Paper Example on Walmart Company SWOT Analysis

Published: 2023-12-16
Paper Example on Walmart Company SWOT Analysis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Business Walmart
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 599 words
5 min read

The SWOT analysis of Walmart's company shows the company has a leading position in the international retail industry. The company uses its competitive advantages to dominate the global markets, thus ensuring a successful growth (White,2018). There are five strengths of Walmart's; one is the largest retailer globally, with more substantial market power over its competitors and suppliers. Secondly, it has a global supply chain; hence, it is recognized internationally. Third, Walmart is useful in providing affordable products at an average price. Another strength is that Walmart is diversified from large supercenters to local and mall-based centers. Finally, it has a high-efficiency supply chain, which is advanced by technologies.

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Big companies like Walmart experiences some weaknesses in some areas. Walmart's weaknesses are; paying workers minimum wages, little differentiation because it carries the same product. Also, it has thin profit margins, and finally, its business model can be easily copied by other companies (White,2018). Walmart's opportunities can be linked to global expansion in developed and developing countries, improved quality standards, online shopping growth, demand for organic products, and improved human resources practices that create competitiveness in labor markets. Threats of Walmart are linked to the market conditions and consumer perceptions about the products they purchase. Walmart's Threats are; healthy lifestyle trend, aggressive competition, intensive price competition, political instability in some regions, and online retailers.

A SWOT analysis can help a company develop a successful strategic plan by collecting appropriate information and listing its present-day strengths and weaknesses. The SWOT analysis can also consider all the possible opportunities in that particular organization, including its present trend, future trend, and technologies. A company can also evaluate the SWOT matrix to build a plan that addresses issues affecting every area, including anything that needs change.

Functions of management are systematic ways of doing things. Management is a process that emphasizes managers to have interrelated functions to achieve the desired goals. The four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Planning help managers to meet company goals and objectives(Indeed,2020). This involves administering resources to employees and assigning duties. Mangers deal with planning when they meet with the company leadership team to discuss the overview of the company.

Organizing ensures a company runs smoothly without downfalls. In organizing, managers should be able to recognize challenges in the company and respond to them. Leading requires a strong sense of direction whereby the manager sets goals and communicates the new process and internal policy(Indeed,2020). A good leader should recognize when employees need a boost in terms of payment and how to handle conflict between team members. Controlling ensures all the functions are working toward the success of the company. For example, ensuring quality work and all projects are completed.

The four functions of management play a significant role in strategic decision making. For example, planning sets goals for future actions from a set of alternatives. Organizing helps in deciding to develop an organizational structure which shows employees roles, therefore accomplishing goals (Indeed,2020). Leading helps in making a decision process of what is required in an organization to achieve the target goals. Controlling consists of activities like performance. If a company wants to make a strategic decision, it can overlook the company's performance to make a suitable decision.


Indeed. (, 2020). What Are the 4 Basic Functions of Management?

White, S. (2018). What is a SWOT analysis? A strategic tool for achieving objectives.,the%20process%20is%20surprisingly%20simple.&text=SWOT%20analysis%20is%20a%20planning

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