Essay Sample on Behavior Management

Published: 2023-02-12
Essay Sample on Behavior Management
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Organizational behavior Leadership management
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 846 words
8 min read

Theories of Behavior Management

Behavior management theories refer to principles that are used to relate to the human dimension of work, such as motivation, group dynamics, as well as conflict expectations (Leigh & Herbert, 2018). Proper understanding of these behaviors of humans at work enables to improve productivity and quality of work expected. The following are some of the different theories that describe behavior management.

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Constructivism Theory

This is a theory that shows the different techniques or methods where the teachers pass their knowledge to their students (Zhou & Wang, 2016). It states that every student has his or her uniqueness, and therefore, different learners have different learning needs. The learners or students are encouraged by their teachers to become active participants of the learning process so that they can learn from their own experiences (Zhou & Wang, 2016). This theory aims to address different problems such as when a student believes that they cannot succeed and it is the sole responsibility of the teachers to encourage the learners, and by doing this they instill self-belief and confidence in success(Petty 2014). This theory differs from the traditional classroom theory, which was teacher-centered and strict in its curriculum and student-centered and concentrated mostly on the interests of the students and allows them to ask questions.

Choice Theory

This is a behavior management theory which states that almost all behavior is chosen (Wilson 2014). It says that basic needs drive humans and an essential need is a love as it gives one a sense of belonging and therefore helps the achievement of the other requirements that humans desire (Novak, 2012). The learner's needs have to be satisfied before they embark on learning, and this enables them to create positive relationships which in turn relate to the positive learning experiences and outcomes that they achieve. Creation of good relationships, an application such as mastery and repetition and self-evaluation are considered as the essential principles to the theory (Harasim, 2017). However, this theory needs a lot of time to develop and is successful if adopted in the whole organization. The learners and tutors all have different needs, and this is what affects the theory as everyone makes their choices based on their needs.

Behaviorism Theory

This theory states that people change their behavior based on the different ways that they react or respond to the events in the environment (Ertmer & Newby 2013). It focuses on rewards that are presented and which trigger different behaviors towards success as different people need praise as well as feelings of achievement and accomplishment of different things. This theory is different from the traditional setting where punishments were common. This theory mainly rewards people for their good behaviors, therefore, encouraging them to be more responsible (Machin 2016). However, a significant critic facing this theory is the ability of people to act without being triggered or motivated by a reward.

Establish and sustain a safe, inclusive learning environment

The constructivism, choice, and behaviorism theory can help in the establishment of a safe and inclusive learning environment. Under the constructivism theory, the tutors can help each student differently. This is by the proper identification of each student's uniqueness or abilities and guiding them to make or attain the best out of them. This ensures that the students are more innovative, courageous, and confident and believe that they can accomplish anything that is before them.

Choice theory is also applied in the creation of a safe and inclusive environment for learning. The students are shown love and a sense of belonging, and this enables them to feel that they are in the right place. They are also encouraged to participate in the classroom by making suggestions actively, and this ensures that they are all incorporated in the setting.

Behaviorism theory is also essential in ensuring a safe and inclusive environment. Students with the best or good behavior are rewarded to encourage others to follow the same examples. On the other side, students with poor behavior are taken through guidance sessions to establish the cause of their problems, and if this is not solved, it is followed by suspensions to ensure that the issue is resolved.


Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (2013). Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism: Comparing Critical Features From an Instructional Design Perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 26(2), 43-71.

Harasim, L. (2017). Learning Theory and Online Technologies.

Leigh, E., & Herbert, A. (2018). Creating an Organization in the Classroom: Students Living Management Theories in Action. Meeting Expectations in Management Education, 171-187.

Machin, Lynn (2016) A Complete Guide to the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training. UK: Critical Publishing (2nd edition) - pp 68 - 80 122 - 125

Novak, J. (2012). Choice Theory: A New Psychology 0/ Personal Freedom. William Glasser. New York: Harper Perennial, 1998. The Language of Choice Theory. William Glasser & Carleen Glasser. New York: Harper Perennial, 1999. Brock Education Journal, 9(1).

Petty, Geoff (2014) Teaching Today. UK: Nelson Thornes (5th edition) - chapter 9

Wilson, Linda (2014) Practical Teaching - A Guide to Teaching in the Education and Training Sector. UK: Cengage - pp 121-127

Zhou, C., & Wang, W. (2016). Application of Constructivism Theory in College English Teaching. ISME 2016 - Information Science and Management Engineering IV.

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