Literary Essay - Fight Club Analysis

Published: 2017-10-31
Literary Essay - Fight Club Analysis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Analysis
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 675 words
6 min read

Fight Club Argumentative

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The fight club is the novel that was written by Chuck Palahniuk, who is an American writer. The storyline revolves around one man who is undergoing life struggles. The main character, who remains unnamed throughout the story is portrayed to be suffering from insomnia, a condition that is likely to have occurred as the result of depression. As a way of dealing with this condition, the narrator opts to lie that he is suffering cancer, giving a leeway to attend the support group sessions. He sees this as a strategy that can help him overcome the condition of insomnia, in which he is suffering from. It can be contended that the life challenges and struggles identified with different characters in the novel are meant to give the true picture of nature of the society.

Fight club essay

The setting of the story

Apparently, the Fight Club is the story that is based on what was happening in the United States in the late-1990s. The title of the story is considered to be an epitome of the real events that are happening in the society, that is, the theme of violence is widely illustrated in the novel. “…most of the noise a gunshot makes is expanding gasses, and there is the tiny sonic boom a bullet makes because it travels so fast” (Palahniuk 3). This statement attests violence is rampant in this community, due to consistent use of weapons. From the narrator’s point of view, it can be contended that the society has sidelined him something that has made him feel powerless over some issues, which in return shapes his very existence. The pursuit of trying to find the meaning of his life makes the narrator go against some of the society’s norms and rules. It is when the narrator meets Tyler Durden that they resort to total violence as the way fighting the community as well as letting the community know of their strength.

Character development

It is through the characters that the author is able to build and develop major themes of the novel. It is apparent that the narrator is the main character. He is portrayed as the protagonist of the story and had to battle with insomnia condition at the beginning of the story. He opts to seek help from the support group that assists individuals suffering from terminal health conditions (Palahniuk 8). While attending these sessions, the narrator meets with Marla Singer, who is said to be faking her illness, just like the narrator himself.

Analysis of fight club

Tyler Durden is also another character who plays a crucial role in the development of the violence theme. Together with the narrator, they are the co-founders of the Fight Club. Tyler also takes the center stage in the formation of the Project Mayhem (Palahniuk 98). Marla Singer who is also an integral character in the novel is the young lady who the narrator meets at the support groups. In her pursuit of meaningful life interaction, she decides to fake her illness in order to be admitted in the support groups. She starts a romantic relationship with Tyler, something that annoys the narrator. As the story progresses, Tyler becomes an arch enemy to both Marla and the narrator. Other minor characters in the novel include Space Monkeys, Big Bob (Robert Paulson), Bartender, The narrators Boss, The detective, Angel Face and the Mechanic.

In the Fight Club, the author is trying to point some major causes behind the escalating cases of crime within the society. The author embarks on using rebellious characters who are out to retaliate against the community since they feel the world is full of injustices, disappointments and other personal challenges such as loneliness. From the author’s perspective, it is imperative for the community to address some vices which consistently eroding the moral and social fabrics of the society.

Works Cited

Garrison, Justin. "'God's Middle Children' Metaphysical Rebellion in Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club." Ronnoke College (2012): 1-29. print.

Palahniuk, Chuck. Fight Club. Random House, 2000. print.

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