Essay Sample: A Reflection of the "Pontius Pilate" by Ann Wroe

Published: 2022-11-14
Essay Sample: A Reflection of the "Pontius Pilate" by Ann Wroe
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  God Christianity Bible
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 701 words
6 min read

"Pontius Pilate" by Ann Wroe is one of the controversial books in theology. The book is about the biography of Pontius Pilate who is known as the prosecutor who ruled for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Wroe uses the historical information and various fictional materials to bring out the life of Pilate. The life about Pilate as presented by Wroe helps to enlighten on the understanding of the New Testament world. The book also influences the perception about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As seen in the discussion of this paper, the reflection of "Pontius Pilate" offers enlightenment on my understanding of the New Testament world, and it as well influences my view on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

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The book has helped in enlightening my understanding of the New Testament world in various ways. First, the book aided me to know that people lived according to their classes in the world of the New Testament. For example, Wroe writes that "...his life was thus probably respectable, but second class, members of the knightly class, special administrators" (Wroe, 2001). The description of Pilate's family class and its relationship with their duties in the society as special administrators have enlightened my understanding that in the New Testament people stayed and worked according to their classes.

The other way in which the book enlightens my understanding of the New Testament world is in the depiction of the religion aspect. The book shows that Jews could not interact with the Gentiles as they believed that the non-Jews were unclean. For instance, Wroe writes that "even the high priests and Pharisees who dragged Jesus to Pilate's palace in Jerusalem refused to pass its doors, for Pilate and the Romans were unclean" (Wroe, 2001). The illustration indicates how the world of the New Testament had a religious practice where the Jews could not freely interact with the Gentiles. Therefore, I have come to know that in the New Testament world, religion created a barrier between the Gentiles and the Jews

The Book also influences how I view the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. First, I have come to know that the death of Jesus was a divine purpose of God to redeem humankind. For example, Wroe stated that "...because he stands at the center of the Christian story and God's plan of redemption. Without his climactic judgment of Jesus, the world would not have been saved" (Wroe, 2001). The writer tries to emphasize how God used Pontius Pilate to accomplish his redemption plan. Consequently, I have come to realize that the death of Jesus was not because of His failure to adhere to the Jews' laws, but it was to fulfill God's purpose of redeeming humanity.

Another way in which the book influences my view of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is its description on Pilate's washing of hands during Jesus' death sentence. As per Wroe, Pilate washed his hands to declare himself innocent of the death of Jesus Christ. For instance, in Matthew 27: 24, as seen in the Bible quote below, Pilate washed hands to declare his innocence in Jesus' death sentence. From this, I view the death of Jesus as a way to forgiveness from sins, but not a cause of guilt in the life of people.

"When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead, an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. "I am innocent of this man's blood," he said. "It is your responsibility!" (Matthew 27:24, New International Version, p. 704)

Conclusively, the "Pontius Pilate" is about the biography of Pontius Pilate written by Ann Wroe. The writer uses historical information and various fictional materials to bring out the life of Pilate. The book has helped in enlightening my understanding of the New Testament world. The book also influences how I view the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Pontius Pilate is recommendable as it has information that enhances the understanding of the New Testament World as well as the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


NIV study Bible. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Pub. House.

Wroe, A. (2001). Pontius Pilate. New York: Modern Library.

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Essay Sample: A Reflection of the "Pontius Pilate" by Ann Wroe. (2022, Nov 14). Retrieved from

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