Research Paper Sample on Technology in Education

Published: 2018-04-04
Research Paper Sample on Technology in Education
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Education Research Technology
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1289 words
11 min read

Research proposal on technology in education

The process of assessing the level of efficiency of a technology-based education system in line with the needs of learners and educators is an essential consideration. The concept of 1:1 technology incorporation in learning is based on the need for an improved school environment that equips the student with advanced skills in the 21st century while enabling the instructors to enhance their effectiveness and professionalism (Krumsvik, 2012). This study seeks to evaluate the experiences of the teachers in a rural school in South Eastern, Michigan. The first chapter of the research includes the highlight of the problem under investigation where the section presents the existing gap in the education system in line with the implementation of technology-based learning through the 1:1 technology initiative. The chapter also outlines the purpose of the study based on the established background and problem statement. The conceptual framework related to the research is also discussed to set the baseline for carrying out this research. Moreover, the section has presented the significance and the purpose of the research to depict how the filling of the research gap will be essential regarding education modernization.

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Technology in education research paper problem statement

The onset of the 1:1 laptop program in most schools in the country can be associated with a change in the learning environment. The question that remains of the essence in the analysis of the performance of the education sector is whether a correlation or variation exist for the learning experiences of students and teachers before and after the introduction of the program. The responsibility of instructors in schools revolves around curriculum implementation through the improvement of cognitive abilities of learners in line with their level of education. A change in learning environment could enhance or complicate the process of quality improvement and sustainability. Extraneous factors associated with the implementation of the technology-based initiative in schools depends on the appropriateness of the program founded on a succinct impact assessment. However, in some possible cases, the incorporation of the digital learning has been associated with challenges emanating from a lack of adequate capacity of implement all the dimensions of the project. Alternatively, some institutions could be characterized by unsupportive culture for the adopted technology. Nevertheless, the aftermath of the implementation could also generate new challenges that require comprehensive analysis and mitigation measures. On the other hand, success transformation of the learning process in line with the changing technology could be the baseline for efficiency, effective performance, and personal and professional development for teachers (Krumsvik, 2012).

Based on the possibility of negative and positive changes associated with the implementation of the 1:1 technology program in schools, it is essential to evaluate the classroom experiences of teachers before and after the incorporation of the project. The qualitative analysis of the dimensions associated with the classroom environment in a school located in South Eastern, Michigan, which entails the introduction of the 1:1 laptop use for learners, is a move towards the understanding of the environment-specific implications of the initiative. As a teacher with a firsthand exposure of the implication of program on the learning culture and experiences, having a clear knowledge of the views, perceptions, and anticipations of those directly involved with the success of the 1:1 laptop program in the selected school will form a basis for the future decision. However, most studies have focused on outcome based on universal metrics with a little emphasis on case studies and evidence-based assessment of the level of effectiveness. This study offers an avenue of assessing the experiences of teachers from a comparative perspective of the pre and post-implementation of the technology-based education for learners.

Research on technology in education purpose statement

The process of learning and the need for efficiency depends on dimensions such as the available resources, corporation between the learners and the teachers, the experience and competency level of instructors, and the external trends emanating from local and global environment. Advancing technology has been one of the critical factors that have transformed the education system. With the shift from desktops to laptops, the implementation of the 1:1 technology initiative in schools has presented a new dimension to be considered by teachers and education administrators to enhance the level of quality (Light & Pierson, 2014; Selwyn, 2013). The teaching responsibility is associated with tasks that require the commitment of instructors to improve the learning process; therefore, by introducing the 1:1 technology program in institution presents yet another challenge and obligation that should be considered.

The study, therefore, is designed to evaluate the scenario emanating from the implementation of the 1:1 technology initiative. The experience of teachers mandated with the coordination of learners to guarantee timeliness, appropriate, and relevant instructions at a different level is a key element that forms the basis of conducting this study. Base on the assessment of the consulted literature, a clear evidence-based knowledge on this matter will not only create awareness but also form the baseline for succinct and adapted change execution to improve the outcomes and impacts of 1:1 technology initiative. The research is committed to finding the correlation between the implementation of the initiative and the implication on the effectiveness of the educations system from the perspective of the experiences of teachers. Giving the study a theoretic comparison guarantees the validity of the findings, as well as a platform for transformational changes to enhance the experience of instructors and learners in a particular institution adopting the 1:1 technology initiative.

Education Modernization Conceptual Framework

The use of computers in learning is one of the most influential developments in education system across the globe. According to Klieger, Ben-Hur, and Bar-Yossef (2009), the use of laptops and other computer-based technologies in learning influences teachers’ professionalism in two major dimensions. The incorporation of computers to each student and teacher as an additional learning resource determines the nature of competencies that instructors should possess to enhance the learning process. The existence of support training system is critical to the experiences of educators. Selwyn (2013) pointed out how the education technologies have significant advantages in improving the delivery of instruction in education. The assessment of the implications of 1:1 laptop initiatives in schools should go beyond the reviewing of the technical components and focus on the sociotechnical elements for learners and teachers. Selwyn (2013) concluded that such programs could be used to empower poor children across the world.

Moreover, Shutkin (2015) while focusing on the Lake Highland School examined the implication of the 1:1 MacBook laptop for teachers and students. The study found out that the program was a move to ensure the nurturing of well-educated learners to fill the gaps within the interdependent and technologically advancing world. Barron et al. (2008) presented the lessons learned from the Florida University laptop implementation. The scholars noted that the willingness of the learners, as well as the training and support for instructors, is key to the success of such initiatives. Keengwe, Schnellert, and Mills (2011) ascertained the same sentiments by pointing out how the 1:1 laptop implementation guarantees positive influence on student engagement and learning: however, the need for teachers to possess advanced and appropriate computing skills is essential for sustainability.

Furthermore, Garza (2015) noted how the introduction of technology in American schools had created a high demand for transformed teaching and learning culture facilitated by teachers and administrators. The study, which assessed the implication of 1:1 laptop for professional learning and educator practices, pointed out the essence of personalized professional learning. On the other hand, Hounshell, Hill, and Swofford (2012) assessed the effectiveness of technology implementation in education for minority students. The research found out that the perception of teachers, parents, and students changed when the computers were used to improve the ability of learners in science and mathematics. Therefore, most studies hint a real correlation between the 1:1 technology implementations and the experiences of instructor a well as the students.

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