Business Ethics: Examining Ethical Principles & Moral Influences - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-12
Business Ethics: Examining Ethical Principles & Moral Influences - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business Business ethics
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1017 words
9 min read


Business ethics is simply the professional or the applied ethics that are used by the employers as well as the employees to examine the ethical principles and also the moral influences that may at one point affect the business environment (Goodpaster 1991). Therefore, there is a need to discuss the various forms of business ethics to help in understanding several ways to manage a particular business structure. Additionally, business ethics also at one point or another, helps in ensuring the ethical standards of the company or the business that is the reputations for consistency may be upheld.

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Case 1

What If Trevor Followed the Six Guidelines for Making Ethical Decisions?

Typically, in a regular business set up with guidelines on ethical business decisions, there must be a clear understanding of the dangers of selling the contaminated products. If Trevor could have followed the process of evaluating and also choosing thoughtfully among alternatives, more precisely putting forward ethical principles, he could not have suffered the problem of selling contaminated goods to his customers. Ethical decision guidelines involve clear judgment and interpretation, leading to the corresponding application of these sets of principles and may help the individual to estimate the consequences that may result from the action (Craft 2013). For instance, Trevor would not have sold the contaminated foods since it is not to do so. Just from the definition of business ethics, they are ethical principles, and the moral attributes set a si8de to ensure the smooth running of a business. So, therefore, when such guidelines are strictly followed and taken care of, there should be no sense of doing contrary to the moral values depicted in them. There should be no hurry in making decisions, this as a factor supports the aspect that if Trevor could have conducted a comprehensive analysis on the tests he did with no rush, he would not have sold the contaminated goods to customers.

Importance of Taking Ethical Decisions and Its Potential Return

Usually, ethical decisions in a business set up are, at most times, relevant to both the employers and the employees. Necessarily, through ethical decisions, the institution can generate and as well endure as they develop trust, show respect to the employers, encourage fairness, and promote a caring team (Adkins and Radtke 2004). Therefore, had it been that Trevor and the employees had realized the essence of business ethics decisions while conducting their tests, they could not have gone through the process of selling contaminated goods to consumers. Business ethics includes a variety of personalities; that is, stakeholders of a particular business; they take part in decision making and thus enhance the accuracy during decision making leading to fewer errors that may be made when only one individual participate in the process. Ethics are essential in the sense that through it, an individual is capable of controlling his or her behaviors or morals. Surprisingly, these norms can consist of both social, cultural, and as well as religious experiences that may, at one point or another, affect the smooth running of the business. Additionally, the positive ethical corporation can improve the drive of the employees, and this can impact a lot, including improving productivity and also the employees' custody.

All the same, ethical decisions are similarly crucial in the sense that the business can win the trust of the workers. Socially responsible companies that observe the ethical business decisions develop respect for their employees as well as the customers. Finally, this may increase the profits realized by the business (Adkins and Radtke 2004). Importantly, business ethics, when seriously taken into account, will enhance the responsibility not only inside the places of work but can also go beyond the environment, which includes the three major categories that are structural, economic, and social.

Case 2

Sources of Law with Priority

Naturally, lawsuits are but the shorthand writings made by the affected individuals to the court to initiate the legal process of monitoring the problem (Zimmerman 2008). Therefore, in this case, where an organization files a suit to solve a problem of a federal conflict between two parties will particularly prioritize the federal court that will take charge in handling the case of enforcing disputes among the two parties. Similarly, for an individual to initiate a civil lawsuit in a federal court, it will require the plaintiff to file a complaint agreement form with the court for the court to allege the actions to the defendant. The emirates, in this case, have to ensure that they follow keenly the procedures required by the federal court to ascertain their matter as legal by law so that an action is taken to the other party.

Case 3

The Most Likely Ruling by Court

Following the case of the power-up advert, the court is likely to rule the evidence favoring the Sharjah Corporation by dismissing the suit but not the Ahmad. The lawsuit filed is not appropriate. Bodybuilding and weight gain exercise involve a lot of physical work. Therefore, it requires individuals who may, at one point, suffer problems that may results in issues when they get involved in the exercise (Zimmerman 2008). Additionally, it is not a direct interaction between the two parties involved in the case. Still, instead, it is an individual will to get in touch with the advert and develop a taste of engaging in the exercise.


Adkins, N., and Radtke, R.R., 2004. Students' and Faculty Members' Perceptions of The Importance of Business Ethics and Accounting Ethics Education: Is There an Expectations Gap? Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 3, no. 51, pp. 279-300. Available at:

Craft, J.L., 2013. A Review of The Empirical Ethical Decision-Making Literature: 2004–2011. Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 2, no.11, pp. 221-259. Available at:

Goodpaster, K.E., 1991. Business Ethics and Stakeholder Analysis. Business Ethics Quarterly, pp. 53-73. Available at: https://www.jstor.Org/Stable/3857592

Zimmerman, T.A., 2008. McLean Students File Suit against Turnitin. Com: Useful Tool or Instrument of Tyranny? The CCCC-IP Annual: Top Intellectual Property Developments of 2007, p.2. Available at:

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Business Ethics: Examining Ethical Principles & Moral Influences - Essay Sample. (2023, Sep 12). Retrieved from

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