Essay Sample on Art Event and Experience

Published: 2023-09-07
Essay Sample on Art Event and Experience
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Culture Art Community Covid 19
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 564 words
5 min read

Society is made up of various elements, and most of them have turned out to be essential. One such important element within society is art. Art is an important element because it can be used to explain different issues as well as ideologies that resonate with society. Moreover, art can be used to explain why society is in its current state. In most cases, art can be used to explain some of the factors that may have led to the development of the community. Since most of the arts that have been created explain a lot about the history, most of them have been stored in various cultures centers such as the museums. When people visit these museums, they get a lot of wonderful experiences. However, with the onset of Covid-19, it has become difficult for individuals to go to the museums physically and especially for the art and event experience. Therefore, the art and event experience will have to be done through an online platform rather than visiting the location where the actual art is situated.

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There are various art museums that have been established whereby one can participate in the art event experience through the online platform that has been created as a result of the prevailing pandemic. One of the museums that I attended virtually during the art event experience is the Dallas Museum. The Dallas museum is physically located in Dallas, United States. Through the virtual visit to the Dallas Museum, there were various pieces of art that could be seen. Most of these pieces of art has been created with the purpose of explaining various aspects especially the ones related to history. One of the most art that was seen in the virtual visit to the museum is that of Apollo and Diana attacking the children of Niobe. The second art that was seen during the virtual visit to the museum was the sheaves of wheat. The sheaves of wheat were important in the sense that it showed that wheat was one of the most common forms of food that were consumed in the ancient days. The other important art that was identified during the online visit was the images of Saint Gertrude (Santa Gertrudis), who was one of the famous nuns within the Catholic Church in ancient history.

The most impressive aspect of the art event experience was how art had been organized. Most of the arts that were present on the virtual platform had been organized in a chronological format. This concept means that every artist that was present had been organized in a timely manner. In this case, the arts were organized according to the time in which they had occurred. This helps to understand how certain events occurred since one leads to each other. The other impressive aspect during the virtual visit to the museum is that every piece of art that is situated there has different meanings, which play an important role in explaining how various aspects within the society came to be.

The art event experience turned out to be educative in the sense that I managed to learn a lot of aspects related to different types of arts. Moreover, understanding the key message that most of the arts convey, helped me to understand a lot of events that happened in the ancient ages and how they affect the current state of society.

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