Paper Example on African Americans Face Discrimination in Various Dimensions

Published: 2023-09-16
Paper Example on African Americans Face Discrimination in Various Dimensions
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Discrimination
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1063 words
9 min read


The African Americans form part of the minority groups in America and face discrimination from the white people in different dimensions, for instance, in health care, housing, employment opportunities, among others. Although some of these forms of discrimination are slowly decreasing, there are other challenges that black people go through. Police brutality resulting from racial profiling is one of the most rampant social issues that the minority group faces. In this regard, it is evident that police brutality is more prevalent in the black community compared to other groups. Over the years the black people have been associated with several forms of crime, and as a result, the stereotype has been the case for several years. The typecast has, therefore, made the police to be more harsh and brutal on the African Americans. In the recent past, the issue of George Floyd confirmed the concern of police brutality on black communities, and this proves beyond doubt that, indeed, police violence is more prevalent in black communities.

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The question is important to me as a member of society because I believe all lives matter, and no one should be a victim of any circumstance. The problem is, therefore, vital because it explores the issue in-depth and even goes further to use real-life scenarios where police often use violence against the black people. A society is made up of people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities, among others. As a result, everyone should be respected regardless of their differences. Stereotyping is a dangerous way of approaching an issue, especially on matters concerning human life. Several African American people have lost their lives because they were falsely accused and killed for crimes they did not commit. The question is, therefore, important because it will study the challenges that blacks go through because of actions emanating from human behavior.

The significant developments in social science thinking that drive questions regarding the study of African Americans include; culture, anthropology, political science, and economics. Through learning, one can be interested in knowing the way of life of the African American people, what they believe in, and how they interact with others in society. The African American people, just like other communities, have their cultural believes which need to be respected for people to live in harmony with one another. Another development that can drive questions is anthropological thinking, which seeks to establish the original roots of the black community and why they settled in American and not Africa. Some of the issues that can arise from social science thinking are; does the origin of black people have any relationship with them being brutalized by the police? Could the past life of slavery be linked to prevalent police brutality in the black community?

Additionally, political science thinking is also another development that can trigger questions in the study of African Americans. Scholars can also be curious to know whether the minority groups are brutalized because they have less representation in the political arena or because the leaders who are majorly white remain silent on the matter of the African American people. Similarly, it is evident that back communities have several people who are economically challenged, and this could be the rationale behind police brutalizing them as they cannot hire lawyers to represent them in courts in case they want justice. Some of the questions that come to mind are whether poverty and income gap could be a factor to be considered regarding police brutality.

Police Brutality

Finding the answer to whether police brutality is more prevalent in the black community might impact others around me by helping them know their rights and avoid being victimized by police in any way. It will also change others by enlightening them on the need to practice cultural tolerance so that they can accommodate others regardless of their race. Additionally, it will influence others by transforming their thinking and changing their perception about the black people who are regarded as criminals even when they are not. It will help in demystifying facts from stereotypes, and finding the answer will also help in advocating for the rights of the black people because, just like other ethnic groups, their lives matter too.

The significant developments in social science thinking that drive questions in studying others are applied sociology, which is a discipline that uses theories, history, methods, and skills to solve particular issues. It helps in understanding people so that conflicts can be resolved amicably and allowing people to co-exist peacefully. Additionally, applied psychology also helps in understanding human behavior through the use of theories, patterns, and skills to fathom why people behave in a given manner. Additionally, through political science, it is possible to comprehend the systems of government and know how it works in different societies. In the study of other people, governmental authorities can significantly contribute to how people's rights are respected and how resources are distributed.

The study of human behavior and identity is valuable to human endeavor because it helps in nurturing positive relationships. People need to take into account that for success to be realized, positive relations are mandatory. If people value excellent social ties, then it implies that they need to understand the behaviors of others. Instead of judging them, they should embrace and help them be better people when necessary. When people put themselves in other's shoes, then they can learn to appreciate them, leading to avoidance of unnecessary conflicts. When such virtue is practiced, people will live peacefully with others.

Social Science Thinking

The significant developments in social science thinking that support the study and advancements of the social sciences as necessary and valuable are history because one can know past patterns that are applicable today, and this can be critical in dispute settlement. Another development is psychology, which has been essential in the study of behavior so that people can understand one another and live in harmony. Political science is also a critical development because it helps in understanding systems of governance and how to elect good leaders. They will unite people instead of inciting them to conflict.


Olsson, L., Jerneck, A., Thoren, H., Persson, J., & O'Byrne, D. (2015). Why resilience is unappealing to social science: Theoretical and empirical investigations of the scientific use of resistance. Science advances, 1(4), e1400217.

Ransby, B. (2015). The class politics of black lives matter. Dissent, 62(4), 31-34.

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