Annotated Bibliography Example on Students with Disabilities

Published: 2022-03-03
Annotated Bibliography Example on Students with Disabilities
Type of paper:  Annotated bibliography
Categories:  Education Health and Social Care Students
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 781 words
7 min read

Mu, G. M., Hu, Y., & Wang, Y. (2017). Building resilience of students with disabilities in China: The role of inclusive education teachers. Teaching & Teacher Education, 67125-134. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2017.06.004

The importance of this article to the topic of study is visible through its literature that facilitates the process of resilience of students with disabilities. The process is through building initiatives that best empowers teacher-student relationships despite the fact that little is known on the role of teachers in student's resilience in inclusive education aspects. Moreover, providing teachers with further chances of learning and understanding the needs of students with disabilities can be helpful in creating students' resilience. Through an ecological perspective, the quantitative study majors on investigating the role of teachers in inclusive education systems through the process of resilience of disabled students. Furthermore, the study is transparent in showing that students with severe disabilities suffer from various stressors that negatively impact on their well- being in the society. Additionally, inclusive education teachers with strong agency in seeking and developing resources can build students' resilience and thus promote fairness even in conditions that are unfavorable.

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Newman, L., Wagner, M., Cameto, R., & Knokey, A. M. (2009). The Post-High School Outcomes of Youth with Disabilities up to 4 Years After High School: A Report From the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2). NCSER 2009-3017. National Center for Special Education Research.

The article focuses on the changes in all the aspects of social and economic that affect a positive progression of individuals in the society. Through various researches carried out on the need for education for all students whether with disabilities or not, sources that are unique provides the information vital in all education context for equality among all students. The Department of Education shows importance of understanding all experiences of students with severe disabilities in secondary schools. In this case, this study focused on a ten-year research on the characteristics and experiences youths with disabilities face between the age of 13 to 16 and above. The research is designed to gather sample members from various sources in all five waves at the start of 2001 to 2009. The sample members are students with disabilities who have the opportunity to be interviewed through a self-administered mail or on a telephone. Findings prove that besides social shifts the increasing need on postsecondary education as well as the multiplying struggles faced by postadolescents in transitions associated with adulthood affects schooling.

Vaughn, S., Hughes, M. T., Schumm, J. S., & Klingner, J. (1998). A collaborative effort to enhance reading and writing instruction in inclusion classrooms. Learning disability quarterly, 21(1), 57-74.

The article relates to the topic of research given the focus on the need to develop and enhance instructions regarding reading and writing in inclusive classrooms. The article justifies the need for collaborative efforts through a development group as well as seven general education teachers from given elementary schools in the United States. The schools selected had recently reformed their program for special education to include all students with LD to participate in general education class like other normal ones. In this case, teachers were reading and writing practices in four categories. However, two of the teachers from the general population were able to implement and sustain the practices within a short period of nine weeks. In specific, four teachers among seven sustained implementation within a school year while three out of another seven continued with the process of implementation even in the next year. Arguably, the study further focuses on discussing all the vital components that positively affect professional development programs that imply inclusive education.

Zvoleyko, E. V., Kalashnikova, S. A., & Klimenko, T. K. (2016). Socialization of Students with Disabilities in an Inclusive Educational Environment. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(14), 6469-6481.

The authors of the article focus on the need for students with disabilities o socialize in an inclusive educational environment thus positively integrate into the society. The article focuses on the primary intention of implementing educational standards for disabled children and the need to define all the parameters of an inclusive educational environment as well. It further highlights all special conditions that surround the act of socialization for disabled students in this inclusive educational environment. The authors further suggest that it is vital in building special educational conditions that favor disabled students to implement the inclusive practice successfully. The approach used in the study is new in special conditions representation of inclusive education since it is based on structural-functional model. Through the model components, the authors can identify groups of students with special conditions and further explains how best the conditions can be minimized to facilitate successful socialization in not only school but the society as well.

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Annotated Bibliography Example on Students with Disabilities. (2022, Mar 03). Retrieved from

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