Free Essay with American History Questions

Published: 2018-02-03
Free Essay with American History Questions
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States America American history
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 646 words
6 min read

American History

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Part I

Question 1


The Great Awakening- the great awakening led to the development of several notions including state rule based on a contractual relationship with the people. The emergent multitude of denominations had an effect of driving a concept of national consciousness among the people.


One single occasion that lead to this development was the religious pluralism among the colonies. Groups were no more confined to a single denomination. The religious zeal among these individuals ultimately changed to revolution and sentiments of independent governance.


Although slaves who were African American soldiers helped in the fight leading to revolution, for example, the Battle of Bunker Hill, the notion of slavery was met by discontent and caused divided opinions among various nationalists.

Question 2


Political Ideologies

Thomas Jefferson- believed in the decisions of the majority owing to his profound optimism in human rational judgment. He believed that the expression of the will of the people through elections was sufficient in guiding the course of the republic.

Andrew Johnson- believed in controversial social and political policies and expressed extremism in his political views. An instance is an attack on religious freedom and anti-Catholic prejudice, and the expression of offensive racist language aimed at blacks.


Thomas Jefferson- is considered one of the most deserved American leaders owing to his articulation of the national creed of America and the institution of basic and universal principals of internal governance as he stipulated in the Declaration of Independence.

Andrew Johnson- he made controversial decisions that exempted slavery in support of the prewar social system and economic system. This decision severed hopes of a reform program in the South and land redistribution to freed people.


Both Jefferson and Johnson presided over the Amendments of the American constitution with each presiding over the 12th and 14th Amendments respectively.

Regarding political ideologies, both believed in the reformation of the United States though through different actions. Jefferson’s reform led to the cutting down of the state expenditure while Johnson’s led to his acquittal of office.


Presidents Andrew Johnson and Thomas Jefferson are considered to be most different with the pair having almost sharply contrasting political ideologies, governance, and accomplishments. The other pair mentioned in the choices was either influenced by or influenced the administration of the former pair.

Question 3


The artist’s point of view is the act of rebellion by Massachusetts, and the consequent decision to disarm the rebels and their leaders arrested, starting in 1775.


The Patriots, supporters of the rebellion based their actions on the political ideology of republicanism. They opposed the continued British rule. This doctrine was based on the sentiments of individuals like Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.


The loyalists supported the continued rule of the British during the wars that led to the American Revolution. Their major point of strength was their commitment to fight and retain the crown of American leadership.

Question 4


The development of political parties has been essential to the development of the American government and the society through various ways. An instance is through the freedom of expression and good governance, where the party that does win the presidential election keep the government in check through Congress.


America has a two party system with several third parties coming up all over the years. This system has been the trend and has continued the earlier system where people had different political opinions seen as either democratic or republican. An instance is the affiliation of people-minded leaders like Thomas Jefferson to the Democrats party. However, individuals who do not want to be seen as an extreme loyalist of the two sides do create third parties.


Great Americans such as George Washington warned Americans of parties due to the possible formation of factions. James Madison also thought that these parties were causes of vices in the society and were to be avoided at all costs.

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