Trends in Information Technology - Paper Example

Published: 2023-12-13
Trends in Information Technology - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1741 words
15 min read


The global landscape in innovation is evolving tremendously with new developments in information technology. Big global economies lead the way in technology innovation with current trends presenting new functionalities and improving old functions in fields such as entertainment, medicine, business, marketing, education, sports and law enforcement. The information technology industry is on the rise, creating a shift in job growth and business structure. Still, there are other much anticipated new developments in technology that are only now emerging on the scene. One such anticipated technological development is artificial intelligence (AI), which is the emerging marketplace reality. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the development of artificial intelligence, explain the technology, explore its benefits, and discuss the legal, ethical, and social concerns related to it. Also, the article will discuss the security issues related to its development and the barriers that must be overcome to ensure that it is brought to completion.

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Artificial intelligence technology harnesses the power of algorithms and smart machines to predict key and useful patterns of human behavior. Smart machines are made to substitute human decision-making with intelligent learning that instigates changes and suggests ingenious solutions to solve basic problems. The availability of huge amounts of data coupled with an improved algorithm and enhanced computing power is transforming society. Moreover, a study by Accenture Research and Frontier Economics projected that the AI technology has the potential to increase business profitability by an average of 40% by 2035 and contribute to an economic boost estimated at $15 trillion across multiple industries (Purdy and Daugherty, 2017). Essentially, artificial intelligence describes the ability of computers to handle tasks commonly performed by human beings. Smart machines have the capacity to review, generalize, discern meaning, learn from experiences and predict patterns and relations to help in response to dynamically changing situations. AI systems promise enhanced experiences and better decision-making. According to McAfee and Brynjolfsson (2017), relying on algorithms and data insights in the decision-making process often results in better forecasts and decisions than relying solely on the judgment of experienced human experts.

Potential Benefits

Artificial intelligence is presenting new functionalities in various fields. The innovative technology has slowly but surely penetrated into the personal and professional spheres. The technology is revolutionizing the workplace and changing the way systems operate. Companies are fast-tracking the adoption and incorporation of artificial intelligence technology as it compliments employee’s abilities to handle the most worthwhile tasks, thus enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. The efficient management of smart machines will create a more successful operating system that optimizes performance. Smart machines will help to automate repetitive tasks and menial jobs, thus freeing up employees to focus on creating creative solutions to complex operations, thus helping to deliver impactful work. Automating administrative will enable businesses to eliminate human error, thereby improving customer experience. Besides, smart machines such as chatbots are enhancing customer support by facilitating timely and accurate direct interactions and engagements with customers (Grossman, 2020). AI applications will help to provide data insights through deep-content analysis, thus unlocking the massive potential to improve business decision-making.

The potential benefits of artificial intelligence are limitless. The U.S army has adopted artificial intelligence measures for repair purposes of its vehicles used in peacekeeping missions. The technology involves the use of predictive software that reduces periodic maintenance on machine components likely to get damaged (Vista College, 2018). AI face recognition has been adopted in forensic to aid in compiling reports of missing people. Besides, the face recognition technology is useful in crime investigation as captured images can help to identify criminals. Medical AI is being utilized to provide patient information and possible health risk factors. AI systems will aid in predicting the outcome of treatment and estimating the likelihood of recovery. Another trend in artificial intelligence is the use of Home AI systems to expedite tasks such as laundry. Moreover, the demand for AI systems is increasing as more industries are exploring ways to incorporate the technology into diverse projects.

Legal and Ethical Issues

The predominance of artificial intelligence is likely to raise critical legal and ethical concerns. The advancement of the technology has raised the question as to whether AI ethicists are required to help navigate the new and emerging frontiers. A recent research identified specific legal and ethical concerns, including privacy and accountability, procedural fairness, legality, transparency in decision making, and minimizing bias (Burke and Trazo, 2019). The main concerns about AI are founded on technical robustness and ethical purpose. The fundamental assumption of ethical purpose is that the development, deployment and utilization of AI systems should respect applicable regulations, basic rights, and core values and principles. On the other hand, technical robustness requires that the AI systems be technically robust to boost reliability as even with good intentions and no malice, the use of the technology can result in unintentional harm (Burke and Trazo, 2019). The extent of the legal aspects raised by AI is mostly unpredictable, but the central question that persists concerns how the law will change in response to the technology.

The primary concern of artificial intelligence technology is privacy. As the volume of data collection increases, the issue of confidentiality will remain one of the most crucial legal concern facing AI users in the future. The AI systems use large volumes of data, thus the use of more data is likely to lead to more questions asked. Questions regarding the owner of the data shared between users and AI developers and whether the data can be de-identified to conceal the sender are likely to be raised. Another key concern regards the appropriate disclosure of intended use of data and whether such use complies with legislation on protection of personal information and electronic documents. Consumers are raising the alarm over the likelihood of unauthorized access and the potential misuse of personal information for different purposes other than for which the data was collected (Burke and Trazo, 2019). Also, there has been public protest decrying the massive data breaches and the unrestricted use of data by large corporations.

Artificial intelligence makes it possible to anticipate the outcomes of machine learning. However, given the absence or minimal human supervision, there still exists the possibility of unanticipated outcomes. The artificial and automated nature of AI systems poses considerations on how to determine liability. In tort analysis, the determination of liability seeks to establish the party responsible for the unanticipated outcomes. In the case of artificial intelligence, proving the tort of negligence will be difficult as it is not clear who bears the responsibility among the different parties whether the developer, the programmer, the user or the technology itself. As the AI technology evolves, it will be essential to establish whether the systems are an agent of the developer and whether the developer is to bear liability for the decisions made by the AI system that lead to negligence (Burke and Trazo, 2019). The problem with AI systems is that the further they advance from classical coding and algorithms, the more they begin to display behaviors that are wholly unforeseeable. The absence of foreseeability makes it challenging to ascertain which party owes the other the duty of care and whether damages have occurred as a result of a breach of the standard of care. As such, there is a likelihood of a rise in negligence cases against software developers and programmers.

Social Problems

The technological advancement in artificial intelligence creates social dilemmas where the interests of different parties are at odds. As AI systems become increasingly autonomous, their social status is likely to grow in importance. The autonomy given to smart machines may affect what the society view as a reasonable human activity. In one-off situations, the AI systems are likely to face a social dilemma in deciding whether to act in favor of the user or others. A classic example of the problem of the social dilemma was illustrated by Bonnefon et al. (2016, p.1573) in their research on autonomous vehicles. The researchers established that in one-off situations, autonomous vehicles are likely to be forced to decide between two evils, sacrificing the passengers or running over the pedestrians. The key concern is how the AI algorithms can be coded to make the right decision in these seemingly difficult situations.

Security Concerns

AI systems should be secure and safe during their operational lifetime. However, there still remain serious security concerns facing developers of AI systems. Much of the discussions on security concerns have centered on the usefulness of machine learning algorithm to identify and mitigate cyber threats and vulnerabilities proactively. Indeed, AI systems have been beneficial in automating the identification of and response to potential cyber-attacks. However, there exists the possibility of the use of AI systems for offensive purposes that may make it difficult to block or respond to cyberattacks. There is imminent potential for adversaries to maliciously interfere with the functionality of the AI algorithms, thereby compromising its integrity in decision-making processes (Wolff, 2020). Attackers may directly seize control of the AI system so as to decide the output that the system will generate and the decisions it will make. Conversely, an attacker may indirectly and subtly influence the decision-making process by exploiting vulnerabilities in the software to induce it to make mistakes. Moreover, adversaries may apply the process of data poisoning to train an AI system to inaccurate, faulty, and mislabeled data. The increase in dependence on artificial intelligence for critical services and functions is likely to create a more significant threat against those algorithms which could potentially result in severe consequences. As such, it is crucial to secure AI systems so that the algorithms are protected from compromise, malicious interference, or misuse.


Artificial intelligence is one of the top emerging marketplace realities that are shaping the technological landscape. AI technology is harnessing the power of algorithms and smart machines to predict key and useful patterns of human behavior. AI systems are presenting new functionalities and improving old functions in fields such as medicine, business, and security. Despite the potential benefits of the AI technology, there exists significant concern over legal, ethical, social and security issues. The advancement of the technology has raised the concern on how to respond to these issues in order to help navigate the new and emerging frontiers. In the future, there is a need to secure AI systems so that the algorithms are protected from compromise, malicious interference, or misuse. Furthermore, software developer and AI enthusiasts must devise approaches to overcome these hurdles so as to bring the technology into completion.

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