. (1986). "A Modified Form of Slavery": The Credit and Truck Systems in the Bahamas in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 28(4), 729-753. DOI:

Mackey, R. (2009). " All That Glitters Is Not Junkanoo" the National Junkanoo Museum and the Politics of Tourism and Identity. Retrieved from

Olsen, K. (2002). Authenticity as a concept in tourism research: The social organization of the experience of authenticity. Tourist Studies, 2(2), 159-182.

Strachan, I. G. (2002). Paradise and plantation: Tourism and culture in the Anglophone Caribbean (p. 199). Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.

Wong, A. (2015). Caribbean Island tourism: Pathway to continued colonial servitude. Etudes caribeennes, (31-32). Retrieved from

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