Life Moments Essay Samples

Published: 2018-02-08
Life Moments Essay Samples
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Personality Personal experience
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1278 words
11 min read

My life changed

The moment my life changed forever was when I completed my university level and got employed. I had struggled so much during my high school level due to lack of school fees and often did casual work to cater for my fees and other basic needs. Moreover, I was an orphan and my guardian also lived in poverty and the little money he got from the farm activities was used to cater for the academic fees and other needs at home. The job catered for all my needs and also helped my guardian in other issues. The salary I attained was used in the home developments and also other investments in business. The enterprises I opened grew rapidly and made it possible to offer employment to other individuals. In addition to that, I made sure that I maintained my job and did the assigned duties without failure. On the other hand, the managers promoted me and gave me the responsibility to supervise my colleagues due to the dedication I had at the company. It was my best moments in life and overcoming all the struggles I had faced since I lost my parents. The great change was so influential in my life and had to change other people's life and ensure they got employed at the enterprises I had opened.

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My education

After being in school for 20 years, I graduated in the year 2010 with a Bachelors in education. This is the year my life took a new angle. Just a few weeks after my graduation, I got an opportunity to work with the most prestigious international school in my country: Braeburn International School. The school offered attractive packages: a hefty salary and a car. With the hefty salary, I managed to save fifty percent of my salary for five years which later turned out to be the wisest decision I ever made. After the savings matured, I was able to turn around the prospects of my family. Firstly, I educated all my siblings who had finished high school education but could not proceed to college due to financial constraints. Secondly, I also enrolled for my masters program with the same savings. The completion of masters program gave me new opportunities in my organization. I was made the head of department of science subjects. The new post came with bigger responsibilities, but also my salary was doubled. This was the most challenging office, but was able to lead it due to the motivation I got.

My wife cheating on me

The day I caught my wife cheating on me was the moment my life changed forever. We had been married for five years having dated for three other years. We had two beautiful girls aged three and one years. Our life was full of good memories, comprising of all the places we had visited, the people we had met, and the family we had created together. However, little did I know that this was all a lie and a short-lived dream. My wife had an affair with my best friend. They had been dating while I worked tirelessly to feed our family. She had learnt my schedule, which she aligned well with the meetings she would have with my friend. Apparently, one day I fell ill while on a night shift and the shift manager allowed me to take a sick-off. I drove home yearning to have my wife nurse me. It was raining that night and they did not hear me drive in. Moreover, the door was unlocked and I walked right in. To my amazement, there lay clothes on the corridor leading to the master bedroom. I was curious to know to whom the male clothes belonged, which led me to the bedroom. On opening the door, I could not believe my eyes. My wife lay there naked, sleeping on the thorax of another man. I could not believe my eyes. The picture of my woman lying with another man in my own bed changed my life forever.

Changed my life forever

We all learn from good and bad moments. The experiences we have in life can either be negative or positive, but that`s not what really matters. The only notable things that individuals gain from their successful and failed opportunities are the lessons learnt. People learn from good and bad life experiences that influence our attitudes and to some extent shape our personalities. Personally, I have taken part in certain activities in my life that had certain experiences good or bad. As a result of those activities, my life changed forever and I got to learn indispensable lessons.

Early last year, I decided to try out a venture that was supposed to generate a good profit within the first three months according to my projections. Conversely, the business turned into a massive flop that resulted to loss of about half of my initial outlay. Even after this loss, I felt positive since I got to learn the importance of prior planning before embarking on a huge investment. The next time I wish to start a business, I will have to do extensive research and good planning to avoid losses like my previous failed business.

It is worth noting that many life experiences and good and bad moments assist us to mold our future. In addition, nasty moments and failures prepare us for the future as well as assist us to improve personal decision making skills.

Emotions of life

Life is a rollercoaster of emotions. Some days, the ride makes you laugh and smile in euphoria, and then there are the other days. The days where you can’t stomach anymore pain. My day, the ride I’ll never forget, changed the way I look at life forever.

I jabbed my keys a couple times before finally finding the ignition. My eyes could see my new apartment and bed eagerly waiting for me. I just needed to stay in between the lines for five minutes, and then my new residence could welcome me home. I drove home hitting every green light until the last intersection before my complex. I stopped at the red light and blinked my blurry eyes to stay awake. It was Friday night, (or Saturday morning) and my sixty-hour work week was finally over.

I walked up the stairway in the silent night and dragged my defeated legs to my door. I felt lifeless with no energy, but even my zombie state couldn’t keep me from smiling at the thought that I finally had my own place to come home to. I had come a long way and worked very hard for this feeling, so I decided to enjoy every second of it.

Once again, the dark night forced me to jab my key to find the opening slot, but before I could find it, my front door slowly creaked open. Butterflies flew through my stomach before cowering in fear behind my intestines. I had always double checked and double locked my door. It had been a long week, but I was certain that it wasn’t me that failed to close my door. I was scared to walk inside, but curiosity gave me the strength to walk in.

I turned on the light to see the damage, and I wished I hadn’t. The living room that I had spent the last three weeks decorating and filling with luxuries was bare, ripped apart, and uninviting. Everything was gone except for the couch. I stumbled into the other rooms anxious to see what I would never see again. Every room was a mess.

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Life Moments Essay Samples. (2018, Feb 08). Retrieved from

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