Essay Sample on Assist Students Suffering From Dyslexia, Asperger's Syndrome, Visual Impairment

Published: 2023-08-22
Essay Sample on Assist Students Suffering From Dyslexia, Asperger's Syndrome, Visual Impairment
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Students Disorder Social responsibility
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 309 words
3 min read

Ensure special needs students with the conditions aforementioned are at par with their peers regarding their social studies civics/ free enterprise-class

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Activity: Reading and Writing Exercises in the classroom Description of the required modifications for a dyslexic student:

  • The use of post-visual schedules and the incorporation of reading activities among the students
  • The use of colored strips helps the students read and write more efficiently.
  • Use large text prints for worksheets
  • Introduce speech-to-text software for use within the classes during the writing and reading activities.

Reading and Writing Exercises within the classroom, especially exercises that include the reading of textbook articles used in critical thinking exercises Description of the required modifications for a student with visual impairment:

The reduction of copy work will go a long way in ensuring that the students do not experience burnout and disinterest in the subject.

It is also imperative for the teacher to ensure that the student gets additional time to complete the exercises assigned to them.

For students with advanced cases of visual impairment, it would be prudent for the teacher to use assistive technology that includes the use of braille and descriptive response concerning the administration of instructions.

Unlike the former conditions covered above, Asperger’s Syndrome is characterized by qualitative impairment regarding the social interactions of those suffering from it. Consequently, modifications for the classroom should focus on improving the social skills of the students. Description of the required modifications for a student with Asperger’s Syndrome:

  • urge understudy to look for help when befuddled
  • clarify similitudes and words with twofold implications
  • urge the understudy to request guidance to be rehashed, disentangled or recorded if he does not comprehend
  • delay among directions and check for comprehension
  • limit oral inquiries to a number the understudy can oversee


Louisiana Department of Education. (n.d.). Academic standards. Louisiana Believes - Louisiana Department of Education.

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Essay Sample on Assist Students Suffering From Dyslexia, Asperger's Syndrome, Visual Impairment. (2023, Aug 22). Retrieved from

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