Essay Example - Workview Reflection

Published: 2023-08-17
Essay Example - Workview Reflection
Essay type:  Reflective essays
Categories:  Job Personal experience Career development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 614 words
6 min read

Work is a method of establishing a positive impact on society. I believe work is a contribution to an individual regardless of the size of the input. For instance, sanitation and nurse staff perform different tasks; however, they contribute to preventing the spread of diseases. Individuals work to support their ambitions and objectives and learn about their limits. People endeavor to achieve their goals, fund their interests and hobbies, and live a stable livelihood, which inspires them to work. I believe I should do work to enhance my skills and gain more wisdom. Society should not always benefit from my work as I need to strengthen myself first without harming the nation. Work links to culture, community, and individuals as it is universal. Work is worthwhile if it aids in shaping other people to improve their areas of weakness. A rewarding job fills us with purpose; it is always worth the period and effort we spent helping us to grow. It signifies our value and significance in the field of work. Occasionally these opportunities for advancement exist from the performance feedback in our present role hence gaining more experience. Thus, an experience introduces someone to different opportunities enhancing a new mindset and development, reaching fulfillment.

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Lifeview Reflection

The primary purpose of life is to leave a legacy in the is essential to establish associations with people. The unique bond builds strong relationships with family members, friends, and also in the field of work. Family is vital to nurture a person’s values and help them to grow to be independent. Nations offer a collective identity to individuals from different ethnicities and races. The globe is a cue of the infinite potential of an individual’s life, providing unique opportunities and experiences in various regions of the world. I believe in a more significant power as I was raised to have faith in everything I perform, thus keeping me grounded. I think that each person possesses evil through temptations and harm and good in the form of potential. We decide to determine the path to follow. The injustice and justice terms are comparative to me, as I perceive that my views tend to vary with other people. Emotions describe a certain feeling that helps us perform an action and influence the decisions we determine regarding our lives. Thus, strife, peace, and love assist people to become robust through practice in life, and emotions can help individuals describe the experience.

How Work and Life Complement

Both my work and life views emphasize becoming better and adjusting rather than maintaining strict terms like injustice and justice. Both focus on the betterment of an individual and society as the secondary option. Thus, we should care for others by making ourselves better to lead an exemplary life through knowledge and action.

How do they clash?

I think that my life and work view clash by working for myself as some scenarios consider this as selfish. Some people find working for oneself as selfish as this act does not benefit society. I hope to rectify this claim as the best type of work begins with the person’s desires and passion and eventually helps others and the community.

Does One Drive the Other? How?

Yes, Lifeview drives my Workview as they focus on the performances of a person as the foundation for transformation. I should have an interest to better myself in the work I perform. Nevertheless, my actions should not harm other people in society. When people utilize their potential, they benefit themselves and the community in the long or short run.


Burnett, W., & Evans, D. J. (2016). Designing your life: How to build a well-lived, joyful life, pp.21-42. Knopf

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