Two Major Theories of Group Development. Free Essay

Published: 2023-01-25
Two Major Theories of Group Development. Free Essay
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Relationship Interpersonal communication Developmental psychology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 560 words
5 min read

There are several theories that act as a guild in-group development; however, the two main group development theories include, first, Tuckman five-stage team development theory. This theory was introduced by psychologist tuckman, who initiated the memorable stages that involve, forming, norming, storming, performing, and adjourning. This theory usually indicate that these five stags are very crucial in the teams develop, tackle the existing challenges, coming up with solutions to the existing challenges and delivering conclusive results (Moon, 2013). This theory usually form the base of other subsequent models since it is used to describe the path towards a high performance that most individuals or team members should follow. Each of the five stages of team development tends to have its own purpose. For instance. In forming, which is the first stage of team development, the team members usually try to understand and explore the characters and behaviors of other team members. In the storming stage, the members usually start competing for various leadership positions to control the group. In the norming stage, the team members usually start to move in a cohesive manner, mainly through creating a blanket in various conflicting issues. In the performing stage, the team tries to achieve the intended objectives or goals. Finally, in the adjourning stage, the team achieves its objective, the developer team should be adjourned.

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Secondly, Kormanski and Mozenter stage of group development. This theory was introduced by Kormanski and Mozenter, who formulated various stages of team development, whereby each stage usually has its own relationship outcome and task outcome (Moon, 2013). These stages include, first, awareness. In this stage, the team gets to know each other, their intended goals, and they also accept to work together. secondly, conflict, in this stage, the team members usually search and begin to ask questions concerning their objective; therefore, various clarifications have to be made. Thirdly, cooperation, in this stage, the team members try to resolve their feelings and support each other in achieving the set objectives. Fourth, productivity, this is considered to be the stage of achieving the set goals and being involved in all work operations. Fifth, separation. After accomplishing the set goals and attaining a high sense of satisfaction, the team members may decide to dissolve the entire team.

How Group Development Theories Relate to Companies Work in Groups and how they Affect the Company's Decisions.

The group development theories tend to be crucial in most company's work in groups. The theories usually relate to companies work in groups in various ways that include; first, they help to guide the team on the appropriate or effective ways of achieving the intended objectives as a group. For instance, The theories usually explain to the team member on what is needed of them when forming a group to achieve a certain objective. Secondly, they usually inform the team members on the key steps that should be followed when creating a team or group that is intended to achieve a certain objective. Abiding to stipulated steps enables the group to come up with strong and effective outcomes. on the other hand, the theories tend to impact the company's decisions in that, they help to ensure that the team is developing effective decisions that are in line with the group development theories.


Moon, J. A. (2013). Reflection in learning and professional development: Theory and practice. Routledge.

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