Conflict Management: Resources for Home, Workplace & Personal Use - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-27
Conflict Management: Resources for Home, Workplace & Personal Use - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Society Conflict resolution Conflict management
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 642 words
6 min read


Conflicts are inevitable and are unavoidable both at home and at the workplaces. People grow up in different environments and have different perspectives and opinions regarding everyday occurrences at home, workplaces, and businesses (Potterton, 2018). For instance, a slight difference in opinion or someone else’s mode of work can develop into a major war. There are several resources available for managing conflicts. The paper identifies resources to use in a workplace, at home and on a personal level.

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Conflict Resource in the Workplace

Workplace conflicts are common and they negatively affect productivity. Utilization of the human resource department as a resource for managing conflict is ideal, especially when dealing with senior individuals (Potterton, 2018). Human resource managers are highly trained in conflict management. For example, human resources are trained in identifying the source of conflict and developing effective measures strategies that are efficient in preventing disputes from arising. They are also charged with developing tools for ensuring that disputes are minimized (Potterton, 2018). For instance, they participate in training the employees and management on conflict (Potterton, 2018). They also develop workplace policies such as open-door policies to allow employees and clients to address concerns without pressure (Potterton, 2018).

Conflict Resource at Home

Conflicts occurring at home are inevitable, as a majority of individuals see life differently, and by choice or otherwise; people live together as a unit for unique reasons. Resolving conflicts at home requires guidance from mediation resources such as books or trained mediators such as counselors (Katz et al., 2020). These resources provide the best strategies for handling different conflicts among spouses and relatives. For instance, a mediation strategy identifies the source of conflict and lays down steps that individuals can follow to resolve a conflict (Katz et al., 2020). Similarly, a counselor can help couples through role-plays or enhance their listening skills to boost their compatibility. According to Katz et al. (2020), mediation resources take a neutral approach to managing conflict to ensure that everyone feels engaged and their feelings are put into consideration.

Resource for Personal Conflict

Individual perceptions and interpretation of stimuli, circumstances, events, and previous experiences trigger internal conflicts (Sunil & Kaustubh, 2019). Internal conflicts often reciprocate externally through feelings of anger, depression, or low self-esteem. The best resource for managing internal conflict is seeking the help of a psychologist. Psychologists are trained professionals who help people live a productive life by wadding off the negative impulses that arise from internal conflicts (Sunil & Kaustubh, 2019). These individuals take people through a series of sessions that seek to identify the source of conflict while developing strategies to help individuals cope with their situation, and hence, alleviating their symptoms. For instance, a psychologist will ask questions about a person’s past while relating it to their current condition, especially when they are suffering from depression (Sunil & Kaustubh, 2019).


To conclude, conflicts arise when people go against one’s beliefs, strategies, or systems. Several resources exist for managing work, home, and personal conflicts. The department of Human resource is vital in managing workplace conflicts, while mediation resources and counselors help spouses and relatives to live together. On the other hand, psychologists are a vital resource for managing personal conflicts as they specialize in mind-body interactions. Regardless of the source of conflict, early interventions are crucial in ensuring that they do not escalate to adverse events.


Katz, N. H., Lawyer, J. W., Sweedler, M., Tokar, P., & Sossa, K. J. (2020). Communication and conflict resolution skills. Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Potterton, D. (2018). Managing conflict through workplace civility. Industrial Management, 1, 21-24.

Sunil, K., & Kaustubh, R. (2019). An Exploratory Study of Workplace Counseling and Conflict Management. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review, 4(2455-3085), 1061-1062.

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Conflict Management: Resources for Home, Workplace & Personal Use - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 27). Retrieved from

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