Essay Sample for You: Classroom Behavior Management

Published: 2022-06-02
Essay Sample for You: Classroom Behavior Management
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Behavior
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1378 words
12 min read

It is very important to know the main cause of a child's behavior since they help to address problems involving behavior. Educational psychology is one of the most common fields of psychology. Educational psychology can be defined in various ways; however, it is an area that examines and applies theories and ideas from all psychology in the educational background (Hart, 2010). The educational backgrounds could be from pre-schools to college. However, they might also be anywhere learning process is taking place, like community groups, after programs, within families, or companies. The main objective of educational psychology is to make the relationship between the student, parent, teacher, and society in general as positive as possible for the student to gain to the best of their capabilities. There are some approaches that relate to effective classroom behavior management in regard to the psychological approach. These include psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic and systemic approach (Hart, 2010). In this discussion, we are going to focus on these psychological approaches to classroom behavior management.

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Psychodynamic Approach

Psychodynamics is a psychology approach that stresses systematic analysis of the unconscious psychological structures that determine human behavior and emotions in connection to early childhood. Psychodynamic Psychologists postulate that early childhood experiences shaping the mature humans' personality (Hattie, 2013). Effective education administrators provide systematic and positive expectations to their students. According to Psychodynamic Psychologists, an acceptable class behavior is achieved after solving the internal tensions in the student's mind through guidance and counseling sessions.

Group- work helps in instilling desirable classroom behavior (Hattie, 2013). The whole class group or small groups within the class perform group work that assists the learners to develop appropriate classroom behaviors. The individual groups must be accountable for the activities accomplished. The teacher can apply on the spot correctional techniques such as moving closer to the individual student or group in case of minor infringements. Group reinforcement discourages classroom undesirable behavior. Whole groups are rewarded or reprimanded.

The class groups are involved in activities aimed at improving social interactions, communication skills, peer support in academic areas and caring in life skills (Hart, 2010). The class groups improve the emotional and behavioral aspects of the learners. Teachers are encouraged to occasionally praise the students if they perform the group works effectively. They should be provided with additional incentives such as extra free time and verbal praise. The peer groups enhance positive changes in the learner behavior. The nurture groups serve as meeting avenues to strengthen conflict resolution where students` mediation process occurs. The learners assist each other in areas of classroom misbehavior.

Systemic Approach

The systemic approach to classroom behavior management encompasses all aspects of student behavior in the classroom based on the role of the individual student in relation to social interactions (Hattie, 2013). Students` chaotic behavior should be dealt with by all educational stakeholders; parents, teachers, school administrators and education officials. There should be a strong teacher-learner relationship. The teacher must instill firm and caring attitude learners are free to ask for help and questions, to risk in mistake making. The quality and kind of relationship are determined by the teachers` impact on the learners. The teachers` attitude towards learners determines classroom behavior. Effective educators care about their students but also urge them to behave accordingly. High-performance teacher-student relationships cause the evolution of high standards of behavior and provide guidance and counseling services to their learners. Learners are likely to behave accordingly if they are aware that the teacher understands all occurrences in the classroom.

Classroom rules are significant in classroom behavior management (Hart, 2010). The rules should be routinely reviewed to affect the learners. The number of classroom rules should be minimal to make compliance and enforcement possible. The students must be taught the rules setting formalities and guidelines. The rules and regulations must be clear and unambiguous, stated positively, be measurable, and results need to be realistic. Furthermore, the classroom rules must be posted. The rules should provide data on behavior norms and stipulate teacher praise aspect. As such, the learners must be involved in the setting of the rules to instill the concept of rule possessiveness. The teachers also set sub-rules aimed at depending on the students` needs. There should be well-formulated results for adhering and not following the set rules and regulations. The classroom should have reminders posted at the back of the room to praise the students throughout the day.

Humanistic approach

The humanistic approach to classroom behavior management identifies the teacher as a facilitator who encourages the learners to create conducive study environment. When learners make repeated mistakes during the teaching process, teachers are advised to make appropriate changes to the teaching methodology through the provision of more effective teaching instructions (Hart, 2010). Use the pre-corrective approach to solve severe misbehaviors. Teachers are encouraged to apply strategies aimed at minimizing chronic classroom misconducts. The educators are encouraged to identify the environment when misconduct occurs then, identify the expected student behavior. The teacher must take appropriate action, for example, amending the teaching methodology or the students sitting arrangement. The students should be encouraged to have appropriate emotions and behavior.

Planning for transition time is essential in classroom behavior management. According to scientific based research, students spend 15% of their study duration carrying out routine activities such as entering and moving out of the classroom (Hattie, 2013). Also, a lot of time is spent while shifting from one subject to another or while moving from one area to another. The periods provide ample time for misconduct by the learners. Such transitions must be done fast and silently to establish a positive learning atmosphere. The transition formalities must be consistent for all shifts. The same rules and regulations must be adhered to for all transitions. All students must understand and follow the transition rules and regulations. Learners should be informed in advance of all pending transitions. The role and functions of the teacher during the transition stages are targeted at monitoring student's behavior and to praise appropriate behavior.

Teachers are encouraged to ignore behavior caused by their teaching tactics (Hart, 2010). Attention seeking norms must be ignored. The aspect of ignoring behavior instills the aspect of what the learners must not do. Teachers are cautioned not to ignore dangerous students who are not targeted at attention seeking behaviors.

Punishments should be considered as the last step in correctional measures of students` behavior and must be proportional to the crime committed (Hart, 2010). They include time-out, isolation of concerned students, and students` detention. Time-out for students must be used appropriately and not misused. Teachers must treat time-out calmly and explain to the learners the repercussions of time-out. The time-out must not result to reprieve for chaotic learners. Teachers must adhere to the effective procedure of time-out. Teachers must recall that time-out is an occasion to withdraw all misconduct opportunities from the learners. The teacher must adapt to designing a stimulating time-out area such as separate partitioned area. At times students are sent out of the class-time to a designed out of class time place. The area should be quiet and free from any external disturbances.

Behavioral Approach

The behavioral approach focuses more on building clear expectations for good behavior, controlling behavior and then strengthening acceptable behavior and converting improper behavior. Creating a good classroom environment for students is essential. The behavioral approach encourages guardians and teachers to monitor children behavior since they are not able to control themselves (Hewitt & Tarrant, 2015). There is need to create rules and regulation earlier, focus on clear and positive expectations, and develop consequences. Monitoring the behavior of the children by engaging them to know what is happening and being able to observe their physical behavior will minimize misconduct cases. If behavioral control is combined with proper care in the classroom, there will be appropriate results achieved.


The Psychodynamic, behavioral, systematic, and humanistic approaches to classroom behavior management foster effective conducive study environment that motivates free expression and further attributes to classroom creativity. In summary, the approaches discover the personal strengths and weaknesses of the learners and enhance desirable classroom behavior.


Hart, R. (2010). Classroom behaviour management: Educational psychologists' views on effective practice. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 15(4), 353-371.

Hattie, J. (2013). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. routledge.

Hewitt, D., & Tarrant, S. (2015). Innovative Teaching and Learning in Primary Schools. SAGE.

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