Essay on Uniting Multiculturals & Multigenerationals: Non-Negotiable Strategies for Global Success

Published: 2023-11-14
Essay on Uniting Multiculturals & Multigenerationals: Non-Negotiable Strategies for Global Success
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Economics Employment
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 800 words
7 min read


Today’s workforce is made up of multicultural and multigenerational professionals who must work together to push the organizational agenda. The differing age and values may pose challenges which could potentially hinder individual or collective output. Attracting and managing a diverse workforce involves identifying and countering the challenges arising resulting from differences in age and values as seen when this multinational company plans to open a new location in Brazil.

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What Non-Technical Skills And Traits Will You Emphasize In The Internal Job Listing? Why?

Professional efficiency takes more than just an employee’s knowledge and skills. They must be able to work with other people and execute other tasks that are outside of their pool of technical expertise. Therefore, in this case, I would emphasize teamwork, communication, and decision-making skills. These three skills are crucial in fostering interpersonal interactions that are required for any business to thrive.

What Three Questions Will You Ask In Interviews To Evaluate These Skills?

How do you feel about teamwork? This is a direct question that gives the interviewer clear sights on the leaning of the interviewee on matters of teamwork. Clarifications on whether the interviewee has worked within a team before and the outcomes are essential at this point. When assessing communication skills, it is crucial to remember that all the areas of the interview assess these skills. The way the interviewee responds to every other question provides insights into how well they communicate. Asking an open-ended question like ‘Tell be about yourself’ would give me an ample opportunity to assess the communication skills of this person. How they answer this question would give me insights on their clarity and conciseness.

Decision-making skills can be assessed by posing a hypothetical question or scenario and evaluating how well the interviewee responds. For example, ‘while working on a project in the field, you notice that some of your colleagues had stopped working and were, therefore, slowing the whole team down. What would you do during this scenario?’

With The Differing Values And Characteristics Of The Pool Of Candidates, What Three Challenges Do You See For The Expatriates Selected?

In addition to the challenge of differing values and characteristics among themselves, an expatriated team would encounter further adaptability issues in the new country (Balkin et al., 2015). Adapting to a whole new culture is challenging, as it takes time. This state could weigh down on many aspects of their lives, including professional output. This team could also encounter restrictions from the local government or authorities. Being foreigners in a country means not being conversant with all the laws, a factor that could cause friction with local authorities.

Is It Essential To Send A Team That Includes A Diversity Of Multicultural And Multigenerational Members To The New Facility In Brazil? Why/Why Not?

Yes, the team should bring together diversity in terms of culture and age. Every one of these professionals is crucial to the workforce and the more diverse, the better. The company serves a widely diverse clientele whose interests can only be wholly represented by such a diverse team (Urick et al., 2016). Such a team is more flexible in terms of the work they can do. Additionally, decisions made by this group are more robust because they result from different broad-based perspectives. Another advantage of having a multigenerational and multicultural team is a higher command of the market since the various members can attract and maintain customers from similar age groups or cultures.

Would You Lobby Your Company To Hire Some Of The Ten From A Qualified Candidate Pool Of Brazilian Nationals?

Yes, I would lobby for this course. Hiring a local workforce for a company seeking to break ground in a foreign country has various advantages. This decision would demonstrate trust in the local citizens, increasing the acceptance of the business in the new country. This attitude by the local citizenry would boost the market. It is also cheaper to hire a local workforce, as opposed to bearing the costs of transfers and salaries of expatriates. Hiring local professionals identifies the company as a player in the local economy, making it even more acceptable to the local government.


A multigenerational and multicultural team has tremendous advantages for a company. When working at home or overseas, proper recruitment and management of such a team is key to increasing the productivity of the business. This company, seeking to establish a subsidiary in Brazil, should employ a diverse team that includes the locals for better propagation and development in the new country.


Balkin et al. (2015). International HRM Challenge. In D. Balkin, R. Cardy, & L. Gomez-Mejia, Managing Human Resources(pp 529-560). Pearson.

Urick et al. (2016). Understanding and Managing Intergenerational Conflict: An Examination of Influences and Strategies. Work, Aging and Retirement.

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Essay on Uniting Multiculturals & Multigenerationals: Non-Negotiable Strategies for Global Success. (2023, Nov 14). Retrieved from

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