Healthcare Essay Example and Quiz Answers

Published: 2017-10-25
Healthcare Essay Example and Quiz Answers
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  College Education Healthcare
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1567 words
14 min read

Part 1

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1. The perspective taken by the textbook that seeks to understand old age by understanding the entire course of human life is known to be the life course perspective

2. All of the above affects an individual’s experience in old age.

3. The idea that people in a society share beliefs about appropriate age for certain life event is known as the social clock.

4. The proper sequence referring to the distinctions that are made between age groups, young-old old –old oldest-old

5. Special events that are able to mark the transition from one role to another are known as rites of passage.

6. The theory that states that the status of old people declines as societies become more modern is the modernization theory.

7. The Disengament Theory of aging looks at old age as a time when both the older person and society engage in mutual separation.

8. The most widely pervasive view of adulthood assumes continuous deterioration and decline.

9. Gender related events doesn’t have a strong impact on one’s pathway through life

10. Social policies and institutions define transitions throughout life.

11. According to the text, the moral economy embodies expectations of what is fair or right.

12. Biomarkers are biological indicators that can identify features of the basic process of aging.

13. Reserve capacity is the body ability to recover from assaults and withstand demands such as physical exertion.

14. Antagonistic Pleitrophy refers to the idea that is traits which are beneficial in early life but harmful in later life.

15. Cognitive functioning is mostly affected by normal aging.

16. It is false that students, retiree, grandmother, and first time father are strictly linked to chronological age.

17. It is false that the stage of life has been viewed in the same ways throughout history.

18. It is true that compression of morbidity refers to the displacement of aging-related disease and declines as late in the life course as possible.

19. It is true that normal aging is a disease process that results into decline and death.

Part 2

1. which of the following is a question that gerontologist seek to explore about old age

D. All the above

2. An activity engaged in for its own sake is

B. Leisure.

3. throughout the life course, patterns of leisure activity

A. stays relatively the same as in middle life.

4. D the economy.

5. According to the public opinion surveys, the percentage of older Americans says that religion is very important in their lives. C. is close to 60%

6. Social researcher theorizes that religion helps older adults cope in which of the following ways.

D. All the above.

7.James Fowler 1981 developed a framework describing how people move from simple ideas of religion to level they see themselves in more universal terms.the frame work is known as.

B. faith stages.

8.C Participation in public religious activities.

9 D. Human relationships.

10. A .unclear.

11. B. Our future selves.

12. B False.

13. The world that human beings live in has no shared meaning of any importance any importance

B. False

14. A True that churches and religious organization play many roles in the lives of older people

A. True

15 B, False

16.A. True that the percentage of adults reporting that they are religiously unaffiliated is increasing.

17. A. Inner attitude of spirituality.

18. D , As people grow older, they may attend churches less often, but engage in more personal religious practices such as reading the Bible.

19. D, all of the above.

20. The research that founded that research and spirituality have benefit for holder people is

A, Cross-sectional

Part 3

1. The maximum human lifespan appears to be around.

C.12O years

2, A. Not changed at all.

3, A. Normal Aging

4. B twice.

5. C rate of living concept.

6. D. None of the above fully explains why we grow old.

7. A. chance and fate.

8. A. wear and Tear theory.

9. B. autoimmune theory.

10. C. the aging- clock theory.

11. D. The cross-linkage theory.

12. A. antioxidants

13. D. The cellular theory.

14. D.None of the above.

15. A. compression of morbidity theory.

16. A. True

17. A. True

18. B. False

19. A. True

20. B. False

Part 4

1. A. All of the above.

2. C. 9 out of 10

3. A. finding an acceptable definition of creativity

4. A. fluid intelligence.

5. C.Crystallized intelligence.

6. D.Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)

7. A the persistent difference in performance on measurement of verbal performance intelligence.

8. C. the validity problem

9. A.Pragmatic or social judgment, which is more than abstract reasoning.

10. D. Longitudinal studies.

11. C. Younger people are naturally much smarter than older people.

12. C. 60

13. A. cognitive reserve capacity

14. D. declines; increases

15. B. False

16. A. True

17. B. False

18. A. True

19. B. False

20. A. True

21. A. True

Part 5

1. D. All of the above

2. B. Determining out how to do better on IQ test.

3. A. attending church

4. D. Geriatrics

5. B. epidemiology

6. D. All of the above.

7. All of the above

8. B. 65

9. A. Medicare

10. A. True

11. A. Nursing home

12. B. varies widely by type and location

13. A. multidimensional functioning assessment

14. D. continuum of community –based long term care.

15. D. All of the above

16. A. True

17. A. True

18. B. False

19. A. True

20. B. False

21. A. True

22. B. False

23. A. True

24. A. True

Part 6

1. C. $ 500 billion
2.B. One –third

3. D. kidney dialysis

4. B. waiting lines

5. A. younger over older

6. D. All of the above

7. B. older adults as a group are highly heterogeneous and chronological age is not a good predictor for medical treatment.

8. A. knowing how much money would be saved.

9.D. All above.

10. A. Managed care.

11. B. economics

12. A. Adult over age 85

13. D. Daniel Callahan

14. A. cost benefit analysis

15. B. Cost effectiveness analysis

16. C. quality adjusted life years

17. B. False

18. A. True

19. B. False

Part 7

1. A. The spouse

2.C. the American theory of family aging

3. C. The sandwich generation

4.D. All of the above

5.D. Respite care

6. B. Inaccurate

7. C. three-fourths

8. A. “world-we-have-lost” myth

9. D. Western societies.

10. A. intimacy at a distance.

11. A. deeply embedded in many cultures, including Western.

12. D. filial responsibility.

13. B. The woodwork effect

14.C. Medicaid spenddown

15.A. True

16.B. False

17.A. True

18. A. True

19.B. False

20.A. True

21.B. Women

Rewrite on Ted Video and the YouTube video.

Referring to TEDMED, I am able to realize health care research done for Intel, focusing on how new technology can be used and even far much able to solve big challenges in the system for the sick, technically it provide an idea on how to medically monitor behavior of patient by an example of a phone when it comes to managing their medication, taking the right medicine at the right time, this can be applied to all of other individuals and the aging. Additionally, behavior markers in the Ted video matters in social health, Dishman is trying to be innovative and working hard to convince Intel, through coming up with new approaches to improve healthcare. In this case his idea worked on driving healthcare reform through home and community-based technologies and services, I am able to realize that the US healthcare system is like computing circs 1959, tethered to big with narrow central systems; nursing homes, doctors, hospitals. Since the aging population is increasing, it is important for the creation of networked, personal and home based health care which is supposed to take care of all of the aging population. I in the video am able to identifying how paying the care is not a big deal but actually the delivery of the care, the solution for innovative service delivery is a total shift from the mainframe care system to a personal model of healthcare.

Health care rationing debate

Comparatively the other YouTube video is able to explain much about healthcare rationing where much focus has been put on how health insurance is rationed based on the ability to pay and the price. Questions are raised on why sometimes it’s so difficult to talk about rationing and how to get people talk about what they don’t want to talk about. I realize there is little support by the government to reduce cut on the medical services and for health care to thrive the government should control regulation and increase innovation. Both ted video and the YouTube video is incorporating new technology in the improvement of health care. Every healthcare system is normally have challenge no matter how organized it is, in united states the disorganization normally arises due to the public and private complication which is brought by aging technology, political difference and lack of understanding on the peoples side. Additionally I realized that the government have been relax when it comes to support of new technology in the Medicare and politicians are resisting cut to raise money in support for the Medicare. One of the difficult questions raised is why it is so difficult to talk about rationing, this question both affects the government and the overall individuals where the two bodies should mutually depend on each other and it does not currently exist

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