Free Essay with a Review of Dragon Bone Hill Book

Published: 2019-06-04
Free Essay with a Review of Dragon Bone Hill Book
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Science Human
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1146 words
10 min read

Understanding evolution as it has occurred in man over the years is something that scientists together with researchers are still contemplating about. It is believed that man has evolved over years from one species to another, with different characteristics manifested at these stages of life. The book Dragon Bone Hill, which derives its name from a place called so in China, recollects what happened as well as giving insights into the lifestyle of early man, Homo erectus. It was believed that life existed even before our current species; the Homo sapiens lived. This species of Homo erectus is believed to have lived even longer on earth than the other. There have been controversies on the subject, whether the Peking man was indeed a man or a woman. This book, therefore, gives more details about the Homo erectus, their lifestyle and the evolution process as well.

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Much has been said about what the book provides with some people believing that it has some controversies. However, the book has been very flawless in the collection of its chronological account of how life was during those years. The book has revealed some unique aspects of the life of this early species of man, how they used to carry out themselves and their means of survival too. On the issue of Peking man, the book has clearly elaborated that it was indeed the remains of children and women that were found in the cave. The remains found and believed to be for the Homo erectus species are alleged to be those that were left by a giant hyena who ate them. Such accounts that are provided within the book are very crucial in understanding the lifestyle of these early men (Boaz & Ciochon, 2004). It is therefore very easy to say that the book is excellent as it offers so many facts of how things unfolded.

The first two chapters of the books give information on what happened to the fossils that were discovered years back. It illustrates how the discovery was made and later the excavation of these remains (Boaz & Ciochon, 2004). Nevertheless, the disappearance of these fossils during the Second World War remains a clandestine and nobody can explain what exactly happened. It was a major blow to the anthropology department as the evidence that had been collected and could prove some of evolution over time was now lost. Again, the book mentions that fortunate pictures of these remains together with the records that had been stored were very critical in providing the necessary information. This is also another aspect of the book that is important as it shows the importance of keeping records. Disasters such as earthquakes and fires or even bombings could destroy such evidence, but the book mentions that if proper storage properties are utilized, then information cannot be completely lost. Modern methods such as scanning can be employed at any given time as they provide opportunities for further detailing and better ways of keeping records (Regal, 2008).

The next two chapters of the book talk about the physical appearance of the pecking man, how they looked like. The vivid description provided in this part gives a clear picture of how this species looked like, making the current historians understand more the process of evolution and how it has happened with time (Boaz & Ciochon, 2004). These physical appearances have since then changed, and if the two species are compared today, then massive differences would be observed. The skull of the Homo erectus is believed to be more of abnormal and within these two chapters; the writer has elaborated the reasons as to why this is so. Its functions could have made to have such an appearance something that the book illustrates perfectly. Paleoanthropologist, therefore, finds it easier to explain such differences. Consequently, the book once again proves to be very much useful.

The cultural aspects of this species are discussed in the next three chapters of the book, where the authors of the book reveal to us what they exactly did during this time. That picture of how they used to live their life comes alive, and someone can trace back where some cultures came from. Though there have been some interpretations about the Homo erectus, the writers of this book believed that these people could have more of scavengers and even practiced cannibalism. They believed that they were not more of hunters as perceived. The physique of the Erectus species was quite different, as they developed some extraordinary appearances that were meant to help them obtain their meals. They had to compete with other carnivores for food. Therefore, they had to be just like them, with structures that could help them survive. The theory of survival of the fittest could best describe this. Once again it is critical to understand the life pattern and how some behaviors came into existence, especially of these Pecking men (Hoffecker, 2010).

The way the book has outlined and streamlined and how it is passing this information is splendid. It is very easy to understand, and it makes it easier for learners to come to terms with the evolution process. Evolution is a gradual process, and when step by step guide like this book is provided, it makes it even much easy for learners to understand the process without a glitch. Few books can do this, and, therefore, this book is one that is very crucial when it comes to understanding the evolution process. It has also gone further to explain the discoveries that were made in Africa and Asia, explaining that this species could have been discovered at two geographical regions at the same time. Understanding the geographical distribution during that time is also very crucial. Questions that could rise to the existence of races could be partly explained using this aspect. A theory has also been proposed to try to explain the origin of the Homo erectus species, and this is imperative in the learning process (Boaz & Ciochon, 2004).

The book has presented some interesting facts about the Homo erectus species and providing more information on the evolution process. The authors of the book have succeeded to give their account and what they think of the existence of the people. On the controversies that are there about whether the pecking man was indeed a man or woman has also been clearly explained. It is. Therefore, it is an excellent book that can be said has achieved its purpose and moreover, made learning process much simpler.


Boaz, N. T., & Ciochon, R. L. (2004). Dragon Bone Hill: An Ice-Age Saga of Homo erectus: An Ice-Age Saga of Homo erectus. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hoffecker, J. F. (2010). Landscape of the Mind: Human Evolution and the Archeology of Thought. New York City: Columbia University Press.

Regal, B. (2008). Icons of evolution: an encyclopedia of people, evidence, and controversies, Volume 1. Santa Barbara: Greenwood Press.

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