Essay Sample on Working Hours, Health and Safety in the Workplace

Published: 2023-05-01
Essay Sample on Working Hours, Health and Safety in the Workplace
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources Organizational behavior Ethical dilemma
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1033 words
9 min read

Working hours, health, and safety in the workplace play an essential role in our current social systems. Most of the organizations have been affected by this challenge, as more employees are forced to seek other alternative firms. The statistics that were done indicated that more than 80% of employees face the following ethical challenges in their day-to-day workplace areas (Caruso 2014). The organizations should impose a proper measure that will ensure that each and every employee has a sufficient working hours, adequate health, and safe while working in the organization. With the appropriate measures put in place, most companies will receive a massive return in sales and profits from one perspective to another. The paper will discuss the impact of working hours, health, and safety in the working place. This paper will discuss the impact of ethical practices on working hours, health, and security in the organization on the employee's operation.

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Working Hours

Working hours are a vital measure that is used in the management of the operational systems in organizations. Different organizations have embraced severe measures in creating a conducive working hours in the organization structure. According to the Employee's act, the maximum working hours of the employees should take 48 hours in a week (Caruso 2014). The management team of the organization has allocated specific periods of working hours in the company. There should be break hours allocations, night hour allocations, and banded time allocations.

The break allocations period should be introduced to all organizations without discrimination to any employee. There should be 11 consecutive hours of working per 24 working hour period. This will allow all the employees to rest and do other activities in society without any challenges. There should be 15 minutes after every 4 hours of the working period and 30 minutes break to the employees working for 6 hours (Caruso 2014). Night workers should have an average of 48 hours of working hours per week. The night workers who work in a hazard and heavy physical duties organizations should not work more than 8 hours in a day.

The employees also have the right to be allocated in the banded hour working organization. All organizations should take into consideration the employee claim, health, and safety while allocating them in a specific working position. The working hours of all the workers should be aligned according to the situation the employee is undergoing through in their healthy life. All workers who work overtime should be paid according to the specific period of hours they have worked for. The working hours should be addressed and analyzed effectively to allow all the employees to work effectively without any challenge in the organization. There are various organizations that have placed strict measures in controlling the rates of working hours in companies. With proper working hour rates, more employees will be in a position to deliver an active effort in the organization.


The health of the workers in a working place should be addressed with strict measures in order to contain effective measures in enhancing conducive working ethics. A healthy worker will be in a position to deliver quality services; thus, it makes them be the best strategy to use in controlling the increase of poverty in the community. The workplace risk rate is higher in the informal sectors and minimizes in formal areas (Sohail & Rehman, 2015). Workers with suitable health conditions reflect on sustainable development in the organization. The company will be able to establish a well-managed health and safety program system in the organizational structure. The employees also will create a positive and caring image in the corporate, operational structure. Healthy living also boosts the employee's morale and reduce staff turnover (Sohail & Rehman, 2015). The worker's stress will be extremely reduced, a measure that will help them in developing practical and substantial measures in the organization. Some of the benefits employees will obtain include, an increase in job satisfaction, improved health, and an increase in the sense of well-being.


Safety is a serious factor in the management and securing the security measures of a person in a given scenario. However, an employee's safety should be the number one priority in any organization. Managers should provide employees with a safety training and instructions in operating their operations in the organization. There should be a proper personal protective and equipment measures that all workers should be equipped with. Creation of a safety working environment that will allow all the employees to effectively deliver their expertise in the company (Xiang et al.,2013). Managers should also set an adequate safety supervision to all the employees. The hour's that all the employee's work should not affect the overall safety of the worker. The work and duties allocated for the employees should not subject workers to mental and health challenges in the organization structure.


Ethical practice in the working place is an essential measure in every organization at work currently. Proper Working hours, health, and safety should be effectively improved in the operation of any organization in the world now. The importance of this topic is that it addresses some of the essential ethical practices in promoting the welfare of the employees in the organization. The problem has distinguished measures in embracing sufficient working hours, health services, and safety in the organization. The organizations should impose a proper measures that will ensure that each and every employee has a sufficient working hour, adequate health, and safe while working in the organization. With the appropriate measures put in place, most companies will receive a massive return in sales and profits from one perspective to another. According to the statistics done, most of organizations will embrace employee measures in improving the welfare of the employees.


Caruso, C. C. (2014). Negative impacts of shiftwork and long work hours. Rehabilitation Nursing, 39(1), 16-25. Retrieved from

Sohail, M., & Rehman, C. A. (2015). Stress and Health at the Workplace-A Review of the Literature. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 6(3), 94. Retrieved

Xiang, J., Bi, P., Pisaniello, D., & Hansen, A. (2013). Health impacts of workplace heat exposure: an epidemiological review. Industrial health, 2012-0145. Retrieved from

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Essay Sample on Working Hours, Health and Safety in the Workplace. (2023, May 01). Retrieved from

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