Free Paper Sample on Traumatic PTSD

Published: 2023-11-25
Free Paper Sample on Traumatic PTSD
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Research Internet Electronics Post traumatic stress disorder
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1180 words
10 min read


As archives of the accumulated knowledge, Electronic databases and the Internet host people’s cultural heritage, the legacy of the present and past cultures. However, Admittedly, the cornucopia of internet-accessible material stored in databases can be daunting, mainly if one is getting used to the research method. The Internet is an extensive data network infrastructure. When browsing the Internet through search engines, including Google and Yahoo, search the "free" Internet regions. The results are going to be a list of websites.

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Anybody can set up a website, so one needs to check the website to see if the data is credible and secure. The database can be described as an ordered collection of information. Server content can be easily viewed, modified, and handled. Databases can be found in various forms and reached through the Internet using browsers. Database libraries are made up of thousands of magazine articles, newspapers, and scholarly journals. There is a huge difference in the results when a topic is subjected to Electronic Database Research and Internet Research. For these case, the results of Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) differed greatly between these two sources.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition found in certain individuals who have witnessed a disturbing, frightening, or threatening incident. Many Electronic databases consisted of a combination of scholarly and non-scholarly material, although some comprised only scholarly content, making them the best academic research (Dhoble, 2015). The Electronic database searches were very accurate because the search results were precise to the keywords one uses. If the subject is small enough, there is likely to be a much more manageable amount of results (Ayad et al., 2016). The databases also had various specialized features, commonly called limiters, since they limited the search results to just what one wants. For example, one can restrict a search by date, language, paper form (e.g., case study, film review, literary criticism) if the findings come from peer-reviewed publications to list only a few (Ayad et al., 2016).

The Internet searches looked for something written on the Web and did not care about its quality. Electronic database index compiled, written, mostly academic, and stored for instructional use (Mann, 2014). Electronic databases relied primarily upon and based more on academic books and articles than the internet searches. Anyone can post everything on the Internet, meaning that one must go through and analyze the material on the Internet (Ayad et al., 2016). Databases were more accurate than the internet sources since publishers have tested the material for consistency and reliability.

Electronic Databases

Electronic databases offered easy access to web-based information on Traumatic PTSD such as newspapers, magazine posts, biographies, book reviews, photographs, etc. The information accessed was reliable, authentic, up-to-date, copyright-clear, and structured (Mann, 2014). Database information on Traumatic PTSD can be searched using various age interfaces, and the results can be linked to each student’s unique reading skill. Searching was reliable, fast, and easy (Dhoble, 2015).

When surfing the Internet using a search engine (Google), the information received on Traumatic PTSD was from billions of pages. They were a mixture of both positive and negative material. Because everyone can publish online, there is a vast volume of insecure, ineffective, incomplete, obsolete, and biased (Dhoble, 2015). Besides, continuous pop-up advertisements and animated videos also triggered disruptions and frustrations.

All information regarding Traumatic PTSD was not on the Internet. The Internet contains a small proportion of what is written in Electronic Databases (Mann, 2014). Access to search engines such as Google, AltaVista, Firefox, and Yahoo is limited. Indeed, research estimates that just 8 percent of all journals and far fewer books are available on the Internet (Ayad et al., 2016). The most accurate scientific evidence on Traumatic PTSD was available in books and journals. Preliminary steps to locate the relevant search words began with the print indexes and volumes of the topic headings.

Sources on the Internet

Sources on the Internet regarding Traumatic PTSD were more challenging to classify. Information on the Internet is hard to know who asks one what and where the information is stored (Dhoble, 2015). It was possible to find full-text papers on Internet searches, but often an individual does not have the details needed for the research, such as footnotes, charts, graphs, and formulas (Dhoble, 2015). When using material from the Internet in the research, it is vital to write it out and cite sources. However, the information taken from the Internet can be altered overnight. Therefore, the precise location of the details collected from the research or findings in the research is essential (Mann, 2014). When accessing information from a site, one must have complete documentation. It was also difficult to know who the owner of the Web was. In the Electronic database, an individual has the precise location of the details of Traumatic PTSD. Information regarding Traumatic PTSD on the Internet altered or vanished instantly, and once changed, the information cannot be stored in an archive.

Electronic database systems were accessible 24/7. Online services can be downloaded 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from the Electronic database. These databases are part of the library collection and can be accessed on-campus and online over the Internet with one's university ID. Through using an Electronic database, one is provided for assistance to trained professionals (Ayad et al., 2016). Knowledgeable and helpful professionals were available to help find information in person on the topic of interest by chat, e-mail, or phone. One can ask for help at the beginning of the research and save precious time wasted on the Internet (Mann, 2014). However, this is not the case for internet searches since an individual waste a lot of time trying to find information relevant to the topic of interest (Traumatic PTSD).


The Internet has a role in academic research. Searching for information on Traumatic PTSD on Google or Wikipedia may help start getting background information about the subject. Government departments, colleges and universities, and non-profit organizations all make the information freely accessible on the Internet. Searching the Site can be better, and one can use natural language to do so, such as "What is Traumatic PTSD condition?" or "What are the signs of Traumatic PTSD?" Unfortunately, there are also downsides to using the Internet for analysis. Much of what exists on the Internet is not only misleading but also contains malicious misinformation. Searches can generate millions of duplicate or insignificant data. Often, most scientific publishers either make their material accessible on their pages, for a fee or through online subscriptions to databases, so one will generally find the sort of findings that are ideal for an academic study on these databases.


Ayad, N. M. A., Klash, H. M., & Sorour, H. (2016). Exploiting Search Engines for Attacking Database Exposed to Internet. Menoufia Journal of Electronic Engineering Research, 22(1), 1–12.

Dhoble, Y. N. (2015). Use of Free Patent Database Available on the Internet for Establishing Novelty and Inventive-Step. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Mann, B. L. (2014). Action Research with Internet Database Tools. Selected Readings on Database Technologies and Applications, 1–20.

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