Corporate Social Responsibility: Essay Sample on Stakeholder Engagement

Published: 2023-09-17
Corporate Social Responsibility: Essay Sample on Stakeholder Engagement
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Social responsibility
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1483 words
13 min read


The idea that enterprises must participate in socially mindful strategic policies and consider their effects on stakeholders is commonly known as a corporate social obligation. Corporate Social Responsibility is an enterprise's drive and a business way to deal with assuming liability for how its corporate activities influence stakeholders or the remainder of society. Corporate social responsibility manages issues of environmental duty, moral, strategic approaches, and financial obligations (BergerWalliser & Scott, 2018). Two principles driving an organization towards taking in corporate social responsibility liability are outside institutional pressure and interior inspiration. Nonetheless, an organization may consent to corporate social responsibility because of a combination of the two principles. This paper sums up, looks at, and picks the best definition to suit corporate social responsibility in the three implications of corporate social duty in this time of globalization and regulatory hardening, as discussed in the Gerlinde Berger and Inara Scott's article.

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Corporate Social Responsibility and Shareholder Primacy

Other than a business having an obligation to comply with the law, it needs to earn a benefit for financial specialists, proprietors, or investors. It requires no imagination to see that a traditional thought of corporate social duty, which virtually expects that corporations have some obligation to society, is inconsistent with a close view of shareholder supremacy (BergerWalliser & Scott, 2018). Corporate social responsibility must be characterized as a business system for building the economic value of the firm (Cooper, 2017). In this definition, corporate social responsibility is justified as a method for producing a monetary incentive for investors, for instance, through exercises that improve brand acknowledgment and loyalty or diminish considerable expenses (Cooper, 2017). While this form of corporate social responsibility does not disregard going with social advantages, those advantages cannot bolster corporate social responsibility consumptions.

In comparison with corporate social responsibility as a moral obligation and corporate social responsibility as voluntarism, it is fundamentally about a business considering themselves responsible for their effect on individuals and the surrounding. It calls for corporations to coordinate into their core strategy a procedure to boost the creation of shared value for their shareholders and other different shareholders and society (Cooper, 2017). However, the threat in this methodology is that, by putting forth the business defense for corporate social responsibility, the ethical and moral obligation duty may eventually be undermined.

Corporate Social Responsibility as an Explicit Moral, Ethical, or Social Duty

The following definition is in contrast with the endeavors to limit or even remove corporate social responsibility’s right segment. A couple of models can be found of corporate social responsibility directly characterized in law and strategy as a regularizing, moral obligation. An example is China, which has unequivocally consolidated a direct standardizing desire for social duty into its guidelines. China's Company law gives that organizations must attempt social responsibility (Cao, 2017). Another model is corporate social responsibility’s regularizing correct definition found in worldwide intentional corporate social obligation codes, including the United Nations and Global Compact. The Global Compact provides organizations with ten standards to control their business exercises in a socially mindful way and a set of maintainable advancement objectives to take out extreme poverty while ensuring the environment.

In examination with different definitions, corporate social responsibility, as a particular moral obligation, permits organizations to consider other stakeholders' perspectives while adding to the economy, ecological, and social advancement to accomplish maintainable development.

Corporate Social Responsibility as Voluntarism

It suggests that enterprises' activities in keeping the law are not founded on or required by ethical or moral concerns. Conversely, extra-legal or voluntary activities are inspired by or needed by such consideration. In correlation with shareholder supremacy, this thought is profoundly risky.

In comparison to corporate social responsibility as an ethical duty and as stakeholder supremacy, this definition does not surmise that consistency with the law is not an obligation of organizations; rather, it presumes that lawful understanding is a base standard for corporate conduct. Overall, this definition infers adherence to a shareholder supremacy model of organizational leadership that disposes of any all-inclusive moral obligation other than complying with the law. It just gives companies credit when they do take socially responsible activities (BergerWalliser & Scott, 2018). On the other hand, this definition could be interpreted to recommend that legally necessary programs, such as obligatory reporting requirements, are not part of the enterprise's social duty, conceivably reassuring the organization to avoid complying with the exception to when it is required by law.

Various Forms of Corporate Social Responsibility Regulation

The writers of the article expound on different corporate social responsibility guidelines in the US, UK, and other developing nations (BergerWalliser & Scott, 2018). These structures are; private corporate social responsibility regulation that is additionally divided into individual self-guideline, industrial self-guideline, and certificate and labeling scheme. The following form is public corporate social responsibility regulation, which incorporates disclosure laws and mandatory substantive obligations (BergerWalliser & Scott, 2018).

Private Corporate Social Responsibility Regulation

These are sets of rules to which firms intentionally submit. For quite some time, these guidelines have been the advantaged type of corporate social responsibility guideline in any event halfway because corporations have regularly portrayed corporate social responsibility regarding voluntary activities. Here the emphasis is on the level of control.

Singular Self-Regulation-concerning corporate social responsibility standards are interior guidelines and approaches that organizations create on a voluntary and independent basis, for example, internal corporate social responsibility strategies and the executive's structures. Self-propelled, these protection approaches may appear at the external range of corporate social responsibility guidelines, apparently exposing government or other outside associations (De Villiers & Marques, 2016). Because of the absence of power, they are frequently criticized as ineffectual and just promoting tools.

Industry Self-Regulation-these are guidelines that include a broad scope of external variables, such as NGOs and business assessment and reviewing firms, monitoring industry measures, and insofar add to their hardening (De Villiers & Marques, 2016). Enforcement does not happen through conventional legal channels but from social or market pressure from partners, for example, clients, providers, investors, or representatives. Their developing use might be interpreted as another indication of the expanding authorization of corporate social responsibility.

Certification and Labeling scheme - this guideline intends to give purchasers, individuals, and organizations with what is considered effectively available and reliable data to empower them to settle on informed buying choices (De Villiers & Marques, 2016). Instances of such activities are the fair trade label, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) environmental standards. While organizations submit to these standards intentionally, not at all, like measures created by industry affiliations or corporate set of principles, firms don't directly partake in their drafting (De Villiers & Marques, 2016).

Public Corporate Social Responsibility Regulation

This part surveys the developing utilization of public corporate social responsibility guidelines and gives guides to such laws and their commitment to the hardening of corporate social responsibility from various areas of the world. It incorporates;

Disclosure Laws-Most movement showing the utilization of public corporate social responsibility guidelines can be found in the development of obligatory disclosure laws, which can be found in every region, including the United States, EU, and developing countries (De Villiers & Marques, 2016). An example is the EU order on non-financial disclosure that requires organizations consolidated in the Member States to uncover in their administration report important and material data on strategies, results, and risks.

Mandatory Substantive Obligations-Are laws that precisely recognize activities or commitments as corporate social responsibility incorporate essential requirements other than exposure. They are uncommon. A model is The 2013 India corporate social responsibility law orders corporate donations of 2% of benefits to a characterized rundown of causes assigned as corporate social responsibility (BergerWalliser & Scott, 2018).

The Best Definition Approach

The best methodology in my view in characterizing corporate social duty is with an explicit gesture to stakeholder theory since I believe it is essential to balance the developing assumption that organizations exist to expand economic benefits. Organizations must go past investor power and effectively take on good and moral obligation regarding stakeholders and the conditions in which they work to address human rights infringement and environmental degradation. In a period of globalization, if the critical natural and human rights issues presented by worldwide companies are to be dealt with, the organizations themselves should take on moral and ethical duty; universal and national law is unequipped for such a degree of guidelines. Stakeholder theory inserts social commitment all through corporate dynamic, guaranteeing the efforts to address impacts on stakeholders won't be viewed as just when beneficial.


BergerWalliser, G., & Scott, I. (2018). Redefining corporate social responsibility in an era of globalization and regulatory hardening. American Business Law Journal, 55(1), 167-218.

Cao, X. (2017). Corporate social responsibility. In fair development in china (pp. 119-134). Springer, Cham.

Cooper, S. (2017). Corporate social performance: A stakeholder approach. Taylor & Francis.

De Villiers, C., & Marques, A. (2016). Corporate social responsibility, country-level predispositions, and the consequences of choosing a level of disclosure. Accounting and Business Research, 46(2), 167-195.

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