HRM Essay Example: Types of Training and Development Created

Published: 2019-10-22
HRM Essay Example: Types of Training and Development Created
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources Professional development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 695 words
6 min read

McCormick & Company can develop training and development which describe the ongoing and formal efforts made within the organization to escalate the self-fulfillment and performance of their employees through various programs and methods. In the workplace, improving employee's skills and knowledge on job performance is of great importance for the company productivity. The employees can be trained on the particular job required skills through long-term professional development. Since time immemorial, training and development have been viewed as a significant element of a strategy for improving company's productivity. Therefore, McCormick organisation can develop continual learning as a strategy for training and development. Through this approach, the company can promote its employee growth and development. When the employees are well-trained, the firm can have highly qualified and skilled workforce. Furthermore, through the continual training of staff, the company can recognise its long-term goals and objectives (Chevalier, 2008). However, the organisation should be in the position to develop a corporate culture which supports the continual learning. The employees of the company should have access to quality constant training and learning process.

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When the employees are given the opportunity to quality regular training learning process, they will have the opportunity to improve the skills and education regarding particular jobs. However, McCormick & Company should develop training programs that have quantifiable and specific goals and objectives. For example, when employees are being trained on aspects of operating a particular machine, the program should elicit the process and requirements for producing the best through the application of that device. Furthermore, the continual learning and development should emphasise on the broader skills and knowledge that will enable the employees to gain decision leadership skills, decision-making skills and goal setting techniques. Furthermore, McCormick can also develop team building and training program. This program is significant as it enables the company to create effective work groups and thus can easily achieve the set goals and objectives (Tom & Galagan, 2007). The training is crucial as it also combats poor group dynamics and labour management relations which result in quality goods and services. Moreover, through team building programs, McCormick & Company will be in the position to manage complex processes and projects and also promptly respond to changing situations.

Metrics Used to Collect Information on Training and Development Strategies

For McCormick to measure the developed strategies it has to have reliable metrics for measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of such strategies. The company can use the following parameters to see if the developed training and development programs are effective:

Time spent on training

The metric refers to the total amount of hours spent yearly on employee training by the company (Chevalier & 2009). Through this metric, McCormick & Company can dig deeper to know how much time was spent in learning specific topics and the number of employees who received the training.

Training Evaluation Feedback

The metric can be used by McCormick & Company to measure the positive impact of the training. The trainees can be asked to provide their feedback on the topics learnt, and the company can do analysis on such feedbacks to know the training impacts.

Training Recipients

McCormick & Company can use this metric to understand the employees that benefited from the training. The company can consider the management training, sales training, and the general performance training (Tom & Galagan, 2007). The measurement can be done on senior management, middle-level management and also the frontline staff.

Defending for or Against Employees and Learning Experts

Training is necessary for any employee within the organisation as it can improve the productivity and performance of such a company. Therefore, all the staff should be engaged in continuous training and development. The employees who are experts in particular areas within the company should educate others on the importance of participating in the training and development. Furthermore, the McCormick and Company should use such experts to train other employees.


Tom, Bingham and Pat, Galagan (2007). Growing Talent and Sales at McCormick. Succession Planning Across All Levels of the Company Spawns Leadership Development. ProQuest Central.

Chevalier, R. (2009). Analyzing performance: An example. Performance Improvement. 48(7),1519. [DOI: 10.1002/pfi.20090.

Chevalier, R. (2008). The evolution of a performance analysis job aid. Performance Improvement. 47(10), 918. [DOI: 10.1002/pfi.20034.

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