The Phenomenon of Interest; Advanced Directive - Free Essay

Published: 2023-10-16
The Phenomenon of Interest; Advanced Directive - Free Essay
Essay type:  Persuasive essays
Categories:  Community health Nursing care Social issue Lifespan development
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1265 words
11 min read

In this paper, we take a deep dive into a nursing phenomenon known as an advanced directive which is a critical and crucial ideology that is of utmost importance mainly to the people approaching their end-of-life care (Lughermo, 2019).it is a form of a contract between the patient and the health providers outlining the type of healthcare that they would want to receive in case of an illness or an accident that incapacitates them from consenting to the kind of health care they want. Formally known as life will, this phenomenon has had a gradual increase in its awareness as people continually realize the need to have their interests adhered to when they are not mentally competent to be able to give directives on how to receive their treatment from the health providers and in this case nurse (Potter, 2018)

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Philosophical viewpoint.

I do tend to view my phenomenon of interest (advanced directive) from a continental point of view because this philosophy tends to evaluate and criticize the nursing phenomenon from the viewpoint of the connection between an idea, its environment and its historical context thus giving us the ability to view human experience as universal even though it is personal. As all life experiences are, grief Is a common factor in all of them, and as in advanced directive, pain is a present aspect of life, be it from mourning the loss of a loved one or anticipating the loss of your own life (Sims, 2018). Continental philosophy being two-way traffic, it is interested in the connection between an idea and the world around it and the connection between the world and an idea thus continental philosophy tries to understand the relationship between the earth and advanced directive (Hamzic, 2017) And in this case, it means understanding the effects of the superior instruction as a healthcare provider, my patients, their families and the healthcare system as general. Continental philosophy is also highly similar to humanism, which means that I would try to deliver my care in the outmost humane way possible. Humanistic care entails respecting the patient's will and preserving his dignity in the most humane way possible. Patient-centered care is the core aspect advocated by the continental philosophical view. Continental philosophy ensures that there is a correct delivery of information from the nurse to the patient so that the patient can make a conscious and proper choice of his advanced directive healthcare plan.

Ethical framework

In my advanced directive role as a medical practitioner, my ethical framework will uphold the principles of anatomy (Sabati, 2019). In the advanced directive, the patient has the absolute right to receive the healthcare that he or she directs regardless of its consequences. For the patient and the nurse's dignity to be upheld, the patient must be allowed to make his or her own decision regarding the advanced directive with the utmost freedom and no restrictions. The principle is usually at the core of informed consent unless a power of attorney has been transferred from the patient to the family member or friend.

The principle of non-maleficence that requires the avoidance of harm must be upheld in the ethical framework of the wth the advanced directive (Brummett, 2020). Furthermore, injury is not expected by patients of advanced directives from their healthcare providers. Performing a patient's procedure that he did not give the go-ahead and the process causes much pain and harm, the patient's wishes are not honored in this case, which should not happen. The framework guides the healthcare providers as they present propositions from making observations in relevance to the discipline.

Theoretical influences

Grand nursing theory.

The theory is considered universal since their concepts and suggestions are less abstract and broad compared to the concepts of a conceptual model (Nilsen, 2015). An overall framework of structuring ideas and concepts is provided in theory. The universal grand theory, which is the relationship model between individuals explaining the relational facets and patterns pertinent to advanced directives, is the first application of the theory. Patient satisfaction and contentment of the nursing purpose is crucial and must be considered as per the subtleties of ever-changing values in the nursing field. For nurses to understand their patients, they must work based on different already established theories that they must realize hence translating them into practice (Nilsen, 2015). A relationship between the nurse and patient must be allowed to sprout for the theory to be applied. In Newman’s theory of health, the fostered patient care relationship allows a scientist/researcher of a caregiver to study his patient in a unitary process.

Middle range theory

The nursing middle range theory of self-transcendence is created from the human-environment, a unitary transformative paradigm of health (Smith, 2019). The philosophy is based on how a person transcends adversity and his relationship among psychological development, mental health, and well-being. Its foundation is that people are a part of their environment, and they coexist.

Complexity science

Complexity science is a built extension of the basic principles, and rules aimed to expound the association between variables in understanding the variations and emerging behaviors that were unpredictable. As a result, deployable approaches are generated by exercising the concept of social theorems (Eiben and Smith, 2015). Complex adaptive systems are applications of intricate theories and philosophies perceptive to existing, dynamic structures in science.

Concerning the complex adaptive systems to the advanced directive, the nurses should take the initiative to explain the patients' complicated terminologies. The latter feels like there is no need to get the advanced directives merely because they can’t seem to understand what they are getting into. People who don't take the advanced directives have this huge burden that they give their families because of the fear of getting into the advanced directive. Complex adaptive systems help to simplify and apply the concepts that are in the advanced directives that help the patients to be able to understand the advanced directive fully.

Praxis Framework

In my POI, I would use the following praxis framework. Focusing on advanced directives, and by the influence of continental philosophies, I would always try and relate the world around me to the circumstances that I am facing to focus on my POI. And the praxis being a community-driven framework and its progress solely depends on the feedback from the users, would make sure that I do listen to my patients and follow their will to the latter in respect of their human dignity. The grand nursing theory and the mid-range theory have influenced my thinking on the issue, and I think my career in advanced directive would be entirely successful. Complexity science being among my ideology influencers, I believe that I would be able to make rational and ethical choices and to be able to follow the patient's advanced directive to the latter.


Brummett, A. (2020, January). The Quasi-religious Nature of Clinical Ethics Consultation. In HEC Forum (pp. 1-11). Springer Netherlands.

Eiben, A. E., & Smith, J. (2015). From evolutionary computation to the evolution of things. Nature, 521(7553), 476-482.

Hamzic, V. (2017). What’s Left of the Real?

Lughermo Corso, C. (2019). The right to end-of-life spiritual care (Master's thesis, University of Malta).

Nilsen, P. (2015). Making sense of implementation theories, models and frameworks. Implementation science, 10(1), 53.

Potter, W. J. (2018). Media literacy. Sage Publications.

Sabati, S. (2019). Upholding “Colonial Unknowing” Through the IRB: Reframing Institutional Research Ethics. Qualitative Inquiry, 25(9-10), 1056-1064.

Sims, C. R. (2018). Efficient coding explains the universal law of generalization in human perception. Science, 360(6389), 652-656.

Smith, M. C. (2019). Regenerating nursing's disciplinary perspective. Advances in Nursing Science, 42(1), 3-16.

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