Free Essay: African American History Across Social-Cultural Perspective

Published: 2023-09-28
Free Essay: African American History Across Social-Cultural Perspective
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Race Slavery Community American history
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 456 words
4 min read

The dynamic migration of blacks in the slave trade from North Africa grew to become united and bonded strongly. The black population evolved from the past down to traditionalists, who became artists through their birth origin to their native citizenship (Williams, 2017). The traditional culture involved storytelling from generation to generation among black’ families (Lanehart, 2020). The deep black culture and traditions associated with their origin are elevated by the origin of their culture with transitions of generation. Together they were creating hopes in personal freedom to hedge poverty routed by their enslavement and firmly rooted way of life through the traditional culture. Africans in America have great evolution in their social and cultural perspective to date, with their unity and population growth, the population of United States of America.

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The personal freedom through getting a good education leading to the better erection of a firm foundation of African better life in America. Gradually a better way of living and improving on the consideration to have equal rights with Americans. African American history has a lot across its social-cultural perspective.

The several significant reforms and adaptations of Africans, including music, and spiritual life wherein 18th and early 19th Century majority of Africans in America converted to modern Christianity. Blended with their original African tradition carried from Africa, thus fitting to claim their space in America. The slave owners attempted with the intention of striping Africans off their culture (Lanehart, 2020). The social and physical isolation of marginalization of African slaves was the trick used to demoralize Africans with stagnating their economic and diversification rise on job economic activities (Williams, 2017). The civil rights movements, slave rebellions, slavery, and African culture have dynamically shaped the economic, political, familial, and African-American religion in general. The imprint of evident by myriad ways in several worldviews, cuisine, religion, dance, fashion, hairstyles, music, language, economics, and politics, gradually establishing and Africans claiming their rights in several civil rights movements. However, African culture has been a transformative and pervasive impact on elements of mainstream culture in America (Williams, 2017).


In conclusion, Africans in America have several historical life evolutions in record up to date. The mutual process of exchanging creativity of creolization follows the consideration of evolving the interaction life among Africans and Americans on cultural and social perspectives. Over time the African culture slave’s descendants have continuously ubiqu in its impact on dominant culture in America and to the extent of universal world culture as well.


Lanehart, S. L. (2020). Language, Discourse and Power in Africa American culture. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Williams, B. J. (2017). Increasing the participation and success of African-American students in gifted programs. Fundamentals of Gifted Education, 399-404.

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