Antagonist Narrative. Essay Example

Published: 2023-08-21
Antagonist Narrative. Essay Example
Essay type:  Reflective essays
Categories:  Psychology Human behavior Public relations
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 563 words
5 min read

Human interaction plays an important role in development. As human beings grow, they interact with other people, and this improves their social life. This aspect means that they will be interacting with different people in various ways. Most of the people that human beings interact with daily tend to have various opinions based on various issues. Some of these individuals may be against some of the things that other people are doing, while others may support it. In my life, for instance, I have been in various situations where I have been able to encounter people who have been against some of the ideas that I have. In this case, this paper will provide an instance where I have been able to meet an antagonist who was against my views.

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In this case, the antagonist that I encountered was during my high school years when I was living with at my aunt's place. Living at a relative's place is usually a difficult thing because there are situations that may occur that may lead to a lot of misunderstanding. While staying at this place, most of the issues that I did was opposed by my aunt. For example, most of the time, after school, I would sneak out to play basketball with other kids in the neighborhood. However, my aunt was against these ideas as she felt that it was wrong to interact especially with the kids that she does not know where they came from, or even their parents. Therefore, any time that I tried to go out, my aunt would become furious and then come out and take me back into the house.

In this case, for the whole time that I stayed with my aunt during my senior year in high school, I could not be able to interact with other kids, especially those whom I was in high school with, and this was against my wish since what I loved most when I was young is to make more friends. This antagonistic situation that I underwent while living with my aunt greatly affected my social life. In this case, as I was growing up after high school, I became an antisocial person who loved staying indoors. I never socialized with many people unless the few that I interacted with them daily such as the family members. Also, this situation affected my performance in school as I became less active, and this affected my concentration on my studies, and this does not seem to bother my aunt as all she seemed to care about was that I did not interact with other children within the neighborhood.

Generally, it is evident that in life, a person is bound to experience certain situations that may be different from what one is expected. For instance, a person may have certain ideas or ways to do things, but when faced with opposition, it becomes difficult to accomplish those events. Some of these antagonistic situations may end up having severe effects on a person such as paid or frustration. This issue is evident in my situation, I could not be able to interact with other children within the neighborhood, and this issue ended up affecting my social life. Since I did not get used to interacting with kids at a younger age, when I grew up, I found it so difficult to associate with other people.

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Antagonist Narrative. Essay Example. (2023, Aug 21). Retrieved from

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