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1 The topic also taught me how it is useful it is to maintain weak ties, as the people involved in creating them may not be intimate with each other, but come from differing cultures and may provide new information that may be particularly important to us. I love meeting new people in social media as they may give me new ideas I never had which can be very helpful in my life. I think weak ties can sometimes be better than the strong ones that we already have CITATION And14 \l 1033 (Nakaya, 2014). However, the issue of trust for weak connections is quite fragile as it is hard to confront a person in such networks as you can do to the strong ties. 2 By increasing intellectual property rights, some brands fail to work on the regulatory steps to stop other competitors from making a copy and duplicate of their genuine brands which creates confusion amongst their clients in their backyard (Gillespie & Riddle, 2015). However, the action of duplicating one company's product can be beyond the company as a victim, it depends with the legislation and the policy associated with the act, some nations don't take actions against copycat industries hence making the market unethical. 3 The Big Short: How the FED Failed to Control Financial Markets in 2008.
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4 Cowan, A. (2018). Image, Politics, and Place: Tourism and the American City. 5 Fulop, M. T., & Pintea, M. O. (2014). Effects of the new regulation and corporate governance of the audit profession. SEA-Practical Application of Science, 2(3), 5. HYPERLINK "https://econpapers.repec.org/RePEc:kap:jbuset:v:114:y:2013:i:3:p:457-471" 6 Pacelle, R. (2018). The role of the Supreme Court in American politics: The least dangerous 7 Recommendations of nurses are that there should be an implementation of solutions by everyone present in the healthcare system because it is a collaborative issue. For an effective opioid analgesic presentation, there should be a primary prevention method. Considerations should be made when the physician is prescribing opioids to patients. Treatment of addicts should be made easier for patients, together with the needed resources, reachable assistant programs that should be an assurance policy changes that shall ease and avail programs that shall curb their addiction to opioid 8 Free Essay about Creativity in Leadership 9 Essay Example: Teachers and Teenage Suicide 10 Essay Example on Management Style 11 Free Essay on Piloting and Sampling 12 Essay Sample on Moulin de la Galette 13 Gave the chance to receive online support from the instructor. 14 Made his educational process more exciting and fascinating. 15 Psychology Essay Example: Salma's Personality 16 Effects of Participation Trophies - Research Summary Essay Example 17 Essay Sample on Social Work Competencies 18 Caree Essay Example: Professional Goals 19 Essay Sample on Great Depression Research 20 Research Class Essay Example

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