Incompetence, Competitiveness, Professionalism, Knowledge and Responsibility - Essay Example

Published: 2023-08-28
Incompetence, Competitiveness, Professionalism, Knowledge and Responsibility - Essay Example
Essay type:  Critical analysis essays
Categories:  Teaching Students Analysis Punishment
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 586 words
5 min read

Thesis: The editorial emphasizes five fallacies that need to be implemented by the tutors as well as learners in their institutions of higher learning in a bid to reduce the pressure that students in university undergo without the slightest of ideas of whom to consult during times of need (Andresen, 1994).

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Summary: The author talks about the five fallacies that make university studies difficult. The article presented by Dr Lee Andresen focuses on five fallacies that he feels should be addressed by the staff members and the learners. He feels free to give a case of the strategies that are appropriate to be utilized for those deceptions. The paradoxes examined in the article incorporate the false notions of professionalism, responsibility, incompetence, competitiveness, and knowledge.

In the first fallacy of professionalism, the creator expresses that a portion of the understudies face regular issues that can be explained by shaping friend bunches that they can work them out. A large part of the understudies falls into a downturn since they do not have anybody to impart to their issues (Andresen 1994, 3).

The subsequent fallacy is responsibility. As indicated by his examination, he discovered that a great many people expect that it is the responsibility of every understudy to guarantee that the individual in question performs scholastically. In any case, this ought not to be the situation. Understudies should hold hands, distinguish their frail focuses, and report to their instructor as a group since it is hard to clarify it as a person.

The third fallacy is on incompetence. In the majority of the colleges, the instructors do not convey, as it ought to be. He encourages the understudies to demand bunch conversations that depend on assessments. The fourth fallacy is competitiveness. For this fallacy to end, the author says, ‘Make the whole scene mega-cut-throat, and you'll get top results and fantastic learning Achievement.’ (Andresen, 1994). The biographer accentuates on distinguishing the issues that will achieve competitiveness and make the significant core interest. In the last fallacy of knowledge transmission, the writer expresses that since knowledge is something we develop ourselves, the understudies ought to be prepared to learn without anyone else, as it is the best way to accomplish. He says, ‘lt forever remains our own - and it's demonstrated through our thinking and our acting.’ (Andresen, 1994). The biographer states that it is a personal role in the institution to make sure that they acquire the perfect knowledge and learning in the institutions.

Critical Reflection: I agree with the authors' fallacies. I believe that the ideas that have been given in the article should be implemented in the universities to achieve learning objectives as expected. The author has described the classical statistic procedures that have been involved in various analyses and could be used in the exploration of ways that help in the identification of student profiles. The main reason I agree with the ideas of the author is that he clearly elaborates how learners are surprised that there is inconsistency in results. Various methodologies have been used, and in problem-solving, questions arise, and solutions are provided based on the theories investigated. The author further states that, ‘Just as you will find both descriptive and analytical writing in texts, you will also find that you are sometimes expected to write descriptively and sometimes analytically’ (Andresen, 1994). He uses this statement to describe the alternatives that students have while writing their work and tests.


Andresen, Lee. "Five fatal fallacies about studying at university." HERDSA News 16, no. 2 (1994)

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Incompetence, Competitiveness, Professionalism, Knowledge and Responsibility - Essay Example. (2023, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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