Analysing Sleek Motor's Electric Minicars: Quality, Cost, Time, Defects, Health & More.

Published: 2023-06-30
Analysing Sleek Motor's Electric Minicars: Quality, Cost, Time, Defects, Health & More.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Technology
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1323 words
12 min read

The report is tailored to Analysing the data provided for sleek motor regarding its manufacturing department production of the company's first electric minicars. The assessment will primarily concentrate on the procedure conducted while at the same time comparing the metric factors like the quality, cost time of training, shipping issues, defects, health and its related issues, and, most important of all the sum all units produced yearly. The control and the implication of the study will be therefore provided. Lastly, corrective measures will be offered but founded on the assessment as well as the findings in an attempt to increase sleek motors level of production, efficiency as well as their profitability while on the contrary minimizing the damages and defects.

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In an organization setting, the term control is defined as the direct activities, employees, and the procedure taken by an organization to achieve its predetermined goals or objectives. Control is vital in the business operations as it can minimize on the error as well as keep the organization in check regards the rules and regulations of operation ( 2020, "Control in the Business Setting, What You'll Learn to Do: Explain What Control Means in A Business Setting and Why It Is Needed, n.d., para. 1-2").

The case offers that it is vital for regulation in an organization setting to improve the process and guarantee effective allocation and utilization of organization funds. The result of the assessment shows that there exists a secure link between the detrimental use of the organization resources and the upsurge in the quality control issues, damages, health and safety concerns, the freight concerns on top of the freight-related problems. And in light of this, the continuous reduced utilization of sleek motor resources will, therefore, result in increased losses concerning annual company incomes and this is because of the insufficiency which is as a consequence of reduced manufacturing in addition to mismanagement of company finance, and this has an upward effect on the company operation expenditure. Additionally, the expectation of their clients, shareholders will be discontented on top of the costs, in case the superiority of their product is in question, and this will be bad for the company.

Standard Specification

If all the parties involved in the production process meet the set specification, then this means that the company has set deficient standards, and an upward adjustment of the criteria is then required. On the contrary, if no part or department can meet the company set standard, then this means that the company has set unachievable or unreasonable measures, and a downwards adjustment would, therefore, be advised.

Concerning the cost specifications, the company set its standard cost as 13,500 as related to Fort Wayne's 15250, which shows a rise in the entire cost of manufacturing a single piece of a minicar. In assessing the time description for the office, it can be seen that the department required an additional three hours to produce a single unit of minicar in addition to the 15 hours set limit. It can also be observed that the branch has been having issues with shipping as well as damage accrued on top of doubling on its shipping problem as equated to an average of 10,000 units. On the positive not the training time in Wayne was somewhat lower, there was a reduction in the unit produced, but the well-being and safety problems regarding the mini car were doubled. It can, therefore, be concluded that there is significant inadequacy as well as truncated productivity in the branch, and this is linked to increased company expenses and flaws.

For the Georgetown branch, the record shows that there is a substantial reason for worry owing to the outcomes of the analysis. From the data, it was revealed that the rate of producing a minicar was approximately 2% greater company set standard. However, there exists an association amongst the production cost and the period used in manufacturing without rework and the superiority defect. Additionally, the department uses a substantial amount of company resources to produce limited units of cars. Also, the amount uses in the training of the employees is quite higher as compared to the sett limit. From the analyses, it can be observed that the health issue related to the minicar is reduced, and this is great for the company. However, the company tripled the cases about shipping and damages compared to the set standard.

In contrast to Georgetown and Fort Wayne, Koenigsegg generally had effective outcomes results according to the information given. From the analysis of their branch, there was a decrease in the overall production cost and the time taken in the creation of a unit of a minicar. Owing to the sleepy production of the minicars, there was an increase in the number of defects, issues with shipments, and damages compared to the predetermined limit. However, in comparison to the other company branches, Koenigsegg showed a lot of improvement.

In the case of Kansans city, the branch had a production cost of 16,000, which is above the set standard. There was, however, a reduction in the time used in the production process. Additionally, there is a need to worry concerning the defects. About the subdivision usage of resources, there is a course of concern as well owing to the increased cost of production. The company experienced loss due to the increased defects. The company had a reduction in the employees' training as well as the issues with shipment.

Lingotto, on the one hand, had an increased cost of manufacturing as compared to the company set standard. However, the amount of time spent in the manufacture of one unit is slightly minimized. From the overall company analyses, this branch recorded the highest levels of defects as well as the callbacks, the shipment problems as well as damages.

In light of the sleek motor, increased control is preferable, and this is owing to the various inconsistencies overserved during the data analysis. It was noted that there is a lot of wastage of the company resources in terms od the scrap materials, increased expenditures, and this reduced the company incomes. Because of the losses suffered in the manufacturing process and the working expense, then the corporation ought to r-examine its operations and strategies to achieve the standard aspect. After assessing the extents of concern, it is then vital that the company employ the necessary measures to address the concerns.

Corrective Actions

The effective implantation of Total Quality Management will be an appropriate measure for the company as it is essential to concentrate on quality decision making, practical as well as efficient communication process while advancing on the number of employees ( 2020). The company must increase the quality of its products as well as quantity ( 2020, "What you'll learn to do: explain the basic control process and monitoring points, n.d., para. 1."). And throughout the process, the business would create a metric measure that is aimed at assessing the customer's level of satisfaction so as the staff. Once the company has evaluated and generated the appropriate solutions, then it would be essential to educate the senior official in the organization. With the effective communication measures and proper implementation tactics of the total quality administration, the firm is bound to see enhancement in its operations.


The data provide by sleek motors has been assessed, and the findings from the assessment reveal that the organization needs to make alterations to its control operation settings, and this is owing to the adverse outcomes in its minicars. After the evaluation, the most effective remedial action would be to enhance the organization's performance, and this would minimize the cost associated with production and increasing manufacturing in the long run.

Reference (2020). Total Quality Management (TQM): What is TQM? | ASQ. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Feb. 2020]. (2020). Control in the Business Setting | Principles of Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Feb. 2020].

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Analysing Sleek Motor's Electric Minicars: Quality, Cost, Time, Defects, Health & More.. (2023, Jun 30). Retrieved from

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