Essay Sample on A Description of the Cultural Issue at Hand: The Effect of Corruption

Published: 2023-08-08
Essay Sample on A Description of the Cultural Issue at Hand: The Effect of Corruption
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Christianity Community Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 625 words
6 min read

Corruption has become one of the major issues today, where it is mainly associated with poverty. Every year countries get ranked from the most corrupt to the least corrupt. They get ranked according to points from 0 to 10, 10 being the most corrupt. According to publications, there are no records of a country with 10 points, but none with 0 points meaning nations are more corrupt than been clean. An author known as Peter Eigen associates corruption with the roadblock to development; he blames this on the political and economic elite and not the poor. According to the Global Corruption Perceptions, the least corrupt nations are the Protestant nations whose cultures are shaped decisively by the Bible.

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A Description of the Christian Response to that Issue

The nations influenced by the Bible are the least corrupt. The incidence of Jesus's death and resurrection is the wisdom and the power of God for people’s salvation. The resurrection of Jesus means that demise is not the termination of a human being. Resurrection meant that people continue to be existent beyond end and continue to be accountable to God. The result of immorality was death, whereas the effect of faith and obedience was resurrection life. The resurrection and death of Jesus become good news and the Gospel since they were more than the historical happenings. They were an indication of God’s redemptive intercession in people’s history. Thus it implies that morality is more than a social construct or the law of the land. People tend to operate above the law, such as a politician and a civil servant. In contrast, others such as well-connected businessmen may belong to a brutal system that runs above the law, and all these forms of corruption will have later consequences. Today it may be impossible to bring these people into Justice, but when the moral law is God’s law, no individual will escape it. Each person will face judgment from God. Each individual will have to take the consequence of their sin unless one repents their sins and accepts the forgiveness and eternal life that Jesus offers. Jesus can forgive because he became the sacrificial Lamb of God and took the sin of the world upon himself.

Thoughtful Response/ Reaction to the Ideas Outlined in the Chapter

I agree with the author that corruption has made many countries live in poverty. The most developed countries are ranked least in terms of corruption. The reason is that they were the first to receive the Bible that had a deep meaning of God’s law before the Bible got translated into other languages, hence some incidents of changing some parts.

Is something Missing?

Nothing is missing about the effects of corruption. According to the author’s perspective and the Christian view the consequence of corruption is given.

Do you Agree With the Christian Response?

I agree regarding the eighth commandment.

Is Such a Response Realistic?

Yes, it is realistic because corruption is a sin. Every sin without repentance is punishable, even if it is not in this world.

Discussion Aligning With Views on Christianity

My view about Christianity is that each individual should obey the Ten Commandments. The eighth commandment forbids not only those thefts and robberies that are punishable by the courts but all forms of covetousness are prohibited. Corruption is one of the avarice then should be punished.

Have you seen examples of this in “real life?”

Everything today has been all about corruption. Graduates are spending their lives at home being jobless. One is required to bribe to get a job; hence without this capability to bribe, it means being jobless.


Mangalwadi, V. (2012). The book that made your world, How the Bible Created the Soul of western civilization. Thomas Nelson.

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Essay Sample on A Description of the Cultural Issue at Hand: The Effect of Corruption. (2023, Aug 08). Retrieved from

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