Free Essay Example. Amazon Alexa and Patient Engagement

Published: 2023-11-12
Free Essay Example. Amazon Alexa and Patient Engagement
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Information technologies Healthcare Amazon Marketing plan
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1121 words
10 min read

Palo Alto Health System’s partnership with a health insurance organization in Australia is strategic and is likely to achieve significant business success. The Australian market is sensitive to alternative healthcare services. Information symmetry is also prevalent in the healthcare market, which means that Palo Alto Health System requires a marketing system and services that match the healthcare needs of Australia. Selling points in this market include cost, quality, technology, and accessibility. The goal of the partnership should be to improve existing services and to introduce better features to solve perennial healthcare needs. Importantly, the collaboration between Palo Alto Health System and the private health insurance company should translate to accessibility, affordability, and improved health outcomes. Palo Alto Health System should thus embark on different practices and offer an array of services to attract customers in this market.

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The first element of the value proposition is the specific niche that that strategic partnership targets. The partnership offers various healthcare services to cope with all consumer needs. Targeting a broad base of consumers increases the likelihood of capturing a significant market share. The partnership thus solves the needs of the existing and future customers. For example, this population of patients requires initiatives to prevent illness and access to healthcare facilities before their conditions worsen. Different from other healthcare providers, this partnership seeks to reduce healthcare expenses through preventive care. Precisely, the partnership targets to use of technology, such as Alexa and Amazon, to prevent health problems. The company, therefore, occupies a specific niche in healthcare prevention. The focus of all the advertising and communication should be healthcare prevention as opposed to treatment. This matches the desires of the patients to stay healthy.

Palo Alto Health System will also provide the latest technology to support healthcare. The healthcare sector is required to adopt changes in technology to ensure relevance and high quality. Technology in healthcare offers customized services, such as monitoring and educational programs. Palo Alto Health System integrates artificial intelligence (AI) and technology to improve its services. Palo Alto Health System will use social media platforms and inventions in technology to encourage and guide patients through affirmative health programs. For example, the Palo Alto Health System will use Alexa Voice Service (AVS) to promote access to digital information by consumers. Technology is also essential to create healthy routines for nutrition and exercise. Palo Alto Health System will, therefore, invest heavily in technology to enhance health literacy as part of preventive care in health. It will also support innovations in health informatics that reduce the prevalence of diseases.

The Palo Alto Health System also prioritizes patient engagement throughout their journey. Patients undergo different strains in their decision-making process, and they require assistance. Patients require constant reminders and avenues for engaging with healthcare providers. The Palo Alto Health System offers different avenues for engaging with patients constantly. These include an open communication system that facilitates ready consultation. Palo Alto Health System will use the partnership with the local insurance firm to offer information to encourage positive decision-making. It will present information through its digital platforms. Customers can also call the insurance company directly to access information. The insurance company will also use policies to ensure full disclosure of information. Full disclosure of information will enhance the patients’ understanding of healthcare options and suitable alternatives. It will also ease the process of solving differences between stakeholders in the healthcare sector.

An array of marketing strategies is imperative, given the market situation. Porter’s model identifies strong competition. Australia has a universal healthcare policy under Medicare. Private insurance companies compete for small positions in the sector. The government also funds most of the healthcare services. The dominance by the government and high competition in the industry forces a price adjustment. Palo Alto Health System should use a competitive rate to attract customers in the industry. Palo Alto Health System should tailor its advertisements to touch on affordability as a selling point. It should also use mainstream media such as television and the internet for marketing. Such initiatives will attract customers who are interested in quality yet affordable healthcare services. The marketing should also highlight the benefits of the insurance packages to allow customers to compare them with the cost.

Palo Alto Health System should also market its services by emphasizing its efforts to incorporate technology. Technology is important in ensuring quality and cost minimization. The advertisements should discuss its application of AI and AVS. Using advanced technology for healthcare services can introduce barriers to market entry. Barriers to market entry, on the other hand, reduce the threat of new entrants. The Australian healthcare sector lacks tight bottlenecks to reduce market entrances. Palo Alto Health System can use technology to create high standards in the market. Porter’s model argues that high costs and infrastructure requirements increase the barriers of entry into a market. Palo Alto Health System can thus use advanced technology that forces new entrants to incur additional costs. The cost of technology will reduce the threat posed by new entrants.

The power of substitutes is high, and this calls for an aggressive marketing approach. Similarly, suppliers have a high power due to the asymmetry of information. Aggressive marketing is, thus, necessary to obtain customers from rival companies. For instance, several customers rely on Medicare. Aggressive campaigns are thus important to highlight the additional services offered by Palo Alto Health System. The adverts on popular platforms should list the different services that are absent in Medicare. This will encourage consumers to shift from other products in the market. Partnering with all the alternative third-party providers is also necessary for Palo Alto Health System. Palo Alto Health System should use AVS, Siri, and Google Help, alongside other technology companies involved in healthcare. This strategy to combine substitutes will ensure that Palo Alto Health System remains profitable regardless of the different consumer preferences.

The selling point of the partnership between Palo Alto Health System and the private health insurance company should be accessibility, affordability, application of technology, and improved health outcomes. The partnership offers diverse healthcare services to cope with all consumer needs. Targeting a broad base of consumers increases the likelihood of capturing a large market share. Palo Alto Health System integrates artificial intelligence (AI) and technology to improve its services. Palo Alto Health System will use social media platforms and inventions in technology to encourage and guide patients through positive health programs. An aggressive form of advertising also necessary to compete with other private companies in the Australian healthcare sector. The marketing should primarily target major social media platforms and television networks in Australia. Palo Alto Health System has a strong chance of success if it follows the above marketing tactics.

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