Free Essay on Theodore Roosevelt's Character Traits that Helped Him Become Successful

Published: 2018-03-23
Free Essay on Theodore Roosevelt's Character Traits that Helped Him Become Successful
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Biography Government Personality Theodore Roosevelt
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1459 words
13 min read

Personal and Interpersonal Character Traits of Theodore Roosevelt

US history is filled with controversial events and personalities that are approved and appreciated by some people and criticized by others. The personality of Theodore Roosevelt has always been actively discussed by scholars, who kept highlighting his positive and negative traits. Undeniably, not all of his actions and decisions were right, but history remembers Theodore Roosevelt mainly as a hard-working, determined, and goal-oriented man.

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Theodore Roosevelt served as the 26th president of the United States of America from 1901-1909 on the Republican ticket. The article by Edmund Morris describes the character traits of this man, some of which made him the great president he was. Despite being born asthmatic, Theodore fought through ranks to become the youngest president of the US in history at forty-three years. This paper describes and analyzes the traits described in the article and how beneficial or detrimental they were to his presidential ambitions.

Irrespective of all the negative comments and contradictions, the personality of Theodore Roosevelt remains legendary and timeless. It took much time and effort for him to come from a curious child to an ambitious young man and to a boisterous adult. Consistency, hard work, dedication, and burning desire to help people are the most typical features that helped him become a kind man and a successful politician. Additionally, it is indispensable to highlight that Roosevelt had numerous hobbies and interests, such as swimming, reading, writing, judo, polo, hunting, hiking, tennis, boxing, and others that helped him stay active, healthy, and prosperous in the most different aspects.

The article describes Theodore as likable and irresistible. He was a huge person physically and Morris describes him as equal to two combined strong men, and with an appetite enough for four people (92). However, the article indicates that it was his personality that was more appealing than the physical phenomenon. Various writers describe him as having a compelling sweetness that is irresistible (Morris, 93). Additionally, this attribute, coupled with his powerful personality made an impression that his ideas were not to be doubted. Morris also indicates that in some instances, even his fiercest political rivals could not resist him in person. Despite Henry Adams, one of his critics, spending much of his time insulting the presidency of the time, he would frequently accept dining invitations at the white house. Theodore would also frequently insult his officers to castigate their poor performance. However, according to Morris, he would collapse into laughter as he uttered these insults even when it was a serious matter, which made them less offending (94).

The character described above is ideal for a man seeking the presidency. Just his physical appearance, as described, was commanding in nature. His likable personality was good in creating a self-image that made people naturally drawn to him and his ideas (Cooper and Gould). Theodore’s likeableness appears to portray the signs of a charismatic leader which is critical for a country’s president. The fact that he had a conviction that that was easily sellable to his followers means that the implementation of suggested policies was swift. According to Cooper and Gould, such leaders, through their characters, can influence their subordinate officers to carry on their vision even when they are not present. For a US president, Theodore's character was crucial as he would not have a hard time commanding people around. Also, his way of castigating poor performers through insults said lightly made him attached more to his officers. This way, even in his absence, he would not fear of a collapse of business.

Apart from being an excellent manager, Theodore Roosevelt was an impressive performer who knew how to accomplish the most challenging and responsible tasks. The ability to understand people and accept their perspectives was appreciated in the community and contributed to his flawless reputation. However, apart from the impeccable leadership qualities, Theodor Roosevelt had a genuine ability to listen to people, emphasize and sympathize with them. It is inevitable to mention that he was a man filled with love and positive energy. At the same time, Roosevelt was a person who didn’t deny mistakes and did everything possible to gain control over them.