Free Essay: What Critical Metrics Does Your CEO Focuses On?

Published: 2023-02-12
Free Essay: What Critical Metrics Does Your CEO Focuses On?
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Money Business management Leadership management
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 621 words
6 min read

There are Human resource high revenue areas that my CEO gives a lot of focus and is highly interested in knowing much about them. He is always happy with the HR approaches, but he wants more emphasis on the following. The first metric my CEO focuses on is Revenue per employee. According to him, this is the most effective way through which to measure innovation and productivity output value of the organizational workforce. The metric focuses on the output value of the company's workforce. The second metric is the cost. The CEO focuses on costs, from the average salary, training costs, salary deviation by the job, and benefits costs as a percentage of Revenue. The third metric that my CEO tends to give much focus is productivity, and this is in terms of profits per employee, Revenue per employee revenue increase vs. salary raise, and absence rates.

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What are the three most important challenges your company faces currently?

Many challenges are facing Abu Dhabi but among the three most important ones include leadership, Reinventing HR, and building an organized workflow. Firstly, HR and business leaders in the Middle East face challenges with leadership. There is a demand for leadership at all organizational levels, especially for middle management. Leadership is an essential element in organizations, and despite this, there are no measures put in place to develop leaders. The second challenge is the challenge of reinventing HR. HR and business leaders in Abu Dhabi find it urgent to reinvent the functions of HR to make it a real business partnership. In 2014, this challenge was ranked position nine and moved to position two in 2015. This implies the importance the corporate world attaches to HR functions and the need to initiate such changes with immediate effect. Moreover, it shows that the role of HR is way much below satisfactory level as expected by business partners. The other challenge is the challenge of building an organized workflow. Most of the businesses in Abu Dhabi are struggling to stay organized, with most organizations having workflow systems not fit for their purpose. Some do not even have a formal system in place at all.

What are the three most critical initiatives your company needs to do to transform itself?

I think the organization needs to implement the following critical initiatives to transform itself. It needs to reengineer the finance process. The finance budgets of the organization range from flat to almost declining and this creates the need to reengineer the critical finance processes which are a vital path in freeing up finance resources and focussing more on value-added activities. The second initiative is to lead with capabilities. The organization needs to know where it starts by defining the specific business capabilities that could help it in achieving a competitive advantage. The last initiative would be to develop a finance technology roadmap. I believe that despite the several transformations that the organization has been putting in terms of modernizing its technology system, there is still room for improvement. My recommendation is to develop a technology roadmap that is in line with the internal customer needs both now and in times to come.

If you compare yourself with the competencies laid down in the last module; what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses?

Looking at the competencies in the last module, my significant strengths include the following: I have good knowledge of the business, in that I clearly understand the business in connection to my role within the organization. The other strengths include my prowess in communication, excellent teamwork capabilities, and time management. However, I also have some weaknesses looking at the module's competencies required. One fundamental weakness I have is my lack of attention to detail.

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