Catering: A Profitable Business in the Hotelier Industry - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-14
Catering: A Profitable Business in the Hotelier Industry - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 512 words
5 min read


Catering is a profitable business in the hotelier industry. The service is a demanding one and requires those offering it to have an organized way of handling it. The company taking this responsibility always has to agree with the event owner to offer the best service (Gabriel, 1988). Mainly, the event owner always avoids a situation where food is rationed to allow everyone to enjoy the meal. The dynamics that follow in choosing the option of catering, have to consider the multicultural differences of the participants and offer the best service that captures the interest of the majority and not cause havoc during the big day.

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Types of catering options for a wedding


This type of catering option involves a group sitting arrangement mostly in tables. Bigger dishes containing different food items are served together with plates in each table and the guests are allowed to each serve themselves. After each guest has exhausted the share they want, the dishes are passed to the next table (Read et al., 1988). This type of option is beneficial to a family gathering since it also helps the guests to interact as they enjoy the meal. Again, the method is expensive since it needs the service provider to acquire all utensils to be used in each table.

Plated Option:

This is one of the fastest methods, each guest is served by the caterers at their respective sitting areas. The limitation of this option is that it serves limited people and incurs an extra cost for the culinary.

Cocktail option:

The option involves a small group of people who interact while enjoying bits of the meals and cocktails. It offers the advantage of saving costs on meals with less or no leftovers.

Staffed Stations:

On this option, guests line up and are served by chefs who are strategically positioned in a designated area. The option is favorable to a large group of people.

Buffet Option:

This type of service is normally similar to staffed stations, but unlike staffed stations, the guests are allowed to serve themselves from the variety of the meals provided. The option is advantageous to a group of people who may have different dietary requirements.

Delivery Option:

This method is common with small events, the catering company brings the food packed in disposable plates and guests pick each as guided. The limitation with the option is that the menu is dictated by the agreed terms, therefore, guests have no variety options of the meals.


In conclusion, the choice of option to use in a wedding event depends mostly on the budget set aside for the catering service as well and the interest of the event owner. The impression made always leaves a good memory on the guests and the event owners. Therefore, necessary planning should be considered before concluding on which option to employ.


Gabriel, Y. (1988). Working lives in catering. Working Lives in Catering.

Read, S., & Worsfold, D. (1998). Catering for older people in residential care homes. Nutrition & Food Science, 98(1), 30-37.

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