Free Essay on Advancement in Information Technology

Published: 2019-08-15
Free Essay on Advancement in Information Technology
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Information technologies
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1070 words
9 min read

Q1. Hiring hackers

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Advancement in technology has simplified the way of life for many people all over the world. Business transactions have been streamlined, and the world turned into a global village. People from different locations all over the world can interact efficiently in a virtual world enhancing global integration and trade liberalization. Nowadays vital information can be spread to a huge viewership within a short period. Learning materials can be shared via the internet thus enhancing literacy level in many parts of the world. On the contrary, the mass usage of technology had brought several negative impacts to different people and organization in the world. It has led to the development of cyber crimes and terrorism (Bijker et al, 2012). Hackers are on the rise each day. They are computer intellectuals who hijack other peoples data and organizational information for personal utilization and propagation of cyber crimes. Hackers are cyber criminal, therefore; hiring a former hacker means the introduction of a criminal into your organization. Hackers are likely to tamper with your computer system and demand for the lump sum cash to fix the same (Davenport, 2013). They can spill vital information to dangerous people since most of them are cartels of cyber criminals. Trusting a hacker with your private or organization data is dangerous because these people are focused more on personal gratification and personal gains.

Q2. Tips to keep your computer safe on the internet

When using the internet, it is important to be very frugal to avoid internet related threats and damage to your computer and loss of information. Here are some important tips to help you to stay safe while using a computer network.

Always use an anti-virus program a firewall or an anti-spyware program. It is important to ensure that the computer you are using has an up to date protection program to keep your computer protected from virus threats. The Internet without his security invites hackers, spams, and worm to your computer system (Bijker et al, 2012). A firewall will control the interaction of your computer with the outside internet world allowing selective access to the secure site.

Always secure the network router you are using to access internet connection to your computer. Choose a unique name for your network and keep changing it from time to time to prevent detention by hackers and then secure it with a strong password that cannot be cracked easily.

Always download your applications and programs from secure and trusted sites. Avoid installing and running programs you are not familiar with. The sites contain programs that can provide virus materials capable of jeopardizing your computer performance (Davenport, 2013).

Check for secure transaction information from the internet. Always use a secure connection to transmit sensitive information via the internet. Use secure URLs that are secured by https:// to ensure that the information you are accessing is encrypted.

Do not open attachments or links you receive from unknown people. Most of the contain virus and spyware that are harmful to your computer (Bijker et al, 2012). Avoid emails and attachment that contain unknown extensions like .exe.

Run document scan before installing them to kill harmful malware and virus that might be attached to the files. Avoid the insertion of infected computer peripherals like external hard drives and flash disks as they are potentially harmful.

Use encrypted files on your computer to avoid detection and access by a hacker. Secure you files and documents with passwords known to you to ensure their privacy. Your computer should be protected by a login password that is known to you or people you can trust.

Update your operating system and web browser to ensure they are updated to fight the newest threat in the market (Davenport, 2013). Virus creation is on the rise each day and you a need a computer system that keeps up with this trend.

Q3. The Association for Computing Machinery code of ethics, and for each of the four sections, discuss two codes that you found

General moral imperatives

The members have an obligation to honor property right regarding copyright and patent. The computing community should be responsible and respect the work of other computer users by respecting individual innovations. They should keep off from unauthorized duplication of the materials as well as protection of unlicensed products under development.

The member should avoid harm to other by avoiding injury or any act with negative repercussions (Bijker et al, 2012). They should work to prevent loss of information, property and undesired environmental impacts. They should avoid any computing activities that cause harm to the general public, users, employees, and employers.

More specific professional responsibilities

The members should acquire and maintain a professional computing professional and be open to professional criticism and review. Members should utilize the profession competence and talents available from the group for profession gratification (Bijker et al, 2012).

The members are supported to honor contracts, agreements, and the assigned tasks. It calls for honesty and personal responsibility for the computing professionals to fulfill the duties assigned to them. They should be free to request for assignments that cannot be delivered within the required time frame and in a competent state.

Organizational leadership imperatives.

The members should honor and follow the specified guideline which may affect both the leadership and the followers. The members should embrace social responsibilities to the immediate society and the people they interact with.

The leaders should manage the resources and assign specific roles to the members. When implementing computing resources, the leaders should ensure that the organizational composition conforms to the standard operating rules.

Compliance with the code

Members are supposed to uphold and promote the principle of the code of conduct. The members should maintain both the technical and ethical excellence for continuity of the computing professional. The ACM members should encourage embrace adherence the code of ethics.

Any deviation from the system should be treated as a violation of the ACM code of conduct. Adherence to the rule is voluntary, but membership to the group can be terminated in case of evidence of gross misconduct to the code of ethics.


Bijker, W. E., Hughes, T. P., Pinch, T., & Douglas, D. G. (2012). The social construction of technological systems: New directions in the sociology and history of technology. MIT press.

Davenport, T. H. (2013). Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press.

Fitzsimmons, J., & Fitzsimmons, M. (2013). Service management: Operations, strategy, information technology. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

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