Breathing Liquids for Divers, Free Essay Sample for Your Assignments

Published: 2019-05-15
Breathing Liquids for Divers, Free Essay Sample for Your Assignments
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Physics Technology
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1003 words
9 min read

The parameters that are associated with the influencing of the amount of gas present in a solution are pressure within the liquid and the temperature of the liquid. In discussing about the amount of pressure, the gas dissolved in a solution does vary. The pressure within a solution will tend to provide more room within the liquid for its molecules and because of his the gas molecules are forced out of the liquid into the air. It is therefore concluded that more gas molecules are usually present in the air as compared to those that are already soluble in the particular solution. As a result, it can be noted that the low the pressure the low the amount of gas soluble in the gas. On the other hand, the solubility increases with an increase in the pressure as the gas molecules are forced into the solution. In turn they relieve the pressure re by being absorbed into the liquid. A high solubility is, therefore, observed in the liquid at high pressure. In further explanation to this concept, an example that shows the gas solubility is that of carbonated a beverage, in this case we chose a soda. It can be noted that the gas that was trapped in the bottle escapes and we hear the fizzing sound. The pop sound the soda produces when opened instantly is the escaping gas while the pressure within the soda increases and gas is forced into it to reduce the pressure. This is the reason behind the fizzing sound.

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The other factor that allows for a conducive environment for the solubility of a gas is vital in the rate at which a gas dissolves in a solution. Since temperature is a measure of average kinetic energy the increase in temperature leads to a corresponding increase in the kinetic energy. As the kinetic energy is becomes greater, the molecular motion of the particles of the gas that dissolves within the gas increases as well. Therefore, the particles are more likely to escape. The reveres are considered to be true as decreased temperature implies that the solubility of a liquid is high. It is explained in a comprehensive manner in the principle of Le Chatelier that the trends observed in the solubility of gas in a solution do depend on each other. The principle mainly tackles the issue of temperature by terming the process of a gas dissolving in a gas as exothermic and the increase in the temperature of a solution invites stress to the heat that is produced. In this case the heat is the gas that is forced to escape due to the pressure that has been mounted on it. In scientific terms, Le Chatelier explains the opposite trend of exothermic as an attempt to seek for equilibrium in concentration on the gas being forced out. After this equilibrium is an achieved due to the increase in the gaseous state in the solution further gaseous phase that tries to dissolve does so at a high rate; hence greater solubility of gas in that particular liquid is achieved.

Nitrogen is an inert gas as it is not metabolized as carbon II oxide and oxygen. When inhaling and exhaling at depths, more gas molecules are inhaled in because of the high pressure that the air does experience. At this point, it is also considered to be denser at the sea level. It is said that the inhaled nitrogen and oxygen at this point are greater at depth than at sea level and most of the oxygen is metabolized but nitrogen which is inert as mentioned earlier does pose a threat. Therefore it goes into the blood and dissolves in it at a high pressure until the ambient pressure is reduced. After that it is gets out as pressure decreases and it is excreted together with the exhaled air. During this time of dissolution in the blood, nitrogen accumulation may lead to the developing of nitrogen narcosis which is an intoxicating effect due to the increased pressure. This effect is experienced at depths of 100 feet although in some cases it starts to manifest itself as low as 35 feet below the sea level. The condition is reversed immediately one ascends from depths.

Another serious problem the gas causes in its state in blood if it stays long in blood dissolve in gaseous state is the Scuba diving effect that was discovered by excavaters. It is in relation to the amount of nitrogen that dissolves in to the blood stream during excavation as these excavators risk going down into caissons. It was realized that caisson workers assumed a bent posture after working in the caissons for some time. The bending trait was not out of pleasure or rather it was the pain that the experienced after resurfacing form the caissons. The main cause of this problem commences when one goes down depths at a high speed such as scubadivers. When he or she comes back to the surface, the nitrogen that had been dissolved in blood has already caused some discomfort and the person feels pain all over the body especially at the back. This problem is experienced mostly with people that engage in the game of Scuba-diving.

In Scuba diving, it is believed that divers who like going into deep waters for more than five minutes might risk developing decompressions, but, however, a technique has been invented of making sure one explores deeper waters without experiencing narcosis or decompressions. What is expected of the diver is by the going into depths of even 300 feet; remain there until the no more gas can dissolve in tissues. At this point it is said the divers tissues have been saturated with nitrogen and can is expected to ascend to the surface.

In the idea of liquid breathing, instead of a diver breathing gas, he or she breath in a non-compressible liquid perfluorocarbon compound that contains oxygen. This eliminates the risks of narcosis and decompression as there are no nitrogen bubbles are formed.

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Breathing Liquids for Divers, Free Essay Sample for Your Assignments. (2019, May 15). Retrieved from

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