Free Essay on BHP Billiton and Green Marketing

Published: 2019-04-10
Free Essay on BHP Billiton and Green Marketing
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Climate Global warming
Pages: 8
Wordcount: 2023 words
17 min read

The BHP Billiton Overview

BHP Billiton is a worldwide pioneer in the resources industry. It supplies an extensive variety of crude materials including oil and gas, aluminum, iron ore, energy coal, and stainless steel products. BHP Billiton has organizations everywhere throughout the world are endeavoring to lessen the effect of climate change and other natural parameters.

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This report addresses BHP`s climate change strategy as a strategic development for its future development. The report also evaluates the BHP Billiton response to climate change. BHP are focused on being capable stewards of the common assets they create and use in their operations and try to limit our natural effect.

The BHP Billiton is a leading global resources company specializing in the multinational mining of metals, coal, and petroleum. The company has its headquarters in Melbourne, Australia and is ASX listed. Based on overall revenue, the company is considered as the World’s leading entity in mining, and it strives to create a long-term shareholder value by expanding its operations. The BHP Billiton is a consortium of two companies namely the Australian Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited and the Anglo-Dutch Billiton, which merged in 2001into a dual listed company (Tasker, 2014).

Historically, Billiton is a mining company that has been in existence since 1860 that specialized in the mining of tin and lead. On the other hand, the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited was listed as a corporation in 1885 and mainly specialized in the mining of lead and silver. Following the merger, the dual listed company looked forward to purchasing other mining companies to broaden its operations. The dual-listed company exists as the Australian BHP Billiton Limited and the British BHP Billiton, which have a single managerial structure. The company operates on a multinational level, boosting its activities in over 25 countries. The company involves itself with a number of social responsibilities such as establishing energy institutes in England and Australia. The mining industry is known to be a major contributor of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Therefore, the management in the company engages itself in measures that try to minimize cases of pollution (Tasker, 2014).

The company is the leading producer of mineral commodities such as aluminum, copper, coal, and other leading minerals. There is also interest in the prospect of mining oil and natural gas by the company. Tremendous growth is evident in the company’s operations aiming to satisfy the changing consumer needs. Currently, the market is in need of a climate challenge strategy to foster economic development. BHP Billiton has a diverse portfolio characterized by qualified personnel, exceptional asset base, and an excellent strategy to facilitate the realization of the company’s objectives. A long-term operational framework through low costs and efficient productivity is what sets the company apart from its competitors.

Performance in the company is attributed to correct ways of utilizing the available assets while using resources in a non-exhaustive manner. The operations are in line with health and safety standards of communities surrounding the mining area. In addition, the company aims at establishing beneficial projects in its areas of operation. It is the goal of the management at the company to establish growth patterns while maintaining the required environmental standards. Business wise, BHP Billiton strives to own a multitude of assets in different geographical regions and tapping into new markets. Employment strategy at the company takes into account issues such as gender, expertise, experience, and ethnic background. BHP Billiton is a respectable multinational organization based on its exceptional managerial qualities (Smail, 2014)

Powers Driving BHP Billiton to React to the Difficulties of Environmental Change

The BHP green showcasing has advanced over a timeframe. As per the American Marketing Association, the idea getting to be noticeably economical and has gone from a bit of hindsight to top need for some organizations. Organizations that are turned out to be reasonable are the ones that individuals will react to and not those that are essentially advancing themselves as green.

The significance of green business will straightforwardly affect the world and nature, green business in BHP Billiton could truly modify the biology in future. BHP Billiton (2017) financial development rate has been staggering and will keep on being fantastic for a long time to come.

Assume BHP Billiton tries to grow better than ever items and administrations in view of condition data sources. BHP Billiton will give itself access to new markets, increment their benefit maintainability and appreciate an upper hand over the organizations which are not worried about nature. A portion of the upsides of green promoting are;

- It guarantees supported long haul development alongside gainfulness.

- It spares cash over the long haul, thought at first the cost is more.

- It helps organizations showcase their items and administrations remembering nature perspectives. It helps in getting to the new markets and appreciating the upper hand.

- The vast majority of the representatives likewise feel glad and in charge of being working for an earth dependable organization.

Evaluation of BHP Billiton`s Response to Climate Change

BHP Billiton has integrated the climate into four approaches:

The first one is mitigation. BHP Billiton aims at reducing its overall emissions to a lower baseline from when it started. The program became successful and helped in the reduction of costs, reduction of greenhouse emissions and also reduced the average consumption of diesel. The identification of opportunities has helped in the implantation of a strategy to support the reduction of emissions that arise from deforestation and forest depletion.

Apart from that, BHP Billiton takes a powerful hazard based way to deal with adjusting to the physical effects of environmental change. This advises environmental change versatility arranging at an advantage level, enhancing our comprehension of the material atmosphere vulnerabilities that our operations confront.

The next approach is the low emission technology where BHP set up an incorporated procedure that contributes over a scope of advances to decrease material outflows in our operations and over our supply chains, including from the utilization of its items.

Lastly, there is portfolio organization whereby Over BHP Billiton's long history, we have constantly shown our capacity to reposition ourselves for future development by stripping those parts of our business that don't adjust to our technique or by putting resources into new products where we see a solid long-haul development story.

Advantages of Reacting to Environmental Change for BHP Billiton

- Opportunity. From the reduction of emissions, BHP gets a chance for the reduction of costs and diesel fuel consumption.

- Social responsibility. BHP will have a self-guiding principal of climate change conservation.

- Cost reduction. From the reduction of emissions, BHP is able to make considerable cost investment funds.

- Competitive edge. Many organizations take up green promoting to keep up their aggressive edge along these lines provoked many mainline contenders to go with the same pattern.

Easing the government pressure on BHP`s operations to curtail its pursuing of sustainable development.

Focus on taking out the utilization of harmful chemicals in your items numerous chemicals that are utilized as a part of family items are possibly harming to untamed life and people. For instance, sodium Laureth sulfate is a typical substance found in air pocket showers, hair conditioners, fluid hand and body wash, shampoos, toothpaste, and lotion – it can bring about skin and eye aggravation and is lethal to amphibian life forms.

Advantages of Reacting to the Environment to the Host Community

- Helps a community perceive BHP`S obligation to make a move by concentrating on lessening our ozone depleting substance (GHG) outflows.

- Sensitisation on the importance of climate conservation.

- Recycle biodegradable waste.

- More prominent examination of vitality use by extensive vitality customers.

- Improved water security water quality. Water availability will be guaranteed

- Provision of benefits to farmers.

- Evading the Runaway Costs of Climate Change.

- Competing Internationally.

- Protecting Vital Ecosystems and Species giving public health.

- For every one of these reasons, making quick and profound cuts in our emanations is a shrewd decision for the United States. Late surveys demonstrate that most Americans unequivocally bolster congressional activity to advance clean vitality and handle environmental change. We require Congress to sanction solid enactment immediately.

The following advantages will be realized after the adoption of gas emitting targets;

- Firms will contend to buy the quantity of carbon contamination allows that they require.

- The legislature will bolster the National Low Emissions Coal Initiative through the National Low Emissions Coal Fund.

- A long haul discharges reduction objective of 60% by 2050 (against 2000 levels) will be set to meet Kyoto Protocol prerequisites.

- The common habitat of BHP Billiton embracing greenhouse targets.

BHP Advertisers have the obligation to make the purchasers comprehend the requirement for and advantages of green items to keep up a cleaner and greener condition. At last, purchasers, modern purchasers and providers need to pressurize consequences for limit the negative impacts on the earth cordial. Green promoting accept much more significance and importance in creating nations like the USA.

For each one of these reasons, making snappy and significant cuts in our transmissions is a canny choice for the Australia. Late reviews exhibit that most Australians unequivocally reinforce congressional movement to propel clean imperativeness and handle ecological change. We oblige Congress to endorse strong order promptly.

Keeping in mind the end goal to streamline the financial profit for their venture, organizations must build up their techniques that change ecological speculation into wellsprings of upper hand (Mudali et al, 2013). Given that there is pressing requirement for advancement of advertising systems that can procure reasonably favorable position as far as benefit to the organizations and insignificant effect on the earth per concentrate, the accompanying is the recommendations for supportable condition management

- To give motivating forces to makers and merchants to lessen the antagonistic natural effect of products. To reward honest to goodness activities by organizations to diminish the unfavorable ecological effect of items.

- To help shoppers to end up plainly naturally dependable in their everyday lives by giving those data to assess natural figures their day by day lives.

- To urge nationals to buy items which have a less ecological negative effect.

- At last, to enhance the nature of the earth and to empower the practical administration of assets.

Nonetheless, the organization ought to grasp environmental change vital administration, which can give BHP Billiton an upper hand over competitors. A proposal for the administrators is to detail methods for adjusting to the quickly changing worldwide condition. For example, the administration can take part in measures that expect to diminish generation costs, making adaptable association structures, and using the straightforward perspectives inside the association that offers an upper hand. Achieving an upper hand requires aggregate exertion in recognizing helpful business operations of the contenders. on account of environmental change, BHP ought to consider relief before defining portfolios on environmental change.


BHP Billiton. Climate change. April 10, 2017

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