Free Essay: Changes in Immigration Law

Published: 2023-01-04
Free Essay: Changes in Immigration Law
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Immigration Judicial system Police Human rights
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1014 words
9 min read

New York, NY., City of ACLU headquarters, 125 Broad street, office location-ACLU recommends change of immigration policy that will require federal government (department of justice) to offer free legal assistance to any individual subject to any deportation hearing from ACLU or any other qualified legal advocacy organization. ACLU, a non-profit organization in the US which seeks to defend as well as preserve the rights and liberties of all people in the US has faced numerous challenges in the current administration regarding immigration policies and decisions which necessitates advocacy in the parliament to introduce a new immigration policy. The current administration has been more aggressive in the deportation of illegal immigrants, with some decisions being deemed unconstitutional. Various social welfare groups have also raised their concern regarding the immigration decisions being undertaken. Therefore, ACLU advocates for a new policy that will change immigration law which will require government to offer free legal assistance to any deportation hearing that will involve ACLU or at least another qualified legal advocacy group.

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"The society has faced civil rights challenges regarding the protection of human rights including those of the immigrants. Immigrants have severally been arrested and detained. We have noted that threats to immigrants make the society less safe. Following the current immigration laws, immigrants have feared to come out when tortured since they fear the consequences including deportation when they come out. Therefore, we seek to promote a new policy that will promote freedom and create a better environment for immigrants to raise their concerns under the law. The immigrants will, therefore, be protected when criticizing illegal actions by governmental agents. In this regard, the policy will promote equality and justice in the US" said ACLU from CEO, Anthony Romero.

"RAICES is concerned by the challenges faced by immigrants. Immigrants should be protected. It is imperative to keep fighting until everyone is safe. We have noted that the separation that immigrant families have undergone with fear of governmental actions has even led to separation of families. In this regard, preventing governmental deportation of immigrants without the involvement of civil rights groups means that advocacy groups like RAICES can find and reunite the families. Some children are left without care when their parents are incarcerated implying that if they were deported without involvement, the children would be left without any caregiver" said RAICES from MD, Jack Elder.

"Human rights must be enforced by the government without segregation based on nationality. Denying immigrants education chances is a denial of basic human right. Some immigrants have enrolled for various courses in colleges and universities and should be protected to fulfil their dream. We have noted that some immigrants have a strong case although they are poor to afford lawyers. In this regard, the implementation of the policy will enable their targeted constituents to have an opportunity to be heard since the government will offer free legal assistance subject to a deportation hearing" said the College Board for Higher Learning from the Executive Secretary, David Coleman.

Considering the immigration policies that have been adopted by the US government that has seen a lot of deportations, there is a need to regulate these deportations to promote human dignity for immigrants in the US. In its defenses for the law and equality for all including the immigrants, ACLU has previously advocated for the introduction of policies that protect international immigrants in the US. However, the US government has undertaken various measures that can be seen as discriminative and abuse of immigrants' rights which is a violation of human rights. Therefore, the new policy aims at convincing the Congress to change the immigration policy so that the government will now involve independent non-governmental civil rights advocacy groups in a free legal assistance for a deportation hearing before a decision can be made to deport an immigrant. This could be ACLU itself of another non-governmental group with the aim of preventing abuse, exploitation, and violation of basic human rights. The policy seeks to establish equality for immigrants to be heard even if they can't afford lawyers. This policy targets the Congress which is the policy-making organ that can compel the government to take necessary measures and specific steps before any deportation can be done. Therefore, the policy targets the lawmaking venue to introduce the policy and solve the pleas of poor families that are separated and young ones left without anyone to care for them.

Part 2: Short Answer Questions

In their analysis, Volden and Wiseman (61) discussed the issue of legislation and how it impacts the success of a majority party in Congress. From the reading, it is evident that a majority party holds important significant leadership positions that can influence major decisions. However, some bills do not pass if they do not have a backing of the majority. Therefore, there is a need to propel agendas as illustrated by the theory of negative agenda sitting to promote agendas that seek to benefit the majority of party members.

The discussion by Volden and Wiseman (63) was vital in developing and understanding the direction for introducing the new policy. The authors explain that it is important to promote a policy that is of national interest. Considering that human rights including those of immigrants have been a major consideration in the US, the reading enabled me to advocate for the involvement of like-minded majority in Congress who can advance the agenda further. In this respect, the house will most likely pass the bill into law which will become an important policy for ACLU to support immigrants.

Works Cited

Hesson, Ted. Trump administration considers family separation option as border arrest soar. Politico. [Accessed 26 April 2019].

Nakamura, David, Wagner, John, Dawsey, Josh, and racheal Bade. Trump Says He is Giving 'Strong Considerations' to Releasing Immigrant Detainees in 'Sanctuary Cities'. The Washington Post. [Accessed 26 April 2019].

Volden, Craig and Alan Wiseman. Legislative effectiveness in the United States Congress the lawmakers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Print.

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