Free Essay. Annotated Bibliography on Leprosy

Published: 2023-05-01
Free Essay. Annotated Bibliography on Leprosy
Type of paper:  Annotated bibliography
Categories:  Knowledge Medicine Literature review
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 433 words
4 min read

Diagnosis and Treatment." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 30 Jan. 2017,

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The article represents well-articulated information concerning the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy. The article indicates that the illness can be recognized by the appearance patches of skin that look darker or lighter than usual skin. The author specifies that to confirm the diagnosis, the physician will take a sample of the nerve and skin to look for bacteria under the microscope. Additionally, a text may be carried out to rule out other skin illnesses. According to the author, the antibiotics kill the bacteria that are used to kill the bacteria, which causes leprosy. The source is a reliable source of information that helps the readers to gain more knowledge about the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy.

Isola, Vicki J., Ph.D. "Leprosy." Magill's Medical Guide (Online Edition), 2019. EBSCOhost,,shib&db=ers&AN=86194252&site=eds-live&scope=s

The article presents well-detailed information about the causes of leprosy. The author stresses that the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae causes leprosy, and it can only be found only in leprosy victims (Isola). The author further explains that the bacterium grows on the nerve cells inside the skin, which causes symptoms that depend on the immunity of the individual to the bacterial growth. In overall, the article acts as a good source of information concerning the causes of leprosy, and thus the reader can rely on this source to gain more knowledge about the causes, symptoms, and therapy of leprosy

Tankeshwar, Acharya, and Srijana Khanal. "Leprosy: Etiology, Pathogenesis, and Lab Diagnosis." Learn Microbiology Online, 6 Dec. 2019

The article gives well-structured information on the etiology, lab diagnosis, and pathogenesis of leprosy. The authors represent the various forms of leprosy and lab diagnosis. The authors also provide profound information on the scale for categorizing the types of leprosy into several classes. This article is a reliable source of information that assists the readers to understand clearly various lab diagnoses and various forms of leprosy.

Works Cited

Diagnosis and Treatment." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 30 Jan. 2017,

Isola, Vicki J., PhD. "Leprosy." Magill's Medical Guide (Online Edition), 2019. EBSCOhost,,shib&db=ers&AN=86194252&site=eds-live&scope=s

Tankeshwar, Acharya, and Srijana Khanal. "Leprosy: Etiology, Pathogenesis, and Lab Diagnosis." Learn Microbiology Online, 6 Dec. 2019

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Free Essay. Annotated Bibliography on Leprosy. (2023, May 01). Retrieved from

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