Essay Sample on Christian Perspective on Diversity

Published: 2023-08-20
Essay Sample on Christian Perspective on Diversity
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Christianity Diversity Ethical dilemma
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 693 words
6 min read

From the podcasts, the Christian vision of diversity is based on two fundamental doctrines of the Holy Spirit: the unity of the human race and the Christian church's universality. The Christian communities face challenges in the application of the truths and the expression of the need to change hearts to overcome the prejudice dominating the believers and non-believers.

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As described, on the unity of the human race, there are teachings from the scripture that the human race is one. It is seen in the teaching of Paul to the Athenian Philosophers, where he describes that the human race was created through one man by God. From this context is where the context of unity in the diversity of human life appear rightly (Bretherton, 2017). Therefore, from the illustration, there is no description in the Bible that describes or endorses multiculturalism as it is expressed in the world of ideologies. It is such diversity that begins with a justifiable suspicion of cultural imperialism and the racial prejudice where the subcultures have their interests against the rest (Volk et al., 2017). Diversification, as mentioned in the Bible, is described in terms of gender, male and female, who are created in one race.

There is a clear expression that affirms the diversity of culture found in the scripture, which is a universal doctrine of the church. The description by different prophets in the Bible does not indicate diversity in cultures but describes the Christians as one people and one family in Christ. Therefore there are no barriers in class, race, or gender in the message that God sends to Christians through the prophets (Smith & Okech, 2016). In Christianity, when different people from different races, classes, and conditions come into the faith in Christ, they are reconciled to the Father and one another. Therefore, the universal church has an inherent and God-given diversity, which are also experienced even in the local congregations (Bretherton, 2017).

The concept of multicultural diversity in Christianity is motivated by the love for God and the love for human beings. God, as the Father and creator of humanity, have love upon each and everyone even to those that reject him (Volk et al., 2017). Christians and Christian communities are therefore urged to imitate the love. This has seen some communities being deeply impacted by the gospel than others. However, there are patterns that are rooted in the human sinfulness than are in the cultural mandate.

As a social worker, it is necessary to recognize that the job will require me to deal with religion and religious faith. Understanding Christianity and its concept of unity and diversity will have me gain a psychological power that is a necessity rooted in the geopolitical implication of religion. The understanding of the Christian faith will have me understand how people communicate and how people feel about themselves (Volk et al., 2017). People's identities are determined by factors of religion, which is primary. The link between behavior and belief is clear in the socialization and behavior of people. Behind every decision and action by the people, there are beliefs and talks or teachings that they have undergone. Dealing with religious people is, therefore, a tough and complex job (Bretherton, 2017). When working with a religious client, there is a need to be more trained on how to respond to the beliefs and values.


Bretherton, L. (2017). Hospitality as Holiness: Christian witness amid moral diversity. Routledge.

Smith, L. C., & Okech, J. E. A. (2016). Negotiating CACREP accreditation practices, religious diversity, and sexual orientation diversity: A rejoinder to Sells and Hagedorn. Journal of Counseling & Development, 94(3), 280-284.

Volk, S., Pearsall, M. J., Christian, M. S., & Becker, W. J. (2017). Chronotype diversity in teams: Toward a theory of team energetic asynchrony. Academy of Management Review, 42(4), 683-702.

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