Free Essay: Comparison between President Trump and Andrew Jackson Political Ideology

Published: 2023-09-14
5 min read

"Make America Great Again" is a campaign slogan that has been used more than once in American campaigns. The slogan was popularized by Donald Trump during his 2016 presidential campaign (Kraus, 2016). Although the election of Donald Trump was list expected, it has resulted in multiple questions about the reasons behind the election of Donald Trump. One reason that most people attribute to the election of Donald Trump is the impact of the "Make America Great Again" slogan on the White working class who were looking forward to ending the economic upheaval during that time. As such, Trump tailored his policies to favor the white working class, a group that he believes to have been left out in the last term of Obama's rule.

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Trump's ideology of winning the American people's interest can be related to President Andrew Jackson, the 7th president of the United States of America. Andrew Jackson is widely known for having the American people's interest at heart and considered himself "the representative of the American people." Kilian, an opinion writer for the US news, opines that the "Make America Great Again" slogan reaffirmed Trump's dedication to winning the interest of the working class who felt that Obama's reign had landed the country in an economic turmoil, and its glory was dead. Like Jackson's case, it was at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the United States, so the primary concern was economic stability. Thus, Just like Donald Trump, President Jackson's policies appeal to those threatened by the economic upheavals. Jackson perceived political equality for all whites to be the principle of the founding fathers (Kilian, 2017).

Similarly, President Trump’s "Make America Great Again" also hints to the principle perceived by Jackson to be that of the founding fathers. The above similarities raise two interesting questions that one would want to explore even further. Firstly, is the political equality propagated by Andrew Jackson similar to the political equality principle hinted by Donald's slogan to make America great again? Secondly, how was Donald trump able to appeal to the white working class to successfully win the 2016 presidential elections? There is a huge debate about Whites' contribution to the Trump winning of the 2016 presidential election. The responses to the above questions will help the reader to understand the role of whites in American politics and their impact on Trump's presidency.

I hypothesize that the "Make America Great Again" slogan was appealing to the White working class population and significantly aided in Trump's election in the 2016 elections, similar to President Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson was devoted to the majority rule and saw him win the popular votes. Also, Trump appealed to the white working class by adopting policies that favored their interests and the adoption of a master race democracy. Donald Trump and Andrew Jackson have a lot in common, ranging from similar cultural, economic, and political stands. The idea behind Trump's "Make America Great Again" mirrored Jackson's ideology during his time. As such, Trump's policies were similar to those of Andrew Jackson, which made him appeal to the working class who hold similar views to those of Jackson's reign.


Kilian, L. (2017). “Beware the Similarities between Donald Trump and Andrew Jackson.” Retrieved 23 June 2020, from

Kraus, Scott. (2016) “How Donald Trump Managed to Turn Pennsylvania Red.” The Morning Call. Retrieved 9 November 2016, from

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