Paper Example. Component of iCARE

Published: 2023-03-05
Paper Example. Component of iCARE
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Healthcare Nursing care
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 933 words
8 min read

As an emergency room (ER) nurse, we are focused on treating patients suffering from injury, trauma, or adverse medication and needs urgent treatment in a hospital setting. As ER nurses, we integrate with physicians, nursing practitioners, and pharmacists to provide the quality of care that will lead to desired clinical results. Additionally, collaborative efforts with other interdisciplinary team members mean that there is a guarantee of quality patient care in terms of Compassion, Resilience, and Advocacy. These elements are enhanced through knowledge of Evidence-Based Practices. However, there is a need for improvement in our clinical setting. The emergency department should aim at helping patients in transition of treatment when a patient is out of the emergency care settings.

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Compassionate care is attainable in nursing practice when there is a collaboration of healthcare practitioners. It does not only lead to enhanced patient well-being but as well creates an attitude of team spirit to work towards a collective effort. Additionally, it leads to the synchronization of workflow and a favorable working environment. As nursing practitioners, we are obliged to demonstrate compassion and care to all patients and their family members. The act of kindness is shown through empathetic listening, building therapeutic relationships, and addressing their challenges (Yilmaz, 2018). Consequently, we enlighten them with the desired information to help them during the treatment period. It is significant to provide patients with information in regards to their treatment procedure since it improves their clinical results with proper regiment adherence and compliance. According to (Yilmaz, 2018), compassion care is characterized by building rapport, active listening, and the use of strategies to alleviate suffering and going above and beyond. As nursing practitioners, we implement a culture of compassionate care in our workplace by portraying an act of kindness, respecting each other, and communication and collaboration within all health care practitioners. The establishment of self-compassion and the engagement to a compassionate culture leads to positive engagement and satisfaction for both patients and health care practitioners.


Nursing practitioners play a substantial role as patient advocates. The reason being is that a lot of time is spent on interaction and taking care of the patient when compared to other health care practitioners, including physicians. Therefore, it leads to therapeutic bonding with the patient due to enhanced trust and confidence in us. As earlier mentioned, as emergency nurses, we are obligated to encompass advocacy and education by providing patients with critical data and provision of care. Consequently, we are tasked to respect their demands concerning their treatments or private desires. According to (Yilmaz, 2018), for adequate adherence to the principle of advocacy, there is a need for all nursing practitioners to possess self-confidence, ethical awareness, persistence, and maturity. In the emergency department, we are tasked to provide information to patients concerning their treatment procedures. We understand that it is critical to allow patients to make their decision, irrespective of our opinion. Advocacy will not only help enhance compliance and clinical results but will as well help nurses improve their knowledge and awareness concerning patients' culture and traditions.


Nursing practitioners' responsibilities are generally multifaceted. Henceforth, for one to be adaptive to all health care requirements there is a need for regular learning and effective management of adversity and stress. There is a need to establish practical communication skills, the ability to adjust to situations, enhanced stress coping skills, empowerment, and conflict management. It helps in developing the aspects of adaptability and flexibility in nursing practitioners. According to Adamson (2018), there is a need for resilience for anyone to endure a stress job. Dealing with patients in an emergency setting can be challenging due to rapid intervention to improve their health conditions. There is a need for resilience as a nursing practitioner. It helps in maintaining a positive attitude at all times when dealing with patients. In an emergency setting situation, nursing practitioners, with the help of other multidisciplinary team members, work effortlessly to ensure patients' health becomes stable.

Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practices are critical to nursing practitioners since it acts as the framework for patient care and well-being. It helps to alter the manner nurses practice to improve patient well-being, safety by increasing collaboration and communication to all multidisciplinary team members (Adamson, 2018). Evidence-based practices have been proven to be significant in enhancing patient safety since it enhances nurses' skills and expertise desired to interact with patients. Additionally, it increases the listening skills that enable them to be empathetic to patient situations, which is critical in improving their well-being.


Adequate quality of care, patient safety, and clinical results can be achieved through the collaboration of all multidisciplinary team members who include primary nurses, physicians, and pharmacists. However, there is needed for Compassion, Resilience, and Advocacy that are founded on Evidence-Based Practices. The integration of these elements is critical in guiding patients in treatment transition once they are out of the emergency department to outpatient settings. Additionally, it will lead to multidisciplinary inter-professional collaboration, which needed to improve the quality of life and clinical outcomes for all patients. Nursing practitioners are the frontline leading inter-professional team members since they act as direct care providers to patients at the bedside, thus spending a lot of time with them. Henceforth, nurses have an impact on the patient outcome since they play an integral role in the transition of treatment and continuation of care.


Adamson, E. (2018). Culture, courage and compassion: exploring the experience of student nurses on placement abroad. Journal of Compassionate Health Care, 5(1). Doi: 10.1186/s40639-018-0048-4

Yilmaz, G. (2018). Professional Quality of Life in Nurses: Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue. CINANHL Nursing Guide, 1(3), 1-34. Doi: 10.14744/phd.2018.86648

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