Free Essay Analyzing Mixed and Visual Rhetoric

Published: 2022-03-03
Free Essay Analyzing Mixed and Visual Rhetoric
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Advertising
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1475 words
13 min read

Visual rhetoric is grounded in a more important notion of rhetoric that involves not only the study speech and literature but of art, culture and even science. The purpose of this essay is to offer an introduction to some of the significant aspects of mixed and visual rhetoric with an intention that one will think seriously about how persuasion is capable of working within the visual realm. Just like the rhetorical analysis of written and spoken advertisement and text, the analysis will be made in the context that is surrounding it, and the rhetorical strategy and appeals at play. Additionally, the essay will involve analysis and an explanation on the intended impact of the current visual rhetoric that is within these texts, for example, camera angles, color usage, use of space and the overall texture.

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Critical studies in rhetoric have demonstrated that almost always in some sense about agency and power. In visual rhetoric, the theme of power in the context of visual rhetoric is an illustration of something of complexity on the role that critical power posses. Analyzing commercial advertisement, television commercials are identified as television programming that is developed by any company to offer message in the market about their services and products. Commercial advertisement is recognized as a popular approach that provides customers with information about their services and products. In this case, the analysis will involve a TV commercial to have an understanding and the general impact whether it is proving for what it is made for.

Red bulls as a company have succeeded in creating visual advertisements that convince people to buy their products. "Red bulls give you wings" is one of the most recognized slogans and people connect it with bursting energy. Red Bull has succeeded in capturing attention by using the slogan, logos and other rhetorical elements that appeal. The slogan "Red Bull gives you wings" when heard automatically give the idea which is red bull. This shows the effectiveness of the company's advertising methods which make people want to drink and pick red bull over other drinks and also recognize the slogan and logo. The color red used on the logo is a good technique. The logo is eye-catching and outstanding compared to other energy drinks in the market.

From the past advertisements, we have experienced various slogans such as "Red Bull's offers You Wings." This one of the fantastic and famous television advertisement of Red Bull as an energy drink, containing different characters and various advertisement prints, some advertisement has in the past risen of a lousy pissing on a man, and after that, the man went ahead to take out a Red Bull's energy to drink from. As a result, the excellent advertisement made Red bull's be all over and dominating the energy drink market all over the globe. The company's primary mission is identified to be providing energy to a woman, children or a man in their day to day life. Red Bull's is determined to be offering a more significant impact when it comes to customers by the nature of products pricing and result strategies which identify it as one of the most excellent energy drink that is existing in the market.

Understanding the context of this advertisement is essential to fully understand and grasp how red bull has played a significant role in such rhetorical situation. The fact is that few individual realize the real impact that advertisement has on a product. The exact truth is that the modern customers are severely impacted and in most cases influenced greatly by advertisement. Analyzing Red bull's advertisement, they have worked seriously hard in developing one of the best and effective add to properly communicate with the customers. In coming up with the best add, Red bull has competitively survived in the energy drink industry. Red bull has developed one of the persuasive and striking images that have played a significant role in attracting the public into ultimately and desiring to purchase its products through the appeal of effective visual tools and ethos.

To work on maintaining its credibility, the Red bull's advertisement had some illustrious celebrity endorsers such as Shaun White and Eminem as their marketing campaign when it comes to communicating an important message to the public. Through the two popular celebrities, the company has proven their effort on reaching their target market of young males. On the other hand, Red bull's has worked extremely hard to be associated with extreme sports industry such as the skateboarding, the wake boarding, motocross and the surfing to expand their market target. Through this, the company has worked on raising a popular brand, and a solid image and by having such renowned face for promoting the product, Red bull has not only worked to maintain its credibility but has played a significant role when it comes to enticing the viewers in general.

Even though the advertisement is already developed as a result of the previous ethos, the advertisement is viewed to be further enhanced through implementing a selective visual as their strategy. The medium of such advertisement is making use of photography which has worked on coming up with a different image. Red bull suggests that such look, images, glamour, and beauty are achievable for anyone who wants to perform and even to achieve high. Generally, according to Red bull's advertisement, such qualities can only be achieved buying Red bull's product.

One of the most recognizable athletes in the world and more significantly, some of the best football players figures in the game currently has been used by Red bull's advertisement to market the product. Being that Usain Bolt is one of the famous characters in the world of athlete and the general of media and advertisement, he has made several appearances in Puma, Nike, Adidas, and Red bull. Recently in one of the front magazine of a popular national magazine, there was one of the famous advertisement for Usain Bolt instinct' a product line that was consisting Usain Bolt chasing after Red bull can, he was expressed in a head only photo focusing at the camera.

Making further analysis on the advertisement, much can be mentioned about some of the fonts that were used to manage the overall ad, more so when it comes to the name brand "Usain Bolt Red bull" is primarily along the lines and a reasonable font of Times New Roman with a presentation of a bold face. Conducting a general analysis, this shows the customers that the last name has a more critical significance and importance, for it is recognized as the famous person Usain Bolt. Through this, it is to convey the mood of a strong personality and a high class. Making analysis on the placing of the text, it is identified to be classical, with one word being directed directly underneath the other and not through the use of a diagonal fashion, but putting the two words at the center and at the same point as if there was a drawing of a vertical line at the bottom page of the advertisement. Concerning statements and there was only the use of denotations.

On the other hand, one significant item that was realized in the advertisement was the icon of the product name. The icon was realized on the left half the page that is identified as half up of the page and on the half right of the page. This consisted of letters like 'r' 'b' and l in that they went along with the Usain Bolt drawing.

Most people associate Red bull with people jumping from a high point in an attempt to express their slogan "Red Bull gives you wings." Read bull is now considered to be a successful company in online advertising. Red bull applies their slogan to different extreme sports; this is with an aim to convince people to believe that if they drink red bull, they can live life to the fullest.

Sky-diving, Para-gliding, water sports, motorsports and snow sports are some of the extreme sports used by red bull in their advertisements. Famous athletes like Marc Marque, Philipp Schuster, Max Verstappen and Maya Gabeira are paid by the company to promote their brand. These athletes represent Red bull while they are competing across the globe in their various sports. Red bull's logos and slogans reach an audience of various age groups at the sports event and events that are broadcast. This publicity spins the expansion of red bull as a brand.

Mixed and visual rhetoric play an essential role in coming up with useful advertisement strategies. Red bull does well by targeting their specific audience by engaging them directly. The company understands how to convey their product while putting into consideration what their current audience wants. Red bull's implemented strategies in making their advertisement have offered them the success we seeing today.

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