Essay Example: Components of a Healing Environment and Their Relationship to Spirituality

Published: 2023-07-12
Essay Example: Components of a Healing Environment and Their Relationship to Spirituality
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing care Bible Emotional intelligence Essays by wordcount
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1017 words
9 min read

A healing environment is composed of seven components that are critical in the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of the patient. An optimum healing environment is the most significant factor in medicalization since it reflects the efficacy and competitiveness of health practitioners and their collaboration with family and community (VIENNEAU, 2019). It is universally agreed by both patients and healthcare providers that a healing environment has a significant impact on medicalization(VIENNEAU, 2019). The constituents of the healing environment are generally open for discussion and depend on the individual's perspective. These components of a healing environment include the mindful development of awareness, intent, belief, and expectation during recovery(VIENNEAU, 2019). The component is vital for both practitioners and patients in the process of healing. Developing a transformative self-care practice that does promote not only personal cohesion but also facilitates the experience of well-being and wholeness of the patients is also a vital component of a healing environment (Alt, 2017). The environment requires the incorporation of techniques and technology that nurture a recovery process based on love and compassion.

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Additionally, these components include the facilitative creation of communication and listening skills, which binds the patients and health practitioners and also fosters trust. The environment must also integrate practices and instructions which impact health promotion behaviors that can transform an individual's lifestyle and, at the same time, sustain the development of social support and the self-healing process(VIENNEAU, 2019). Finally, developing a collaborative practice that supports the healing process through the responsible application of integrative medicine helps to develop a physical space in which healing is practiced consequently (VIENNEAU, 2019). These components are tightly integrated with spirituality, which is the lifeline that allows the patients and family to endure through challenging times of illness, trauma, stress, and pain and is, therefore, a critical element of one's humanness. Thus, spirituality is imperative to acquire personal totality. The personal totality is a congruence of the spirit, mind, the body, and is acquired through motivational experiences and association with others (VIENNEAU, 2019). This aspect is demonstrated by the sharing of beliefs, hopes, and motivation to change (Alt, 2017). Therefore, the internal environment primarily comprises spirituality and emotions.

Challenges of Creating a Healing Environment in The Light of Barriers(Spiritual, Physical, Emotional) and Complexities in Providing Health Care and Wellness

The process of creating and maintaining an optimal healing environment is faced by potential obstacles and challenges like dysfunctional educational and healthcare systems, inadequate human resources, and relationship-centered competencies (Fries, 2020). Due to the current economic crisis in most countries, insurance limitation on reimbursement has increased; therefore, caregivers are forced to spend less time with their patients each day. Hospitals also attempt to subsidize the cost by cutting their nursing staff (Fries, 2020). Although nurses and social workers desire to spend more time with their patients, the rising health care cost has become a significant challenge. During times of pain and illness, the majority view spirituality is a continuous search for transcendence and meaning in life (Fries, 2020). Among the healthcare systems around the world, a lack of compassionate and personalized healthcare systems is a significant challenge. Although practitioners treat patients with respect, dignity, and emphasis on physical wellness, the level of emotional and spiritual comfort is wanting.

Aspects of The Christian Worldview That Support The Concept of a Healing Environment

Often, when people face challenges, they tend to turn inwards and begin to reflect on the significance of their suffering, pain, illness, and their lives. Most start to search for hope and the purpose of life. The search for purpose and meaning can either impact the healing process of the patient, both positively and negatively (Tryon, 2018). Since it is integral to each individual, it is vital to both the patient and the family. For some people, spirituality includes art, nature, music, or family. The Christian worldview supports the healing environment in the spiritual dimension since, in such purpose and meaning, the majority rely on spiritual comfort just as they rely on emotional comfort. Both songs and scriptures support the healing environment (Tryon,2018). The Bible talks about being made secure with the strength that comes from God's glorious power and being ready to endure everything in patience and long-suffering in joy-giving glory to God (Colossians 1:11-12). In the same context, Christian patients integrate community and family players in the healing environment.

The Christian belief necessitates that the sick should call for the church elders who can spiritually intervene over him through prayers and be anointed in the Name of the Lord. The prayer of faith is believed to have the power that can save the sick (James 5:14-15). God is viewed as the primary source of refuge, strength, and timely help in times of trouble. Even though the earth occasionally changes, and mountains shake, being still reveals God's healing power (Psalms 46:1-2). These Christian spiritual worldviews are excellent sources of comfort during rough situations such as illness and pain.

Importance of The Concept of a Healing Environment in Informing My Philosophy of Health Care and Wellness

The concept of a healing environment will foster the development of enhanced competencies that are essential in delivering interdisciplinary, patient-centered, and spiritual care (Pfeiffer, 2014). Through the integration of these concepts, it will be possible to develop and test strategies in the work environment: hence accelerating healing for people with a life-threatening illness and progressive chronic diseases (Pfeiffer, 2014). Additionally, through the application of the concept, it is possible to reduce medical errors, stress, physical symptoms that affect logical thought processes, and the inability to concentrate.


Alt, P. L. (2017). Sacred space and the healing journey. Annals of palliative medicine, 6(3), 284-296.

Bible, H. (1982). The New King James Version. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Fries, C. J. (2020). Healing health care: from sick care towards salutogenic healing systems. Social Theory & Health, 18(1), 16-32.

Pfeiffer, J. B. (2014). Creating a Healing Environment: Strategies Christian Nurses Use.

Tryon, D. N. P. (2018). Biblical Concepts of Restoration as a Foundation for Lifestyle Change. The Journal of Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning, 3(1), 28.

VIENNEAU, N. (2019). Optimal Healing Environments. Health

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