Essay on Managing with Analytics at Procter &Gamble

Published: 2023-12-28
Essay on Managing with Analytics at Procter &Gamble
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management Business Analysis Business management
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 612 words
6 min read


This memo recommends adjustments to the managerial decision making and the utilization of third party providers for Procter & Gamble's IT capabilities. Decision making is considered a managerial task in any organization, and it is a process that requires skills and experience. It is a challenge that has been affecting several companies, not only the Procter & Gamble. Whether to include third parties in the decision-making process, company innovations, and IT capabilities is also a significant source of concern. The implementation seeks to improve and ease managerial decision making and to address the concern of whether third parties should be included or not.

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Decision making is an essential component of an organization since it aims to achieve the goals and objectives within a specific budget and timeframe. It also aims to satisfy employee capabilities, maximally utilizing available resources, and it always finds and chooses the best alternative. One of the significant foundations of Procter & Gamble is their good managerial decision-making skills and the IDS, which contribute to their high levels of success. An improvement in this field is vital and will produce better and more lucrative results in the organization.


I would recommend the company to actively involve third parties in their decision-making sittings, specifical professionals in various IT fields and even very experienced colleagues. This increases the number of ideas provided during such meetings and increases the chances of reaching creative, lucrative, and award-winning decisions. Generally, when many experienced minds are put together, the best decisions become the outcome. This also enables the aspect of arguing things out since every professional thinks in their fantastic way, and this also increases the chances of having a lucrative ultimate decision. Moreover, the usage of data extensively and carefully is an essential aspect of decision making. It involves obtaining all the necessary information prior to decision making and using that information extensively but with caution. Nevertheless, the values of the organization must be drawn before a decision is made. This offers invaluable support since it defines the company's expectations in terms of innovation and even conflicts.

Basis for Recommendation

  • One of the most important reasons for improving managerial decision making in an organization is that it gives room for shortcomings to be identified and appropriately corrected. This generally strengthens the company and all its significant departments. Once the company is strengthened, it gets easier to gain the customer's trust, and the company will not incur losses. The workplace is also made energetic and highly motivated when the managerial decision-making skills are improved.
  • Utilization of third parties in decision-making platforms helps in generating new ideas and developing novel innovations that were previously nonexistent in the company. It can also lead to the discovery of any breaches and hence, redesigning the already existing systems. This brings diversity to the company's products and services.


The mentioned recommendations can be implemented by increasing the professionals who participate in decision-making in the organization. This includes third parties and individuals who were managers before and have had a long term experience making tough decisions. However, if a company feels threatened by third parties who might want to jeopardize the company itself or do not understand the foundations of the company, other alternatives are available. One primary alternative is having more professionals only from within the company and engaging them in their views and thoughts on how the company can be improved.

Next Steps:

Readers are advised to do a follow up on the progress of Procter & Gamble in the upcoming years to observe their success rates and even do some research on their managerial decision making from authorized sources.

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Essay on Managing with Analytics at Procter &Gamble. (2023, Dec 28). Retrieved from

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