Essay Sample on Cell Phone Technology

Published: 2023-05-18
Essay Sample on Cell Phone Technology
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Internet Electronics Healthcare Social change
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 923 words
8 min read

Cell phone technology is mobile technology, widely used across the world. It uses a platform where many transmitters can send information at the same time on a single channel.

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According to Chung et al. (2007), to Code division, multiple access (CDMA)-the platform- can allow users to use single frequencies since it limits the possibility of interferences of frequencies from three or more sources. The evolution of Mobile Technology over the years has diversified its uses hence replacing similar sources in the market, which are used in communication, for example, landlines and post office. Cell technology has indeed improved since it started from a simple device used for a phone call and sending messages to a multi-user device used for internet browsing, gaming, Global Position System navigation GPS, weather forecasting, and health monitoring. The future of computer technology is based on wireless networking and cellular technology. Mobile technology by use of tablet and portable computers are increasing in popularity across the world. The paper, therefore, is premised on a discussion regarding cell phone technology.

Two decades ago, cell technology was a mystery but had become a necessity for both urban and rural areas. Blake (2008) noted that cell phone technology is satisfying a user due to the present diverse functionality it has. It has made life easy since it is digital. Business is done online since marketers can sell their products with ease online when using this technology. The cell phone has made users transfer files using a Wi-Fi connection. The mobile has internet connectivity that makes it easy to obtain information and also download them from the internet. Clients and business people can conduct interviews online without seeing an interviewer by use of Skype and other platforms (Blake, 2008).

The use of mobile technology has made it easy to catch up with different forms of entertainment from the comfort of one's home. The location of places by the use of GPS has been easy, especially when one is in a foreign place (Blake, 2008). In the Business world, mobile technology has been emphasized because bankers depend entirely on it in finances and stock exchange. Mobile technology is used to increase earnings in many business firms since they use websites and applications to enable customers to patronize their products. For example, a railway travel ticket can be purchased from the Internet without going to the booking stations to make queues. Mobile technology has indeed made life easy and saves resources and time (Chung et al., 2007).

Cell Technology is a terrestrial network; there are no satellites. The network is divided into cells, and each cell covered by an antenna. Cell phone towers are placed at different places in intervals. The antennas are placed strategically; hence each antenna can cover two or three cells, blue on the left side in one area and red on the next (Chung et al., 2007). In case of a failure, a temporary antenna is brought, or rather they created big enough so that they overlap and can switch from one cell phone tower to another. The cellular towers are called Base Transceiver stations (BTS); they connect to the base station controller since all the towers connect with the central controller and all the controllers to the mobile switching center (Blake, 2008).

Healthcare systems are evolving; hence mobile technology is assuming this role. New models are integrated and cellular technology is incorporated since they are reliable. Cell technology has transformed the healthcare landscape in diverse ways. Paging devices are used in hospitals in which they are simply are one-way pagers; all they do is display messages. A patient goes in when his range is displayed (Chung et al., 2007).

Cellphone technology is used in asset management in health facilities. Asset tracking can easily be monitored; hence one can be aware of objects that are being taken out of storage and what the inventory needs and what has to be purchased or updated. Additionally, it is used in e-learning in the prevention of diseases (Blake, 2008). Mobile applications are used to encourage healthy habits by sending reminders and organizing campaigns that use mobile technologies for teaching people about diseases. This is very important since prevention is better than cure.

Furthermore, cellphone technology is vital when Accessing patient information. Cell phone technology facilitates easy access to patient information and can aid in a complex human-executed process like telediagnosis (Blake, 2008). Once the diagnosis is made, the doctor has to make a decision. Automated mobile libraries that have clinical descriptions of diseases help him in making a decision.

Vital technology is also like cell phone technology whereby is mostly used in health facilities. Sensors are implanted into patients in which they report back blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation after every hour, hence help in monitoring the patient. Emergencies are detected with the use of wireless medical alert buttons (Chung et al., 2007).

In conclusion, cell technology has made a difference in the Healthcare industry due to its flexibility since we are no longer tied down to a wire. A better quality of life, more appropriate care, and less burden on the health care process due to its diverse uses.


Blake, H. (2008). Mobile phone technology in chronic disease management. Nursing Standard, 23(12), 43-46. Retrieved from

Chung, W. Y., Yau, C. L., Shin, K. S., & Myllyla, R. (2007, August). A cellphone-based health monitoring system with a self-analysis processor using wireless sensor network technology. In 2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (pp. 3705-3708). IEEE. Retrieved from

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Essay Sample on Cell Phone Technology. (2023, May 18). Retrieved from

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