Post traumatic stress disorder

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Free Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay Samples

One in five Americans has psychological disorders, so learning how our brain works and processes trauma and negative emotions can be a matter of self-preservation. So don’t think of an essay on post-traumatic stress disorder as a chore. Instead, treat it as a chance to learn self-help techniques and ways to help others with PTSD. 

And if the research for an essay on PTSD seems intimidating, SpeedyPaper is here to help. Our extensive collection of free samples hosts dozens of PTSD essay examples you can use for inspiration. SpeedyPaper samples are here to help you find a manageable research question, get a headstart on locating usable sources, and outline the essay on PTSD in minutes. All you need is to find a suitable PTSD essay example and squeeze every last ounce of use out of it.

But please remember that every free essay on PTSD is a student submission, so some errors and inconsistencies are possible. Try to be understanding and learn from others’ mistakes. 

We only ask you not to submit the post-traumatic stress disorder essay you download here under your name. You’ll run the risk of plagiarism accusations if the professor runs the paper through a plagiarism checker, and you don’t want that black mark on your record.

Otherwise, it’s a win-win for everyone. You breeze through the pre-writing stages of working on your PTSD essay, and if you still feel a little overwhelmed by the delicate topic, you can trust SpeedyPaper experts to handle any stage of the assignment. Even if you fall prey to procrastination, our gurus will work miracles and deliver an essay on post-traumatic stress disorder in under 24 hours to ensure you submit it before the deadline.

Researchable PTSD Essay Topics

Finding a researchable subject should be your first priority if you’re stuck in the early stages of working on your post-traumatic stress disorder essay. SpeedyPaper collection is the right place to jumpstart your search. Start with our shortlist of PTSD essay topics that consistently draw students’ attention:

  1. Outward signs of trauma demonstrated by children
  2. Oxytocin treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder
  3. Symptoms and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder
  4. Psychological trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder treatment insights
  5. Post-traumatic stress disorder assessment and interventions
  6. Analyzing the relationship between post-traumatic stress disorder and pregnancy
  7. Sexual abuse as the cause of post-traumatic stress disorder
  8. The effects of post-traumatic stress disorder on adolescents
  9. The connections between post-traumatic stress disorder and veterans’ homelessness
  10. Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder among military veterans
  11. Developing post-traumatic stress disorder management tactics
  12. Post-traumatic stress disorder among professional athletes after serious injuries

For your essay about PTSD, you can use any of the topics above verbatim, twist them into something that better aligns with your class syllabus, or combine several essay topics on PTSD into one for a longer piece, like a term paper or capstone project.


What Is PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition that interferes with daily activities through flashbacks, night terrors, insomnia, and other symptoms caused by uncontrollable reliving of terrifying events. Witnessing or being a victim of a traumatic situation may result in coping and adjusting issues. Doctors may diagnose patients with post-traumatic stress disorder if the symptoms do not abate through self-care and persist for months after the traumatic event.

What Causes PTSD?

Any terrifying, dangerous, and harmful situation that triggers the fight-or-flight response can become the cause of post-traumatic stress disorder. Every person processes events and emotions in a unique way, so there’s no way to tell which events will trigger PTSD. However, in most cases, post-traumatic stress disorder is caused by situations that promote severe adverse emotional reactions, such as physical, psychological, or mental abuse, violence, etc.

How to Treat PTSD?

While self-assessment and treatment are possible and helpful, severe cases of PTSD require the help of a medical professional. The two most common treatment approaches for PTSD include medication and psychotherapy, which are often used simultaneously. Antidepressant medication helps patients control negative emotions and restore control over their daily lives. Talk therapy may comprise exposure therapy or cognitive reconstruction, depending on the cause of PTSD and the patient’s response to psychotherapy.

What Is Complex PTSD?

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) is a mental health condition that’s been recently recognized. Aside from typical PTSD symptoms, patients with CPTSD may demonstrate additional symptoms, including suicidal thoughts, inability to control negative emotions, social isolation, and dissociation. In some cases, complex PTSD can result in physical symptoms such as chest pain, headache, vertigo, etc. Anyone suffering from symptoms of CPTSD for over a month should seek medical assistance from a certified psychologist.

How to Help Someone with PTSD?

It’s important to remember that everyone processes trauma at their own pace, so pushing someone with PTSD to move on or ridiculing their experiences is inappropriate. Beyond that, listening to them and letting them share what they feel at their own pace is usually helpful. So is learning potential triggers and minimizing them if possible. Giving PTSD patients plenty of personal space is advisable. Learning how to talk someone through flashbacks can also be helpful. If there’s someone close to you with PTSD, you should encourage them to seek professional help. At the same time, you should take care of your mental and emotional well-being to be able to provide support without sacrificing your health.

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