Free Essay Example on Uses of Psychology in Schools

Published: 2023-01-23
Free Essay Example on Uses of Psychology in Schools
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Teaching Learning School Motivation Relationship
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1712 words
15 min read

A case study is the presentation of a structural situation. In most cases, a case will present an explanation of the organization as well as its market, and also the major players in the organization and their relations concerning a particular situation. The purpose of analyzing a case study is mainly to develop as well as examine a proposed "solution" to address the described state (Ledford et al. 2018). This case study is based on Al Yasmina School based at UAE. This case study aims to come up with a recommendation on how education can be improved using the operant conditioning concept.

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Introduction and aim

This case study focused on how psychology is used and can be used to improve several functions within the Al Yasmina School in UAE. This is a school community where children join a family at the age of three years, leaving at the age of eighteen years. Teaching is usually done in Arabic. The case focused specifically on how teachers can be best handled, despite the cultural differences that might be present. The way teachers are handled in a school situation will play a significant role in their output.

On the other hand, how the students will be treated will affect their performances. It is evident in this case study that there were some excellent examples of psychology being used to improve the schools. More so, there is detailed information in the report as recommendations within the relevant. This case study aims to come up with a recommendation on how to better education. On the other hand, this study pays more attention to the status of the employees of the school. Furthermore, the study will provide ideas and ways in which psychological theories can be used to improve the condition of the school.

Applied Psychology

Applied psychology shows to the whole order that includes entire fields of mental investigations that training research-based discoveries address and settled social issues. To comprehend the profundity and unfathomability of this control, these are the absolute most famous specializations. The research on the Al Yasmina School involves covering about how learners change behaviors according to the operant theory. Instructive brain science contemplates how the informative condition can give the need for understudies who have various abilities, and how humans learn, the objective of instructive brain research is to improve the customer-focused mediation. Authoritative brain research characterizes additionally as modern brain science, which has some knowledge in working environment dynamic to improve the correspondence and advance the between relationship.

Operant theory by Skinner

This theory, which was founded by Skinner was well-known in an interpretation that outdated decoration remained tremendously thoughtless to be a completed clarification of complex human conduct. He accepted that the ideal approach to comprehend behavior is to yield a peek at the motives for action as well as its outcomes. He called this procedure operant beading.

Psychology is critical in a school situation. In Al Yasmina School, there has to be issues and cases of psychological problems to both the teachers as well as the students. The operant theory, which focuses on learning as well as a change in behavior, resulted in students interacting with new events. This is one of the theories found in psychology, which is very important in as far as learning is concerned.

Moreover, the theory gives answers are some questions in a school situation which can only be answered by psychology. For example, why students taught under the same conditions and by the same teachers using the same teaching materials don't perform in the same way. It is only psychology that best answers to such kind of questions. When it comes to teacher's relationships with the students, psychology is essential. Psychology gives teachers an understanding of individual differences among learners.

These differences are as a result of the fact that the learners are from different backgrounds as well as various cultural and religious backgrounds. The teacher will, therefore, have a revelation not to expect the learners to perform in the same way, and more so to have different behaviors. On the other hand, motivation has to be put into consideration in a school situation. Motivation is classified as intrinsic or extrinsic inspiration. Intrinsic drive is as a product of inner aspects in an individual. Furthermore, extrinsic inspiration is as a result of external factors.

Motivation is vital to both learners and also a teacher in this school. The motive is known to bring psychological fulfillment, and hence crucial in a school situation (Koper et al. 2005). For the teachers to deliver to their best, they have to be motivated, since they are human driven by emotions. Teachers can be stimulated in various ways in the school situation.

Firstly, teachers can be motivated by being treated well. By this, they can be given medical, as well as transport allowances. More so, they can be appreciated for an excellent performance. The teachers can also be motivated by being promoted to excellent work done

Secondly, teachers can be driven by being given good salaries. The primary objective of each teacher in a school situation is to earn income to earn a better living standard. By so doing, teachers will have a sense of belonging and therefore work hard to ensure that they deliver to their best.

On the other hand, there is a need to motivate students (Hatch, 2018). The principal aim of any school is impacting of knowledge, skills, and attitude to learners. This implies that when the learner doesn't get skills and expertise, this it means that the original aim of education is not expected. For learners to acquire the intended knowledge, there is of them to have both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

However, the teachers, as well as the other school stakeholders, can motivate the learners. This can be done by positively rewarding the most disciplined as well as performed students. The motivation of the students creates a probability of a behavior being repeated. In this case, good practice can be good discipline as well as excellent performance. Negative rewards can also be done to poor-performing students as well as indiscipline students.

Teachers, as well as parent, have a lot to do in as far as learners' motivation is concerned. The reason behind this is that teachers are the ones having a lot of time with the students. Furthermore, some students feel and can share their psychological matters with their teachers. On the other hand, some students feel free to share the psychological issues affecting them with their parents. This is, therefore, a clear indicator that both teachers and parents have an essential role to play in as far as solving psychological matters affecting learners.

Peer educators, as well as the counseling department, are critical in this school. The reason behind this is that the peers, as well as the counselors, are trained on how to deal with matters facing students. Most students are confused on of issue surrounding them, such as peer pressure to particular ways of life, for example, drug abuse.

Moreover, adolescents affect most learners in their studies and may negatively affect the learner's performance. This is a stage in which the students are confused about what they want, and most of them end up making mistakes in life, for example, immoral sexual behaviors. From these, there is a likelihood of a drop in performance.

On the other hand, career selection affects most learners, since most of the learners don't know what they want to be. Most of the learners who are not attended to ends up selection careers without critically thinking about them. They, therefore, end up being embarrassed after the whole process of education.

It is therefore recommended that teachers be informed of the psychological matters affecting the students. In connection with this, teachers should be well-equipped with psychology (Borgatti et al. (2018). The school organizations are also recommended to have counseling departments to help solve psychological and emotional matters affecting students

Applied psychology provides a solution for all these problems. Psychology clearly explains how to deal with these issues affecting students in this school. Due to this reason, psychology is vital in any other school. It gives a solution to how learners affected by different psychological problems should be handled.

Conclusion and recommendation

In conclusion, from this case study, it is evident that applied psychology plays a vital role in Al Yasmina School. This school has there to be issues and cases of psychological problems to both the teachers as well as the students. More so, there are some questions in a school situation that can only be answered by psychology. For example, why students taught under the same conditions and by the same teachers using the same teaching materials don't perform in the same way? It is only psychology that best answers to such kind of questions.

On the other hand, there is a need to motivate students. The principal aim of any school is to impact of knowledge, skills, and attitude to learners. It is also evident that motivation is vital to both learners and even teachers. A motive is known to bring psychological fulfillment, and hence crucial in a school situation. For the teachers to deliver to their best, they have to be motivated, since they are human-driven by emotions.

From this case study, it is therefore recommended that teachers be keen to observe any form of psychological as well as emotional issues that may affect the students. Furthermore, the teachers should be well equipped on how best they can assist learners with mental and emotional problems which might be affecting them. By so doing, psychology will have been applied in an educational organization, hence promoting impacting of knowledge and skills to learners.


Borgatti, S. P., Everett, M. G., & Johnson, J. C. (2018). Analyzing communal systems. Sage.

Hatch, M. J. (2018). Theory of organization: Modern, symbolic, and postmodern perspectives. Oxford university press.

Koper, R., & Tattersall, C. (Eds.). (2005). Learning strategy: A handbook on modeling as well as bringing networked teaching and exercise. Springer Science & Business Media.

Ledford, J. R., & Gast, D. L. (2018). Single case research methodology: Applications in distinct education and behavioral skills. Routledge.

Wlodkowski, R. J., & Ginsberg, M. B. (2017). Enhancing grown-up inspiration to learn: A comprehensive guide for teaching all adults. John Wiley & Sons.

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